VIP culture

Don't get me wrong; I hate the VIP culture on Ibiza as much as a lot of people on here do. Think it spoils the clubs.

That's very true, Dirk. A lot aren't rich. But I think there should be a differentiation made between those who pay out simply for the convenience of more personal space, somewhere to take a breather etc. - whether that is something you personally would enjoy or hate - and those who do it simply to show off (rich or poor).

From my experience - whilst there is that "look at me" all high-and-mighty element, which I too detest - those people are in the minority.
Most just want a different clubbing experience to you, and are perfectly nice human beings. They aren't all satan-incarnate. And a great deal of them are passionate and knowledgeable about electronic music. (yes, granted, I'm not including Guetta's bottle service crowd!)
But on the flip-side, Ibiza is not a communist state.

Thank god its not. And I don't condem VIP as such, as there has always been VIP. Real VIP, not fake VIP like a lot today.

With being equal I only ment to mingle. Equal in attitude, relaxed and open.
Why should anyone force you to leave public land only because his yacht is moored there?
As much as I dislike all the VIP stuff standing at the side of the dj booth in the space main room getting bumped all over the place by total knobs for the revolution 8th Sept couldn't help thinking I should have bought VIP tickets the people dancing next to the booth were having a right good time they appeared to by just normal people too not the champagne swigging rich mafia we all know to live in VIP areas
The worst VIP to me is the dc10 back room people that you see 98% of the time on their instagram page I mean dc10 was ment to be the underground mecca but all those smug looking models/people that know people that never make it to the dance floor who cram into the terrace dj booth looking down on the real clubbers like we're better than you are worse than the mega rich VIP who do spend a shit load of euro's in my mind
As much as I dislike all the VIP stuff standing at the side of the dj booth in the space main room getting bumped all over the place by total knobs for the revolution 8th Sept couldn't help thinking I should have bought VIP tickets the people dancing next to the booth were having a right good time they appeared to by just normal people too not the champagne swigging rich mafia we all know to live in VIP areas
Space was packed on 8th in the two main rooms, not nice.
So, I spent most of my night on the Premier Etage for proper music, dancing and met some great people.
Space was packed on 8th in the two main rooms, not nice.
So, I spent most of my night on the Premier Etage for proper music, dancing and met some great people.

I was there on the 8th as well straight off the plane. It was hideous, we were in the club for 45 minutes and the only thing we did was bought one drink and waited in the queue for the ladies for over half an hour..... we eventually made our way up to the bar on the right of the stage (if you are looking at it) and some bird dropped to her knees and threw up all over the floor at the bar then stood back up and carried on ordereing drinks :eek:

We didn't enjoy Kraviz at all, sound was crap where we were and then Coxy came on and it actually got even more ridiculously busy so we pissed off at 3.30 (i may have bored you with this on Wed at Tropi :D)
Can i also say that the devil incarnates that are the VIP crowd at Ushuaia..... i watched the area during La Famila and ASOT and the WHOLE area was absolutely jumping, no posers standing around looking cool, every person in there was going mental when i looked
I was there on the 8th as well straight off the plane. It was hideous, we were in the club for 45 minutes and the only thing we did was bought one drink and waited in the queue for the ladies for over half an hour..... we eventually made our way up to the bar on the right of the stage (if you are looking at it) and some bird dropped to her knees and threw up all over the floor at the bar then stood back up and carried on ordereing drinks :eek:

We didn't enjoy Kraviz at all, sound was crap where we were and then Coxy came on and it actually got even more ridiculously busy so we pissed off at 3.30 (i may have bored you with this on Wed at Tropi :D)

not too different from my experience. had to deal with an incompetent person in the guest list queue who couldn't somehow find my name in the computer... exactly as it appears on my ID! :spank: had to step out then get Carl's people to confirm they put me on - they send me a message with a screenshot of my name on Space's computer screen to boot... and the same girl still had problems after requeuing. :spank:

as several of us said here, the venue was totally oversold with nowhere in either of the main rooms to be able to really enjoy yourself. i lasted until about 445 and that was a struggle.

