G20 Summit

not mobile unfortunately, also, i have contract which insists on us being open today. I shall be on hand to deal with any 'issues' which arise (ie, close up and get the blazes outa there)

The police are closing the upper level of the station today and have had all A boards etc removed.

I suspect that any problems will occur away from the station. The 'plan' is for protesters to meet at 11am today at assorted locations inc liv st. I doubt that things will kick off (if they even do) later on.

TBH, I think that there has been huge amounts of scaremongering going on (this forum no exception)

As long as the riot-police don't overreact as usual, i think we will be fine

There's a lot of 'antis' talking violence on the websites they tend to post on.....

Stay safe anyway mate.
was expecting to see some kind of presence at charing x on athe way in, on any normal day there are usually at least 3 or 4 btp officers mooching around, but today nothing, not even any of those "volunteers"
Haven't these protesters got jobs they should be at themselves today?

Or are they all scrounging off the same state that they're protesting against?
Haven't these protesters got jobs they should be at themselves today?

Or are they all scrounging off the same state that they're protesting against?

Probably, and they will be led by thought leaders who have been educated at private schools funded by their middle class banker parents!!
I've managed to pick today to visit Knightsbridge - currently sat in the foreign office in Bloomsbury. Is it likely to be bonkers round there or will it miss the worst? Bloke delivering a package here has dreadlocks, shall I take him out with a preemptive placard?
i've managed to pick today to visit knightsbridge - currently sat in the foreign office in bloomsbury. Is it likely to be bonkers round there or will it miss the worst? Bloke delivering a package here has dreadlocks, shall i take him out with a preemptive placard?

take him out now!! He's one of them!!!
Well after I've had a sneaky peek at the demos I've got to don a suit and go to a partner event in the house of commons! :eek::lol:

It's literally a once a year occurrence and it had to be today. :lol::lol::lol:
Well after I've had a sneaky peek at the demos I've got to don a suit and go to a partner event in the house of commons! :eek::lol:

It's literally a once a year occurrence and it had to be today. :lol::lol::lol:

are you going to do something naughty? like maybe a "dirty protest" in the lavs??:lol:
nothing will change

the political leaders will talk change but it's all massive PR and hot air.

on the street, a few hotheads will lose their tempers and (hopefully) a few pigs may get a kicking but nothing there will have any impact on the talks.

The only people with much to gain are Mr Brown the host who will be hoping to look statesmanlike on the world stage and the Chinese - now in the ascendent and the new superpower on the block. Obama is likely to let a few folk down who had unrealistically high expectations of him and the French are, well, the French.
The McDonalds in Barcelona on the corner of the Ramblas/Calle Ferran has super-fortified glass due to the number of times it used to get targetted by the local Trots :D