VIP culture

Supose this can apply for VIP or the 'normal' crowd on the dancefloor. The people i can't get away with are the people that go to the clubs without knowing where they are, what dj is on & what themselves are doing there. Kills the atmesphere when people are stood still looking miserable. Watching radio 1 weekend on the tele it was very apparent then
It is like what has happened with football. Used to be about people who lived and breathed football, the working class man, now the likes of Old Trafford is half full of tourists who don't have a clue and create no atmosphere at all.

This reminds me of Fabric on a Saturday. Such a shame the music is always so good.
I hate fabric until 3-4am. By then the chuff have all departed and the real ravers are left. It's actually economic to arrive at 4am, as you pay a fraction of price to get in, there's space on the dancefloor by then and you're pretty much guaranteed to see the headliner's full set.
Used to go to fabric a lot and it's true you have to go very late. Music bookings are always first class but that seedy element is always there - random moody russian blokes on steroids just hanging around. It's why a lot of girls don't go...
Yeah, it's pretty terrible for creepy weirdos harassing women. It's still a huge problem in the sector in general imho, and i think more should be done to keep female clubbers safe. But fabric especially has a notable element. Dare I suggest this is because it is a very cosmopolitan venue, and some cultures are not quite up to speed with 21st century conduct...
Im with you on this Dirk 100%...I think its the vip twits most of us dont like in most cases in my veiw, they know nothing about the music,what tune is on..Vip has always been in ibiza yes but it allways used to be music industry people as apposed elitism now,its nothing to do with the club vibe,the dance floor or the Dj. I get offerd vip in ibiza from time to time and dont accept because vip is almost like the opposite of proper clubbing,the dance floor is the vip in my veiw,the dancefloor is the place to be all night...I allways look at those people probably laugh and think why are you here man.Its fine in the city non music focused clubs in uk if people want to take clients etc..Get the fkn tables off the dance floor!!!!!
I hate the thought of doing the vip thing because if i ever spend as much on a bottle of vodka as I do on my return flight, I'm a prize knob!

But I'm a little confused on why the clubs, genre, djs that we like is of any relevance and can stop us having an opinion on the original post.
My Ibiza experience is not your Ibiza experience. If I want to go and dance to avici at a super club or go to an underground secret place with a dj that most people haven't heard of, it is my fun whichever I choose. It doesn't make me any more or any less opinionated on vip areas or how Ibiza culture has changed.
Ibiza will not be the same as it was in the 80s or 90s. Can you tell me anything in this world that is? Everything changes and it has evolved. If you can't accept that then you're no different to my old nan moaning that it was better in the 50s.

I went to Ibiza 2 years ago with my 46 year old aunt, my 15 year old daughter & her 17 year old boyfriend. We all like different music ranging from reggae to county and techno to God forbid, edm. Guess what? We had the time of our lives.
We don't go to Ibiza to listen to the cool unheard of djs. We go to do whatever the hell we want and have our kind of fun, no one else's.

Nail on the head here. You do your Ibiza and I'll do mine.

I do however enjoy the irony of the "it's not like it was in 1981" types having a good old moan about it....on the interweb.
Nail on the head here. You do your Ibiza and I'll do mine.

I do however enjoy the irony of the "it's not like it was in 1981" types having a good old moan about it....on the interweb.

Apologies, of course people over a certain age should be writing to each other using
quill pens implement from moulted flight feathers and not using the internet which is purely for those under 20 (cheeky bastard!)
Nail on the head here. You do your Ibiza and I'll do mine.

I do however enjoy the irony of the "it's not like it was in 1981" types having a good old moan about it....on the interweb.
Ibiza wasnt the Dance capitol of the world in 1981....Ive got an idea...Skateboading at DC 10, my mind boggles
Apologies, of course people over a certain age should be writing to each other using
quill pens implement from moulted flight feathers and not using the internet which is purely for those under 20 (cheeky bastard!)
As long as you know your place then ;) how long did it take you to type out that response with one finger anyway?

Sorry, jokes, couldn't resist.
VIP used to mean an area where celebs and friends of the owners could party without hassle. Yes divisive and yes pretentious, but it was a buzz if you talked our way in beyond the velvet rope...
Now its any loser who had no friends at school but has a ton of money to lord it up. Its not VIP. Just RLW (rich loser w@nker) and kids that have bought into the whole instagram Towie culture and spend a months' salary on a bottle (grey goose wankers).
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Entertaining thread, a few points I have. I don't post here much so don't want to wade in all guns blazing, but...

1. A friend out in Ibiza has sent me a picture of the former VIP balcony at Cream (which was only what, 20 or so Euros more than a standard ticket?) now roped off with a 2000E price tag to get in. 4 people sat in there, all on their phones. What the hell happened there?

2. I don't know the full ins and out here, but since I read Carl Cox's thoughts on "VIP" culture a few weeks ago, I've assumed he was quite badly mis-quoted there. I love the guy, and love the music he plays, but the mezzanine floor that overlooks the main room at Space was open to anyone for Full On last year, but cordoned off as an exclusive VIP area for Carl's night. Didn't he also have a hand in Sands? Not exactly the West End. I think his fee, although undoubtedly high, isn't the issue though, at all. Plenty of nights that have little/no VIP still feature big names who command big fees.

