Weekend Plans

Off to Notting Hill carnival on Sunday. Other than that, keeping my head down until Ibiza now.
Corsica Studios tonight. Move D, Red Axes live and Job Jobse. Maybe Phonox tomorrow as well - a little birdie tells me there is a good chance J**** XX may be the special guest. Working on Monday so can't do carnival properly.
What a set by tale of us, second tune was sven vaths 'robot', can't tell you how much I was in euphoria :D
Marcel was filth but he looked really pissed off, great warm up to space closing can't bloody wait now :cool:
Off on the piss over bham now after a few days down wales.

Bournmouth next week to watch the mighty albion (lol)

Then IBIZA :cool:
Quiet weekend for me, finishing off my week off that was much needed.
Can't believe it's only 28 days till Ibiza :D
Started stripping the tiles and batons from our roof yesterday, managed to felt and re baton one side.

Today started again with 3 other but got rained off :mad: Day/night party soon at friends who have built a summer house and done their garden up.

I need to be back on roof at 10am tomorrow but a crate of beer and whatever else is floating about might make this task difficult :eek:
We're in transit its pissing rain and we have these to look forward to.. Lcd on main stage,
The Shins in electric arena and casa Bacardi tent we have mates Get Down Edits,new jackson,Daniel Avery,HMD and Nicky Siano and a few more..:)
Fukcin Rain...:evil:
An all too familiar problem when entertaining local UK festivals. So frustrating! I feel your pain Craig!

I can fully understand why people opt for international festivals only.

You'll all be 'in a better place' soon enough, where you won't really care!