Mobile phones in clubs

Personally, I don’t ever feel the need to film stuff in clubs and don’t understand why people do it.

The sound quality is going to be shit, and unless you’ve got the steadiest hands in existence, it’s going to be shaky and horrible to watch.

Also, most sets from the big DJ’s are recorded, either audio only, video & audio and sometimes from multiple vantage points (Carl Cox’s Space nights for example are filmed from multiple angles inside the Discoteca).

The only benefit I can really see to filming it is saving a certain track to play back later, but even those can be found online most of the time. Let’s face it, if you’re anything like me you’ll be trying to get over the Ibiza blues, scouring the internet to re-live those sets anyway – they’ll be somewhere!
Personally, I don’t ever feel the need to film stuff in clubs and don’t understand why people do it.

The sound quality is going to be shit, and unless you’ve got the steadiest hands in existence, it’s going to be shaky and horrible to watch.

Also, most sets from the big DJ’s are recorded, either audio only, video & audio and sometimes from multiple vantage points (Carl Cox’s Space nights for example are filmed from multiple angles inside the Discoteca).

The only benefit I can really see to filming it is saving a certain track to play back later, but even those can be found online most of the time. Let’s face it, if you’re anything like me you’ll be trying to get over the Ibiza blues, scouring the internet to re-live those sets anyway – they’ll be somewhere!

I don't think its to watch back 80% of the time - its simply a recording to 'show-off', or 'prove' you've been somewhere these days. For example, you have Snapchat videos where your friends can receive videos instantly, or Facebook Live where you can record and show on your facebook as long as you want. It sucks, but thats what people do these days. All about the 'likes' you can receive, and inevitably to try make people jealous, rather then like what you're doing, and live in the moment
I must admit at Eastern Electrics the other week I was getting wound up by the amount of f***ing group selfies going on on the dance floor.
Personally, I don’t ever feel the need to film stuff in clubs and don’t understand why people do it.

The sound quality is going to be shit, and unless you’ve got the steadiest hands in existence, it’s going to be shaky and horrible to watch.

Also, most sets from the big DJ’s are recorded, either audio only, video & audio and sometimes from multiple vantage points (Carl Cox’s Space nights for example are filmed from multiple angles inside the Discoteca).

The only benefit I can really see to filming it is saving a certain track to play back later, but even those can be found online most of the time. Let’s face it, if you’re anything like me you’ll be trying to get over the Ibiza blues, scouring the internet to re-live those sets anyway – they’ll be somewhere!

For me its all about the memories. Just like I collect ticket stubs, posters, photos, beer mats and beer glasses
I think what people need to realise (especially kent kid) is that punters on this forum were clubbing when a there wasnt a phone in sight and now they are everywhere, so there opinion is very valid and balanced.
As for me who has done clubbing solely whilst the phone seems to be an integral part of peoples clubbing experience, i cant exactly say that they really bother me (people recording) but it is all ive known to different extents of course but i for one would jump at a chance to go to a club that had a phone ban because of the simple reason i dont use my phone in a club or rarely take it and i imagine the atmosphere of everyone concentrated on the music would be mint.
People who use there phones in clubs fair enough, its your right and youre not breaking any laws but just think about other people around you who choose not to record or txt etc coz you on youre phone is not enhancing anybody elses night but your own
Im not arguing but just interested...
Why are you so defensive about this subject?

I know you are not pal . And patience Gutsy.....smoke ok ?

Because they are not on here to defend themselves, so I play devils advocate and ask members to justify their comments, which most of them can't do so they end up getting aggressive, blame me for EDM or some ranty rubbish, or make yet another stupid statement
I know you are not pal . And patience Gutsy.....smoke ok ?

Because they are not on here to defend themselves, so I play devils advocate and ask members to justify their comments, which most of them can't do so they end up getting aggressive, blame me for EDM or some ranty rubbish, or make yet another stupid statement

So you argue for your own entertainment? Fair play, i enjoy a bit of that myself ;)
I think what people need to realise (especially kent kid) is that punters on this forum were clubbing when a there wasnt a phone in sight and now they are everywhere, so there opinion is very valid and balanced.

So was I. But no way is it always balanced, you only have to read some of the comments. Sure ....they are entitled to an opinion on it, and I respect that, but if you slag someone or something off you should be prepared to justify it.
Different video to the one i saw. The one shared by the man himself is mobiles in the air central.

So Eric took a video himself from his phone ? Eats, DS do this and numerous other DJ's but I don't see anyone slagging them off for it or complaining it kills their vibe etc. What's the difference ? , they put it on all their social media for everyone to see.
eveyone loves a wind up Kent kid and some people get reeled in by it.(more fool us) I think it's your clear lack of empathy for the argument against mobile phones in clubs is what rubs some people up the wrong way on here. We argue it looks out of place in a nightclub, you argue it doesn't bother you. I totally understand why people use there phones and take pictures because that's what they want to do, it's there right and £u@k what anyone else thinks. But do you understand why it's frustrating for the mobile/camera haters. I'm not sure you do!
you may take it as a wind up but it's not, read my last few posts.

You talk about empathy but yet some of you call people who do it wankers and generally slag them off, just because you don't like what they do, do me a favour !

I have agreed with the odd poster, I can't say I like it myself, I understand why they do it, and yes it doesn't bother me, Iam having to much of a good time to take much notice, each to their own as far as Iam concerned, they are obviously having a great time, they may not like you gurning and being a sweaty mess but I very much doubt they will slag you off for it .

What is your view on the DJ doing it ?
So Eric took a video himself from his phone ? Eats, DS do this and numerous other DJ's but I don't see anyone slagging them off for it or complaining it kills their vibe etc. What's the difference ? , they put it on all their social media for everyone to see.

I'm guessing it was filmed by Creamfields. twas facing the DJ booth, quite a way back.

If Eats , DS filmed the crowd filming them, it would make poor viewing and inturn make them look a bit crap.

I wasn't complaining about the filming 'ruining the vibe' i was merely contributing to an on going thread.
I know you weren't complaining

But they do it, not sure if they are filming the crowd filming them or just taking videos of their sets....but it happens a lot

Dont see anyone moaning about it on here though, ok they may not be right in front of you but they are still taking pics (with you in them ) and videos on their phones