Mobile phones in clubs

True but last year at Pacha on Saturday we couldn't get to the dance floor because of row upon of people standing with phones taking pictures. I don't think that's acceptable.
Didn't think anyone on here was allowed to like Guetta .....

Not been Pasha this year, but been in most clubs, I've not seen any issues with people on their phones, How some of you are Bothered by this when rolling amazes me
Didn't think anyone on here was allowed to like Guetta .....

Not been Pasha this year, but been in most clubs, I've not seen any issues with people on their phones, How some of you are Bothered by this when rolling amazes me

FFS Pacha you wee prick.
I went to mambos as well, got to be the most photographed DJ box in the world.....again no one cared, including the DJ's
Guy stood next to me at Destino, up near the front, was stood scrolling through his holiday snaps whilst Solomun played.

Then a woman pushed past me eating a baguette as though it was her first meal in weeks, stopped and pulled out an iPad to take photos.

People, eh?
I've taken sneaky shots of record sleeves before and occasional audio recordings when my inner geek is combusting but group shots/selfies of punters posing for facebook should be outlawed. there's usually an official club photographer who will do all that stuff anyway. does it matter? yes I think it does - you're there to escape from reality not be connected to it How many times does this point need to be made? - and if you're not there for escapism then what the hell ARE you doing there!?
You guys have to remember that people are on vacation and are gonna take an inordinate amount of pics and vids
My original point wasn't about people taking pictures or videos in clubs, but standing in the middle of the dance-floor (often right up by the DJ booth) tapping away on Facebook or just staring inanely at the screen.
Taking photos and video snippets to look back on memories is cool - within reason. And we have to remember that some people enjoy photography...

On the other hand today I have seen two videos of 'moments' in clubs where there are a significant amount of people standing filming with their phones. So for those people, showing off to other people that they were there during that 'moment' is more important than experiencing the moment which is very sad.

And standing around texting or on Facebook well that's a whole other level of stupidity.
I've taken sneaky shots of record sleeves before and occasional audio recordings when my inner geek is combusting but group shots/selfies of punters posing for facebook should be outlawed. there's usually an official club photographer who will do all that stuff anyway. does it matter? yes I think it does - you're there to escape from reality not be connected to it How many times does this point need to be made? - and if you're not there for escapism then what the hell ARE you doing there!?
Too right. Leave phones in the safe! The whole point of going on holiday is too shut off from the world agree 100%
I've taken sneaky shots of record sleeves before and occasional audio recordings when my inner geek is combusting but group shots/selfies of punters posing for facebook should be outlawed. there's usually an official club photographer who will do all that stuff anyway. does it matter? and if you're not there for escapism then what the hell ARE you doing there!?[/QUOT

Checking out DJ's to play at your promotion or checking them out for maybe a signing on your label...
You guys have to remember that people are on vacation and are gonna take an inordinate amount of pics and vids

Exactly ....and as they have paid €50 to get in a club they have as much right as you do, to do whatever they want, even if people don't always agree, they may not agree with some of the things you may do but I bet they don't let it ruin their vibe
Exactly ....and as they have paid €50 to get in a club they have as much right as you do, to do whatever they want, even if people don't always agree, they may not agree with some of the things you may do but I bet they don't let it ruin their vibe

You just don't get it do you? I would honestly question if you have properly experienced a decent night where everyone was going for it and building an energy. Would you go to the cinema and be fine if the people next to you were talking loudly through the whole film? Assume because they have paid their £10 you would you be happy with that as 'they can do whatever'?

There is nothing more distracting than having people around you just standing there, looking at Facebook or chatting to their mates. If they want to do that, go to a quiet area of the club or preferably don't bother coming at all. Don't just stand on the dance floor FFS.
This conversation in the nineties just would not exist. Kent Kids EDM crowd infiltrating the more 'underground' scene has seen the rise of this. Shame.
delicate matter this, especially in ibiza.

basically I'm no fan of mobile phones in clubs neither, but IMO it's simply a sign of the times we live in. of course this convo wouldn't have come up in the nineties, but it's 2016 and mobile phones, plus all that comes with them (the built-in camera plus all the so 'social' apps like facebook, instagram, twitter, but also stuff like shazam etc) are very much part of people's lives - especially the younger generations.

then I'm saying 'delicate, especially for ibiza', because I agree, people are on holiday and on holiday just about everyone tends to get more pics, vids etc. no matter what they do, be it on a beach, in a nice restaurant, enjoying the sunset...and yeah, clubbing. add to this the ibiza virgin factor (mostly exactly that young and very mobile-affine crowd, keep in mind normally about a third of people in ibiza's clubs are on the island for the very first time) and it's just obvious that they will get pics and vids.

saying this, I'm not trying to defend them or think it's cool. I don't like it either, but I've accepted it's part of the game here in ibiza. up to a certain extent I agree that you wouldn't be on your mobile phone all the time if you were going for it. on the other hand, if you're in the zone and having a whale of a time with your group, at least in my experience, I honestly couldn't care less if people around me are chatting or taking pictures...