VIP culture

"I went to see Elrow last night... his music was amazing"... !??!!??!!?

Yeah, I saw this screenshot as well. I also overhead this golden nugget of an exchange at Bora Bora several moons ago:

"We should totally go to Circoloco later?"

"Circoloco, what's that?"

"... I dunno, but apparently it's totally cool!"

It is a little embarrassing. However... if these kids are new to the scene, easy mistake to make. At least they got to experience some great parties.
We're too damn judgemental, us underground dance heads. I'm sure I made some quite glaring faux pas when I was first cutting my teeth.
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i remember before my first time going to ibiza looking into what parties I might wana go to. I knew nothing about circoloco or dc10 , all i knew was there was a party that started at 8am at a place near the runway and it was the messiest one. I didnt know the party was called circoloco or had any clue what dc10 looked like. My point is that in a way , its ok to not have a clue if you're open minded and willing to check things out. The best experiences are often the ones with no expectation/pre conception.
bit off topic re: vip
Different days though, you may not have been fully aware of the party but wanted to go where you could dance and get f***ed with like minded people.

Nowadays it is all about posting a selfie and updating your Facebook status that you are somewhere in a sad attempt to make out you are cool.
Nowadays it is all about posting a selfie and updating your Facebook status that you are somewhere in a sad attempt to make out you are cool.

True 'dat.

Can't remember the source, or exact wording, but somebody recently wrote:
"clubbing used to be the pastime to avoid the cool kids, and now they have infiltrated our eden"
What does the word 'cool' even mean though now? Traditionally obscurity meant cool but nothing is obscure now when it's a click away. Personally i think individuals are cool if they're interesting/enigmatic eg Cantona, Alfredo (in 87), Bjork, Grace Jones et al but some young clown in skinny jeans and a peaked baseball cap is just a bit lame. Or maybe there aren't any cool young people anymore? Musically i define ground-breaking sounds as cool until the sheep catch on and the secret's out. Snobbery is totally justified in musical terms - it's about standards and not getting bored with formulas, and that's healthy right? ie minimal/tech got very cliched/boring very quickly. Someone like steffi is effortlessly cool because she knows her onions, keeps seeking out new sounds and quality is assured. Someone like deadmaus can never be cool because he's a tit. Basically you got it or you ain't..
The definition of "cool" is obviously subjective, but in reference to "cool kids" it means those goons in high school who thought their shit didn't stink.
I read 'Cool Kids' as the Faux Cool. Being cool is effortless and something you can't manufacture, create or buy.

Some nice references Pablo, agree with most.
I read 'Cool Kids' as the Faux Cool. Being cool is effortless and something you can't manufacture, create or buy.

Exactly this

Always chuckle to myself when people notion "the popular kids in school". What they actually mean is: "the least popular kids in school."

Reminds me of another great quote:

"The hardest part about being the cool kid in school is being a loser the rest of your life."
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One of my biggest peeves on the dancefloor are those inconsiderate twats who link hands and daisy-chain a huge f'n conga line, meandering across the dancefloor just so they don't lose each other. There's normally about half-a-dozen+.

2, maybe even 3, ppl holding hands is fine. But anymore than that and you're taking the piss. This is a place for people to dance. To embrace escapism. To lose themselves.

If you're concerned about your group breaking up for a few minutes then you're in the wrong bloody place!

This is also my total ultimate dancefloor-hate, even more than selfie sticks (if that's feasible). Boycotted DC-10 for years after a closing party experience full of this (well, that and being manhandled by Security ). Funnily enough, that was late Season too. I know ppl say a lot about the September crowd being "better" but got to be honest I see little evidence of this in the reports coming back.

I've gained more from this trip by exploring the island which has been truly memorable! Met some great fellow soloists off this forum! Thanks to them I still found some magic!

No truer words spoken and most of the time it actually doesn't cost more than a few Euros :cool:.

There can be some exceptional moments on the odd clubbing night when everything 'gels' just right but for me there are more misses than hits and as to the cost of "VIP space" in a club .... why would I want to fork out for litres of spirits and mixers at a club ? They'd all be left on the table undrunk so total waste of money. I can understand the attraction of having somewhere quiet to go now and again but there will be a blue moon in the sky the day I pay someone hundreds of Euros for a night in an Ibiza superclub (most of the time I'd think twice about even handing over the 'standard' entrance fee !). There is simply no way I could possibly equate that outlay with what I'd get out of it and if I do want to spend that sort of money, I'd rather rent a fancy powerboat for the day (or similar) with some hope of actually getting an equivalent amount of enjoyment out of it. Guess some people do think it's worthwhile paying those sums but even without any concerns about forking out, I still wouldn't choose to spend my own money that way. I guess those paying up must enjoy being in clubs a great deal more than I do.
I'm not really bothered what other people do in clubs as i'm usually having fun myself. I know it's a bugbear of people but i don't see, if your preference is to be in the moshpit with other likeminded people, that someone sitting upstairs drinking from a bottle of vodka that they have paid for, spoils your own enjoyment.

I've done VIP @ Pacha a couple of times, i ALWAYS buy the upstairs tickets for Amnesia but that's because i'm 42 now and i like a bit of room occasionally and a cooler place to chill out. I've been going to Ibiza since 1998 and i've done YEARS of being crushed and barged and stood on while grinning from ear to ear and waving my arms around (and talking drivel to people near me) but if i still want to go clubbing then nowadays i like a bit of comfort, i tend to mostly drink (not as many naughty chemicals now obviously) and as i'm a bit older i have more disposable income than i did in my early 20s

I spent a lot of my formative clubbing years standing in fields in the middle of nowhere and i ruined several pairs of trainers at nights in the dump that was the Camden Palace where you COULD literally stick to the floor it was that minging

My idea of hell is to go to a rammed Music On/Enter (not my kind of thing at all) a packed Pacha for Guetta or an equally horrific "underground night" (DULL DULL DULL) or ANYTHING in Sankeys (dump) so i completely avoid those places and the nights with music i won't like. I certainly wouldn't go to Pacha, Amnesia or Ushuaia and tut at the people in the VIP area because they were "ruining" my night.

I've said it a few times on here, this particular forum suffers from a few posters trying to be a bit "too cool for school" and coming across as a bit arrogant and snooty when discussing various club nights and musical genres. Not everyone likes "underground music" and wants to go on a 6 hour musical journey in a club that they can then bore people to death with after the event. Most people want to get loaded on their poison of choice, have a boogie in the best clubs in the world, a laugh with their mates and take some photographic memories home with them and if other people enjoying themselves (within reason) affects your night negatively, then i would suggest you weren't having much fun in the first place.

Couldn't agree more with this post, but I actually don't mind Sankeys.

Never been VIP in Ibiza but will be considering it for Amnesia for 2016
Was out on the razz from 10-7am on saturday night in a dirty club with one battered sofa and maybe a tiny section of stage you could perch on. Most people were 35-50. A bit long in the tooth you might think, except not once did i hear anyone moan about nowhere to sit or lack of poncey bottle services. Food for thought eh...
Methinks that's what we in the media trade might call a 'PR puff piece'...

Whittle has a vested interest in bigging up the big money venues, often at the expense of what made the island so special/unique. How anyone can downgrade the island's history and then celebrate ushuaia is beyond me!
It's beyond me how most of you don't accept Ushuaia.

A great piece that flys in the face of a lot of you on here.

Great idea for the Paradis/Eden collaboration, I wonder if that could work, or be made to work .