When are you too old?

I suppose for me,it needs to be in a neglected part of town,barely legal with bare minimum security. And if any police or security services turn up,they are met with heavy resistance from the revellers...
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oh I agree, the less health & safety the better. it ideally has to feel dangerous without actually being dangerous.

there are a few people in mainland Spain trying to recreate that warehouse vibe - which is encouraging

at the same time though, if you have the right combo of music, people and ammo - the venue doesn't matter as much
Yeah,there are a lot of squat parties popping up in london these days,but I'm out the loop on them,and not up to date with it.. Theres a group called skumtec who do them, Its a different vibe to the old days,but at least they're doing there own thing,and sticking two fingers up to the establishment?
I was at a BYOB party on Saturday fishgodeep played and it was like an accidental nyc loft party but on ground floor:)
I was just going to chip in with I find it reassuring that Tony Wilson (TV, record company owner, nightclub manager - if you lived in the North you probably met him at some stage!!) was born 8 years before me, and to check I found out he died in 2007 :cry:

Enjoy it while you can...
Two great places mentioned in that article. Hidden in Manchester, a proper rough and ready dance space, mint sounds system and intimate vibe. Altincham Market Food hall, take the missus, get pissed and chat up Eastern European bar staff.
Nah, it's reassuring to see people older than me. Plenty of oldies still go clubbing (or maybe I just pick age appropriate nights). Seeing Sasha in Glasgow in last month, I thought most (?) folk were my age (early 40s) or older.
Yes like me:) older.
Never too old!

This year will be my 30th anniversary of partying in Ibiza, I must have been 60 or 70 times in all. It really irks me when people I know say "aren't you too old to still be going to Ibiza?" As far as I'm concerned there are two types of people: those that go to Ibiza every year and "get" it and those that don't. The age of the person is irrelevant.