VIP culture

As for VIP, whilst I don't let it bother me that these areas exist (especially if they're not very noticeable like Space or Amnesia), I find them in total opposition to my principles and the principles of club culture that I love.

You have got it right here!
I find Space's terrace VIP really noticeable! For me this is far more of a hindrance than Pacha's. And worse because if you are standing towards the back, with your back to the platform you literally have I-am-holier-than-thou champagne swiggers standing and hanging directly above you. Yuck! Right kills my vibe.
It was rammed on the 8th at space for Carl Cox, not seen carl cox night that busy anytime I've been! Nina Kraviz was quality though as was Carl Cox! I stayed till about 6.00am though was flying home that morning
I find Space's terrace VIP really noticeable! For me this is far more of a hindrance than Pacha's. And worse because if you are standing towards the back, with your back to the platform you literally have I-am-holier-than-thou champagne swiggers standing and hanging directly above you. Yuck! Right kills my vibe.

Good point but am I right in saying they don't have VIPs on Space's terrace for Enter? I was there a couple of weeks ago and was wandering around it for a bit. Or is it that they would do if they could sell enough tables and didn't that night.

I also find the term "VIP" grating. As in "Very Important Person"; the whole ethos of clubbing is that there is no-one more important than anyone else, we are all united and equal in our love for dancing to great music together on a dancefloor. Just because you've paid more money doesn't make you're anymore important than anyone else. I wouldn't mind it so much if they called it "people who've paid to have a sit-down somewhere comfy and pour their own drinks". But the elitism it engenders is not what I'm interested in.
Good point but am I right in saying they don't have VIPs on Space's terrace for Enter? I was there a couple of weeks ago and was wandering around it for a bit. Or is it that they would do if they could sell enough tables and didn't that night.

its def demand based on the terrace for Enter. they did have tables for the night Solomun played Enter but as noted other nights including Enter (in years past) i've not seen them there.
Hey appreciate all opinions above, this is mine and it's not intended to offend anyone :eek:
I wouldn't say I'm a veteran visiting Ibiza (although this is my 6 visit) during that time I have met so many genuine people, up for the party, the music - I salute you all! My visit to Cream closing and this Sun Pacha with Solomon were ruined by being elbowed, glared at pushed, shoved, Eat, Sleep, Repeat- talk about hostile! I've gained more from this trip by exploring the island which has been truly memorable! Met some great fellow soloists off this forum! Thanks to them I still found some magic!
what i'm reading is that a large # of board posters this September, a 'slower' month in Ibiza, have had really disappointing experiences in the clubs due to the constant being bumped, jostled, pushed, stepped on, spilled on, etc.

This has run the gamut from DC10 to Space to Pacha to Amnesia. Now this is really the fault of the clubs due to their greed of letting in too many people, but since its something one cannot avoid except by getting a table, is it fair to hate on the people that don't mind spending some extra $ and not deal with this and in turn have a great time?

Its not like there aren't plenty of douche bags walking around GA - 'vip' doesn't have an exclusive lock on those types lol.
Spot on mate! I'd happily pay extra for drinks and club entry, if the clubs actually stopped letting people in when their full (and yes I know it's exp enough already)Either way the Superclubs just don't seem to value the essence of clubbing anymore- you pays your money you make your choice! I'll happily pay VIP next time not to have any hassle! No matter what A Holes are around me my table will be loved up just like I remember the way everyone I met used to be :p
Good debate, enjoying it.

I do get how clubbing etiquette appears to have disappeared over the years and hate how people walk about dance floors in big groups or stand and don't dance. I hate being barged into, stood on and pushed.

The answer is people get back into having good manners, alcohol isn't the main drug of choice (frequent visits to the bar and toilet etc) and the clubs stick to a better capacity limit.

If VIP wasn't about minimum spend and bottle service, but more about paying a bit extra for more room to dance for you and your mates when required, I would maybe go for it.
Good debate, enjoying it.

I do get how clubbing etiquette appears to have disappeared over the years and hate how people walk about dance floors in big groups or stand and don't dance. I hate being barged into, stood on and pushed.

The answer is people get back into having good manners, alcohol isn't the main drug of choice (frequent visits to the bar and toilet etc) and the clubs stick to a better capacity limit.

If VIP wasn't about minimum spend and bottle service, but more about paying a bit extra for more room to dance for you and your mates when required, I would maybe go for it.

That would be great but i think you'd agree its wishful thinking it will happen.

Personally I don't think going to the bar is a major cause of people walking around in Ibiza clubs.... I usually find it quite easy to get a drink at most of the big clubs even when the club is slammed... meaning not that many people are queueing for a drink %-wise.
Unfortunately I think the vast majority of of sheeple out there just follow names! In my time raving it's been Sasha, Cox, Oakenfold, Tiesto, SHM, dare I say it Avicii and Guetta and now Solomon, amongst others (to name but a few) and the masses follow! I once read somewhere if your filming a concert you were never at the concert! I also heard the main act once ask the crowd stop F%#king filming and dance... Buy the DVD you tight c#%#s!
What am I saying DVDS for now the world is on YouTube! How we could've done with that back in the day :lol: after parties with an actual live set Sheesh kebab :D
You are right, the majority of people go to an event because they have been told about it being popular, have heard of the DJ (haven't a clue what he plays), love the track they had in the charts, heard they have fantastic fireworks or want to go somewhere busy to pull. They aren't going because they like the music and then tend to wonder around the club or just stand.