How DirkB can say dealing with this crap is a more authentic experience is beyond me.

And yeah Nina was pretty boring/monotonous.
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not too different from my experience. had to deal with an incompetent person in the guest list queue who couldn't somehow find my name in the computer... exactly as it appears on my ID! :spank: had to step out then get Carl's people to confirm they put me on - they send me a message with a screenshot of my name on Space's computer screen to boot... and the same girl still had problems after requeuing. :spank:

as several of us said here, the venue was totally oversold with nowhere in either of the main rooms to be able to really enjoy yourself. i lasted until about 445 and that was a struggle.

How DirkB can say dealing with this crap is a more authentic experience is beyond me.

And yeah Nina was pretty boring/monotonous.

You are sadly missing my point.
Supose this can apply for VIP or the 'normal' crowd on the dancefloor. The people i can't get away with are the people that go to the clubs without knowing where they are, what dj is on & what themselves are doing there. Kills the atmesphere when people are stood still looking miserable. Watching radio 1 weekend on the tele it was very apparent then
Yeah had this at cream amnesia couple of years ago,people just not into danceing at all and letting themselves go just stareing at calvin harris in a creepy way i thought,reminded me of the weird dude from the bodyguard haha but any Dj whos had commercial sucsess that summer i tend to side step now.
as pointed out in the pacha owners interview somewhere else, people not dancing anymore, they just put their hands in the the place you hark for gone already dirk? I'd have to spend a season out there (happy to be sponsored) to make this scientific but certain nights/clubs - for instance Pacha on a none underground tunes night...thats the scene now...isnt a point? Accepting nights and crowds vary.

Reading between the lines and all. The VIP culture thing is so diluted now anyway that no one looks at a man behind a rope any more with envy, it's not the king of spain and grace jones anymore its barry from KPMG. The weird ones are the chaps in shirts, on their first pill just rocking back and forth and staring at the poor girl trying to have a boogie next to you.

I'm not a rich man but for my annual night out I'd pay more for them to make the club smaller and do some kind of shape throwing test at the door.

The DC10/space VIP areas seem so insignificant as to not detract from the club generally unless you let it. Pacha's different but thats not going to change. Personally I'll just be targeting based on music and likely crowd rather than just heading to a certain club as previously.
Maybe I'm just getting old (40) but I left Cream Closing party at 3am due to lack of space to dance, and left Pacha at the same time tonight, amazing venues, amazing music, just packed in like sardines! Seem to meet loads of genuine people early on from all walks of life, then get pushed and glared at post 2am! Best night of the holiday so far Sankeys on Tues and best music by a mile and best day Sun at Bora Bora (there's always room to dance) Sorry Dirk might have to go VIP before I leave just to have some space to dance! Rant over :p
The only VIP I did was Space on the 8th ... and we took half of Ibiza in there with us. It cost a bit, but it was worth it; the main room was rammed to stupid levels. The two times I ventured down onto the dance floor, it was so packed in, I was trodden on, pushed around, etc, I went straight back to the balcony. Nobody in the main room looked happy, but the rest of us were having the time of our lives up above..

I'll echo the Sankeys comments above... best nights by far for me! Best club since lots of Ibiza visitors haven't even heard of it :)
Carl Cox on the 8th was always going to be heaving, what with Carola on the bill too. I for one had a great time, partly because i stayed the hell away from the main room when Coxy came on, that was always going to be bad (and I was locked in a bit of a groove with Carola).

A couple of my friends headed to the main room to see him start though, despite my warnings. They returned 30 minutes later saying it was a total nightmare and I gave them the big "I told you so". We then hit the main room when the crowds had thinned around 0530hrs and I thought it was brilliant, great atmosphere, everyone going for it and enough room.

As for VIP, whilst I don't let it bother me that these areas exist (especially if they're not very noticeable like Space or Amnesia), I find them in total opposition to my principles and the principles of club culture that I love.