Mobile phones in clubs

Berghain do a simple sticker over the camera on the phone...seems to do a job, quick and easy. Went to Phonox very recently and was asked very politely not to use my phone on the dance floor on entry....clubs could start doing more of this if they wanted to. Would also cut down on theft as well I suspect.
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Adjective Bucko....not noun.
Och it's the manner and context that was used or at least inferred (plus you'd missed the point of the original joke made).

We all like a laugh and a bit of banter. All you needed to do is say "ok on reflection it was a poor choice of word". :)
Watching fatboy slim at mambo on their live fb and there is a girl there filming herself dancing while right in front of the dj....aaah
Save for the odd place like Berghain, phones in clubs/raves/whatever is part of the norm. So be it. I personally don't see the need to take more than a photo or two, and would much rather just dance for hours and actually do something rather than filming others doing something. This applies to other facets of life outside of clubs, too.

At Amnesia the other week, however, what ticked me off a bit was when people were filming with the bloody light on their phone. I've been to plenty of clubs, and people are going to film bits here and there (or the whole thing). Whatever. But the cell phone light? Hey, thanks for washing out the ambiance of the dark room for 2 minutes at a time. Didn't pay 50 euros for your lightshow.

Agree with the general sentiment from most about the texters/modern socially awkward that feel compelled to be on their phone at all times; It isn't a textfloor, it's a dance floor. Not really apologetic if I bump into you while you're WhatsApping/Facebooking/Texting/App browsing (the latter is shockingly common) on the dance floor. Was in Vancouver, BC this weekend, and the gobs of people just standing around texting does affect the vibe of the place. Doesn't stop me from having fun in the end, but come on people live a little.
Noun / adjective ....

Yes PP I've seen Nina Kraviz, saw her at the Winter Social, I was disappointed with her set TBH, I did video a bit of Nic F's set though when he made the place erupt with Mylo Drop the pressure ...
Watching fatboy slim at mambo on their live fb and there is a girl there filming herself dancing while right in front of the dj....aaah

There was a girl doing that at Destino for Solomun for most of his set.

She had kitten ears on as well.
At Amnesia the other week, however, what ticked me off a bit was when people were filming with the bloody light on their phone. I've been to plenty of clubs, and people are going to film bits here and there (or the whole thing). Whatever. But the cell phone light? Hey, thanks for washing out the ambiance of the dark room for 2 minutes at a time. Didn't pay 50 euros for your lightshow.


Thankfully few people in DC10 filming / photographing yesterday, although some were filming with the light on - even in daylight.

I've taken to turning my back on people filming the crowd as I don't want to end up in someone's YouTube video when I didn't give them my permission to film me.
It doesn't bother me, I know they are not deliberately filming me, more catching the moment or clips of their fave DJ

You are filmed on average 70 times a day in the UK and you don't give your permission for that either
Noun / adjective ....

Yes PP I've seen Nina Kraviz, saw her at the Winter Social, I was disappointed with her set TBH, I did video a bit of Nic F's set though when he made the place erupt with Mylo Drop the pressure ...

A slowness or limitation inintellectual understanding and awareness,emotional development, academic progress,etc.

People who areslow or limited in mental development

Ahhhhhh, that sorts it then. Makes all the difference.
If you went to a football or rugby match you wouldn't sit for large chunks of the game filming on your phone as opposed to watching and enjoying it.

People will always have differing opinions so best just to agree to disagree.
I do get that but slagging people off because they do it isn't cool, especially as most on here can't back it up or just get aggressive as normal.

Shady American is right as well, I don't know a club that would stop it, it's free advertising and there is a sum that works out how much someone's video is seen and its staggering, sure someone will quote the odd 1 but it's well outnumbered and as someone said they have their own social media teams nowadays it's that big and important.

It's not going to go away, it's going to get bigger and bigger, there are gloPro's in most DJ booths in Ibza and some offer live streaming.

You either accept it and don't let it ruin your vibe or don't go at all, it's a choice
If people want to spend hours in a club on Facebook or photographing / videoing, then fine.

But unless you're a professional photographer, you look like a dick and the majority of the crowd (and especially the DJs) hate you. (;)).
So true...
I was shocked to see people asking the dc10 bouncer in the terrazza to film since he's on a higher viewspot.
I also saw many people texting/checking their Facebook on the dancefloor and we were 10m from the booth....
If I'm out having a good time (not necessarily drunk/high), I'll usually either forget to take pictures or have no motivation to. I have often wished I'd got my camera just a little bit more in Ibiza - more to take pics of people I've met than film it 'going off' in a club.