Mobile phones in clubs

IMO there's nothing wrong with wanting to capture memories on your phone but some folk spoil it by recording everything. One video is enough but there is some people that literally go to Ibiza to take a photo outside the dc10 door sign for their profile of it on on FB
I remember the days when you had to lock cameras away in lockers. Yeah things were a bit crazier back then but times move on and phones (lets all be honest) are something very few of us could live without.

As much as I pan for the old days of people doing gear all over the clubs, sex on the dancefloors etc. those days are long gone and the camera phone has no doubt played a role in this but it's like so so many other things with clubbing, time moves on and we need to move with it.

The main principles are the same though, loads of people of all backgrounds having a good time and listening to great music.
The first 2-3 days are a little shaky but then you will get along with it.
Just do it.
Agreed. In life they certainly help and of course have an important role to play but we managed without them for so long and businesses flourished without them.

It would be an inconvenience if we didn't have them but we would get by.
personally I think the battle is lost in the major clubs - they're advertised heavily and geared towards casual tourists who see a night out as a holiday experience rather than a hedonistic, musical adventure.

which is why I'm determined to hang out at the smaller, lesser known nights instead, which are truer to the roots.
I love El Row, I've only been twice and will return later this year but it will be my last time. I don't think I will enter a big club after 2016, the social media addicts can have them. I don't want to be around people whose fake life is more important than their real one.
I remember getting my camera taken off me in space in 2006, I was only 19 or so, the bouncer gave it back and told me cameras weren't allowed in order to protect the club. But camera phones are on a different level people aren't going to leave their phones at home, it's just sign of the times.
You see a man in shape and suddenly hes a steroided vest wearing twat

All a matter of perspective and state of mind... I had a blast partying and hanging out with some fit guys in vests on my last trip. :D

On people with phones out, I think constant exposure to that in clubs has made me rather immune to it. It does bug me when someone is standing in the middle of the dance floor browsing their messages, to the point I usually have to go dance somewhere else.

But taking pictures and video has just become par for the course. Yeah, it's sad when they do that all night -- it's just not the same experience as being in the moment -- but otherwise I'm actually more bothered by my friends who post their entire night out as video on Facebook.
Amnesia this year, (sign on pillar) :D
I don't mind it so long as like people say, they are on the edge of the dance floor etc.

Also in security queue for ushuaia, guard checked a woman's bag, found a selfie stick and promptly through it in the bin :eek::D


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They are taking a picture of a dj. How sad can you get. Yes we have moved on to modern times, yes we can do what we bloody well like. But when I see a picture of people taking videos and photos it just makes me cringe.
Amnesia this year, (sign on pillar) :D
I don't mind it so long as like people say, they are on the edge of the dance floor etc.

Also in security queue for ushuaia, guard checked a woman's bag, found a selfie stick and promptly through it in the bin :eek::D
This photo is everything that is wrong these days. All fawning over getting a pic of a dj and some flashing lights. Sure get a pic with your friends at the bar, edge of floor or upstairs but in the name of the wee man this is ridiculous.