3. While, as someone who's skint most of the time, I have a pang of jealously for the uber-rich who can large it up in Ibiza, I think this attitude towards VIP culture is just as bad as VIP culture itself. It's nothing new, and as has been hinted, there's various reasons and "types" of VIP culture. From the genuinely rich billionaires who just want a quieter and more exclusive experience, to the faux-VIP of Ocean Beach, where yes, I'm sure people are maxing their credit card on day one and spending the rest of their holiday crying, you can't say there is one flavour or type of VIP in Ibiza. Yet the attitude towards them seems the same - "we don't like it, you're ruining our music, you're not 'real' music or Ibiza people, so we want you out".

I really don't get that. What are VIP's really doing wrong? Do they get in your way? Do they affect the music that's being played? Do they damage the culture of the island? I'm not being funny, it's something I'm genuinely interested in.

Much like Paris Hilton though, I'd bet money (if I had any) that the reality is that VIP culture is just one part of Ibiza that can easily be ignored and doesn't actually make any difference. I can't think of anywhere else in the world where pretty much any DJ who's even slightly well known, from across the full range of genres, plays at least once over the summer. We're literally spolit for choice, so what does a few tables mostly hidden out of the way matter? If these people spending money, wisely or not, brings cash in and keeps nights going, I'm all for it.

Worth pointing out too, that places like Ushuaia, whether you love it or hate it, only exist because it's bolted onto a crazy-expensive 5 star hotel. Sure, people have paid silly money to have rooms over-looking the club area, but as "commercial" as they may be, there's not an overbearing VIP culture at most Ushuaia nights that I'm aware of. I'm not a fan of the place myself, but it's nothing to do with VIP culture.

And even if we get to a point where a big name DJ closes his night off to the "proles" and plays only to VIP tables at 10 grand a pop, we can't blame the people who will (undoubtedly) buy up all the tickets, we have the DJ to blame. And I doubt even Carl Cox would go that far....
... What are VIP's really doing wrong? ...

Ibiza is meant to be equal. Everyone is the same no matter of race, sex or religion. Its not to show off what you have or what you pretend to have.
And to be honest, no real musiclover needs one of this so called big DJ's. If the Clubs would unite and pay not more than maybe 5k per night, it will immediately show, who is for the deed and who for the greed. The party itself won't stop.
I must say I get where you're coming from Namaste. Music in general, especially Ibiza, should be equal. Music is in fact one of life's great equalisers, and I think dance music does it more so than most other genres.

I also work in the dance music industry (hence why I'm poor!) so literally devote my life to making sure people enjoy this wonderful music we all share a passion for. Friends of a similar age and qualifications are earning 30-40k now, I earn f*** all because I'd rather die than not work with music, let alone work some soul destroying job I hate.

But on the flip-side, Ibiza is not a communist state.

It's something that winds me in general, this attitude so many seem to have that the rich should somehow be punished for the crime of having more money than other people. For various complex reasons, from the madness of the stock markets, to the fall of Soviet Union, to the fact there's lots of black gooey stuff under the ground in certain areas of the world, some people have shit loads of cash and they want to spend it. Who are we to judge? I realise you can't exactly sneak into Ibiza Town harbour in one of the world's top 10 biggest yachts (I've never been to Ibiza and not seen at least one from this list), but they're not doing to show off - I bet any of us would do things that could be construed as "showing off" if we were super rich.

That all still doesn't answer the question - what are they doing wrong? They're not harming anyone.

And then there's the other issue that keeps raising its ugly head - "no real musiclover needs one of this so called big DJ's"

I realise this isn't just you, so I'm sorry to pick that comment out, but this attitude makes me far more angry than any oligarch and his super yacht.

Who the hell are we to say what DJs people should or shouldn't see? Isn't this EXACTLY the opposite of the "we're all equal and free" attitude we're meant to be championing.

Certain DJs and styles of dance music are just a load of noise to me, but who the hell are we to say people can't enjoy that? Even Paris Hilton, and her foam and diamonds nonsense is welcome in my book. Don't like it? Don't go. When she reveals plans to bomb Dalt Vila into the ground and build "Paris Hilton Land", I'll get annoyed. But in the meantime, from what I've heard, it's a relatively well liked bolt-on to the already popular Matinee night next door. I meanwhile, will just go to one of the many other nights on the island that I'd enjoy instead, and on a Saturday I'm honestly spoilt for choice.

This attitude of "I don't like it so it must be stopped" is exactly what Ibiza ISN'T about. We're all entitled to our opinion and free speech, so sure, rant away. But don't be shocked when it starts to cause rifts and problems.
Space was so packed this past Tuesday it was not fun at all... so many people you could never find a place to stand/dance in the main room that didn't guarantee getting stepped on, bumped into, drinks spilled on, burned by a cigarette, etc. Nights like that when in 'VIP' make the night so much more enjoyable. And yes being a 'VIP' and buying a table really are 2 different things. When you have your area to dance with your friends i'm usually fine with GA....

Ants was about as bad anywhere close to the stage for most of the venue. I'm prob going to be a bit more judicious next time and doing a bit more KM5/Lio/Pacha. Someone i see at Pacha each year always does my and my friends right :)
Cocoon was fine as it was slow (slowest night ever?) and i've found that hanging directly right of the dj booth seems to offer space, less crowded and great view of the whole room. Was pretty boring upstairs at Cocoon monday and actually spent 95% of my time downstairs... only went upstairs for the restrooms and a few photos of the club.