When are you too old?

I've got to get up in just under 7 hours for work and I'm dreading it, I normally need a solid 8-9 on a weekday. How did this happen and how is it so different in Ibiza? :eek:
I'm an 8hour man normally. In Ibiza it's 4 hours or so and that's mainly due to unexplained insomnia (or cleaners moving furniture around in rooms above)

I've always needed about 7 hours since I was a wee lad, and I still need to manage that even in Ibiza. There, it's just from 7am 'til 2pm -- eye shades and good earplugs are my friend. Fortunately coming from the U.S. with the timezone change, sleeping those hours is a pretty easy shift.
I'm 31 now and last year was the first time since 2008 that i'd not been to ibiza, and i doubt i'll go this year either!

I don't think i'm too old for the island, i just want to explore new places, went to croatia last year and it was brilliant, ibiza has changed too much for me! not as good as it was, but still good if you go to the right places!
You're too old at 27. Thereafter you are just a reeking rave carcass, clinging on to the wreckage of misspent youth, desperately trying to remain relevant. You are just that pungent odour that sticks around at the party long after everyone else has left. You should be married and spawning mini-yous and hanging out at euro-disney or getting excited about buying wall brackets at B&Q, but instead you fantasise about still being the podium lothario in cult spanish discotheques, in your over-stretched pacha-branded vest. But the times are changing. You can't tell snapchat from snapbacks. You are so pathetically inconsequential that you still think people go to clubs to dance rather than take selfies. You think 'Spice' is something you put in your food and that anyone reading gives a flying shit about your niche Berlin dance music. But your arrogance blinds you to everything around you. You think you are still numero uno. So you go on dance forums and try to relive the past with complete strangers, in similarly advanced states of denial. You reminisce about minimal k-holes and e-shits from 2007 not realising that the Mike Posner generation have moved on to balloons (or, if The Guardian is to be believed, total abstinence). And then some arse tells you all this and destroys your illusions and you go yeah. And then you book your flight because despite everything, you just can't let go.
You're too old at 27. Thereafter you are just a reeking rave carcass, clinging on to the wreckage of misspent youth, desperately trying to remain relevant. You are just that pungent odour that sticks around at the party long after everyone else has left. You should be married and spawning mini-yous and hanging out at euro-disney or getting excited about buying wall brackets at B&Q, but instead you fantasise about still being the podium lothario in cult spanish discotheques, in your over-stretched pacha-branded vest. But the times are changing. You can't tell snapchat from snapbacks. You are so pathetically inconsequential that you still think people go to clubs to dance rather than take selfies. You think 'Spice' is something you put in your food and that anyone reading gives a flying shit about your niche Berlin dance music. But your arrogance blinds you to everything around you. You think you are still numero uno. So you go on dance forums and try to relive the past with complete strangers, in similarly advanced states of denial. You reminisce about minimal k-holes and e-shits from 2007 not realising that the Mike Posner generation have moved on to balloons (or, if The Guardian is to be believed, total abstinence). And then some arse tells you all this and destroys your illusions and you go yeah. And then you book your flight because despite everything, you just can't let go.
Obv very funny (and a bit too close to the bone in parts (do you know me IRL?!?)), but I'm genuinely interested in how this is going to pan out for the scene in general (not just Ibz)

People get older, and do we not have a right to be involved still ? To have an opinion ? To be concerned that something we love is being lost to corporations ? To want to be able to continue to like new stuff, rather than just cling on to the past ?

I get that music is changed by younger generations as they come up, but it just seems so bland now, and devoid of any real passion. It's all protein shakes and selfies. FMIF isn't a parody any more.

Rock music has been there and done it, re growing up and dealing with new generations coming though, but it's not lost on me that some of the bigger artists (Dylan, Bowie etc) made/make some of their best work in their later years. House hasn't got there yet, but if it's a choice between letting the Chainsmokers and Craig David win over the 'kids', I think it's worth sticking around on dance forums to fight the Rave Wars.
the way I see it - there's loads of 40/50s and even 60s still going out and having a good time. I think Ibiza has been a bit slow in catering for the older crowd, whereas London (obv a different scale) has loads of events aimed at pretty much everyone. A definite and potentially lucrative gap in the market that Ibiza is strangely not filling. Most people reach a certain maturity after 40 whereby they no longer care what anyone else thinks of them and that is a very liberating thing. Ageing disgracefully is great fun. Although I rant on here loads about all the nonsense, my real concern is just identifying parties which represent me/my kind. Live and let live really, provided it doesn't step on my toes or mess things up for the island as a whole. Last summer at Pikes, Veto, Underground, Sa Trinxa I saw something closer to the real deal in terms of the 'spirit' I'm after even if a lot of the music itself didn't really twist my melons.
I get that music is changed by younger generations as they come up, but it just seems so bland now, and devoid of any real passion. It's all protein shakes and selfies

Too many of them are just consumers. Party goers waiting to see what the brands are going to offer them,then they make their choices and consume the product..
Same as that. I've never been keen on night clubs. They are authoritarian,controlling,restrictive, devisive ,expensive and boring.


like not even at Fabric or Bagleys or the Zap or Plastic People? at their peak, some of the most joyous, inclusive, communal (and not especially pricey) experiences I ever had

like not even at Fabric or Bagleys or the Zap or Plastic People? at their peak, some of the most joyous, inclusive, communal (and not especially pricey) experiences I ever had

OK. Fabric stands alone with Camden palace. I really liked the cross club and bagleys,it's was industrial and warehouse, I loved all that.
I used to get in the astoria and the hippodrome for some dark junglist business.

But I've never really liked the sanitised, clean polished spaces that a lot of nightclubs are.