I can find myself routed to the same spot in a club for hours on end, most people did in days gone by. It has just totally changed.

It is all fueled I believe by attracting the faux VIP culture, the majority being there for all the wrong reasons.

Looking forward to the day (which will be soon) where something new will come along to take their interest.
You are right, the majority of people go to an event because they have been told about it being popular, have heard of the DJ (haven't a clue what he plays), love the track they had in the charts, heard they have fantastic fireworks or want to go somewhere busy to pull. They aren't going because they like the music and then tend to wonder around the club or just stand.

I can find myself routed to the same spot in a club for hours on end, most people did in days gone by. It has just totally changed.

It is all fueled I believe by attracting the faux VIP culture, the majority being there for all the wrong reasons.

Looking forward to the day (which will be soon) where something new will come along to take their interest.

Well not sure what has changed the main dance floors, whether VIP culture or just 'clubbing' having become more mainstream, but it is often now not the magic that it used to be. I have been going to Ibiza since 1999! And other clubs in the UK and a frequent visitor to Vinyl/Arc in NY when DannyTenaglia had his residency there and it is rare now to get the same DANCE and music moments that you used to get. As already mentioned here clubs are often overcapacity and you get jostled,drinks spilled all over you and no room to move let alone dance. I doubt some of the DJs really realise what it is like on the dance floor now. Maybe clubs should reduce their overheads by for example not paying such high DJ fees and keeping numbers reasonable. Yes things change and move on but it is not now what it should be. My rant on this and could go on. Have been 3 times to Ibiza this summer briefly and did have a couple of good dance/music wow times, but gets to be hit and miss now and cannot face some of the other rammed events. We'll see what happens.
I do get how clubbing etiquette appears to have disappeared over the years and hate how people walk about dance floors in big groups or stand and don't dance. I hate being barged into, stood on and pushed.

The answer is people get back into having good manners, alcohol isn't the main drug of choice (frequent visits to the bar and toilet etc) and the clubs stick to a better capacity limit.

One of my biggest peeves on the dancefloor are those inconsiderate twats who link hands and daisy-chain a huge f'n conga line, meandering across the dancefloor just so they don't lose each other. There's normally about half-a-dozen+.

2, maybe even 3, ppl holding hands is fine. But anymore than that and you're taking the piss. This is a place for people to dance. To embrace escapism. To lose themselves.

If you're concerned about your group breaking up for a few minutes then you're in the wrong bloody place!
One of my biggest peeves on the dancefloor are those inconsiderate twats who link hands and daisy-chain a huge f'n conga line, meandering across the dancefloor just so they don't lose each other. There's normally about half-a-dozen+.

2, maybe even 3, ppl holding hands is fine. But anymore than that and you're taking the piss. This is a place for people to dance. To embrace escapism. To lose themselves.

If you're concerned about your group breaking up for a few minutes then you're in the wrong bloody place!
I will say this though: as somebody who has been VIP in Ibiza and handful of times, the concentration of dickheads is far higher on the dancefloor than in the VIP area. Without doubt. I've never had a problem with anybody in VIP. Not once.

No aggression. No intimidation. No arrogance. No verbal. Just perfectly nice, friendly people. I think it's one of those instances were the perception is quite far removed from the reality.
One of my biggest peeves on the dancefloor are those inconsiderate twats who link hands and daisy-chain a huge f'n conga line, meandering across the dancefloor just so they don't lose each other. There's normally about half-a-dozen+.

2, maybe even 3, ppl holding hands is fine. But anymore than that and you're taking the piss. This is a place for people to dance. To embrace escapism. To lose themselves.

If you're concerned about your group breaking up for a few minutes then you're in the wrong bloody place!

Fully agree with that. It also leads to frustration for all parties as those in the daisy chain are having to fight to keep together as they shove people out of their way. it's not like it's difficult to point to where you're going and make your way over there individually.

The biggest one for me though, and the only one that got me genuinely annoyed on my trip a couple of weeks ago is hands (often sweaty) touching you needlessly as people shove past. There's no need to put your hands on anyone and for some of the characters doing it, it made my skin crawl.

What was worse was if I gently prised their fingers off my shoulder I'd get a "hey, hey, hey!" and a dissaproving shake of the head and glare, as if I was being inconsiderate!
Fully agree with that. It also leads to frustration for all parties as those in the daisy chain are having to fight to keep together as they shove people out of their way. it's not like it's difficult to point to where you're going and make your way over there individually.

The biggest one for me though, and the only one that got me genuinely annoyed on my trip a couple of weeks ago is hands (often sweaty) touching you needlessly as people shove past. There's no need to put your hands on anyone and for some of the characters doing it, it made my skin crawl.

What was worse was if I gently prised their fingers off my shoulder I'd get a "hey, hey, hey!" and a dissaproving shake of the head and glare, as if I was being inconsiderate!

mmm? I don't have sweaty hands, so often in a tight situation during a toilet expedition, I may rest my hand on a shoulder so as not to barge or fall into someone. There is an art in doing this, often combine it with a light tap, a nod of the head, smile, and a "cheers/thanks love/mate."
So we can all agree then, clubs are being greedy by letting in far, far, far too many people???

What will they do about this?!?! Absolutely nothing!! What do the opinions of people on the dance floor matter?!?! Sure, we're only the scum that fill their pockets... :spank:

In other news though, i read a comment on the Ibiza Workers FB page last week about some girls who had been at Elrow in Space and had been heard saying...

"I went to see Elrow last night... his music was amazing"... !??!!??!!?
