Mobile phones in clubs

Each to their own I suppose. I carry my phone during the day to take a few pictures when out and about, and the sunsets of course But when I come back out at night the phone stays in the room. I'd rather go all out and enjoy myself rather than paying half attention while filming it to look at on a small screen later on.
Funnily enough as i write this I'm sitting watching the Olympics with my wife and 2 boys, and we are all on our poxy phones. How sad is that we are not interacting with each other because of the good old mobile phone . Life was miles better before them, but we can't live with out them. It's Exactly the same with clubbing and phones.
One year in ibiza I decided I wasn't going to take my phone out any night, yes I had a good time but not more that any other year but I really regret not having any pics or vids from that trip.
Of course being on Facebook or excessive pic/video taking whilst in a club is stupid but I can't say it bothers me too much if others are doing it.
Funnily enough as i write this I'm sitting watching the Olympics with my wife and 2 boys, and we are all on our poxy phones. How sad is that we are not interacting with each other because of the good old mobile phone . Life was miles better before them, but we can't live with out them. It's Exactly the same with clubbing and phones.
Very true re the family and how anti-social we have all become. That being said if your boys are young enough you can simply* tell them phones away and they should be obedient.

*note lots of bribing will likely be required, Editor's decision is not final and ROI not excluded from this fad.
I agree that you wouldn't be on your mobile phone all the time if you were going for it. on the other hand, if you're in the zone and having a whale of a time with your group, at least in my experience, I honestly couldn't care less if people around me are chatting or taking pictures...

Surprised that the person who is supposed to be the 'clubbing guru' on here doesn't get it either? I suppose if you are younger and have never experienced distraction free clubbing you maybe don't have a comparison.

A shame that people have just rolled over and let a number of factors from EDM and over commercialism sneak into the scene that was once classed as underground.
Surprised that the person who is supposed to be the 'clubbing guru' on here doesn't get it either? I suppose if you are younger and have never experienced distraction free clubbing you maybe don't have a comparison.

A shame that people have just rolled over and let a number of factors from EDM and over commercialism sneak into the scene that was once classed as underground.

as I said, I don't like it either. and whether you believe it or not, I do get what you say. it is a different world if you compare berghain to dc10, even if the same artist is playing. but I just understand why especially in ibiza there will always be a higher mobile phone quote than elsewhere and I've learnt to deal with it instead of it letting ruin my night.
This is about people being on their phones at a rave WTF has that got to do with EDM !

Social media access right the way through to what's app and txt are now available on phones, if it kills your vibe that much for some of you ....why go in the first place

Gurning, sweating all over place, bumping into people, eyes like saucers obviously doesn't ruin theirs if they come across it, so live and let live as far as Iam concerned
This is about people being on their phones at a rave WTF has that got to do with EDM !

Social media access right the way through to what's app and txt are now available on phones, if it kills your vibe that much for some of you ....why go in the first place

Gurning, sweating all over place, bumping into people, eyes like saucers obviously doesn't ruin theirs if they come across it, so live and let live as far as Iam concerned

Everything can be blamed on EDM because EDM is evil lol
Surprised that the person who is supposed to be the 'clubbing guru' on here doesn't get it either? I suppose if you are younger and have never experienced distraction free clubbing you maybe don't have a comparison.

A shame that people have just rolled over and let a number of factors from EDM and over commercialism sneak into the scene that was once classed as underground.
I am old enough to have seen both ends of the spectrum. I had never even thought of it being a problem until I've read the opinions on here. It's way down my list of hates when I go clubbing; there's far worse behaviour that's likely to spoll my night than a few cameras waving about.

And no, I don't take photos in clubs :)
I am old enough to have seen both ends of the spectrum. I had never even thought of it being a problem until I've read the opinions on here. It's way down my list of hates when I go clubbing; there's far worse behaviour that's likely to spoll my night than a few cameras waving about.

And no, I don't take photos in clubs :)

What about people standing talking in the middle of the dance floor, looking at their holiday photos or checking Facebook?
If I was to see someone doing that, then I'd most likely look over and think 'you are clearly not enjoying this as much as you should be'. But would it impact my enjoyment? Most probably not.


Social media is coming into clubbing more and more, most clubs have a Media manager, even Mambo have a whole team dedicated to it
If I was to see someone doing that, then I'd most likely look over and think 'you are clearly not enjoying this as much as you should be'. But would it impact my enjoyment? Most probably not.

Would it impact your enjoyment if every single person was stood still all night filming and you were the only one dancing?
When is that situation ever going to happen ?, to hyperthetical

Well I was speaking hypothetically to prove a point that it's slightly inappropriate to stand on a dancefloor filming. DANCEfloor get it? People that film at the sides - as long as they don't film people dancing - is fine by me.
Well I was speaking hypothetically to prove a point that it's slightly inappropriate to stand on a dancefloor filming. DANCEfloor get it? People that film at the sides - as long as they don't film people dancing - is fine by me.
I totally take your point that it is a dance floor and it's not the place to be texting or whatever. But am I going to be that offended by it? Probably not. I'm more likely to be irritated by pushing or barging, than someone standing there on a phone.