VIP culture

Wot, no more posts since 2.31pm CET?

Ive been off trimming the wife's bush at the front the afternoon and was looking forward to some more.:(
Looking forward to trimming some more of the wife's bush?

Not too sure what has been up with a lot of people on here this week, must be the time of the month.
So after this little intermission, here's my take on the original thread topic:

Some 2-3 months ago, a guy tried to spot a tune in this forum with a video showing maybe 2,000 people going mad at DC-10 to Charabia - Dachshund. Every freaking person was dancing to a track that most 'common' people simply don't understand and that is in no way mainstream taste.

The main DJ of the most successful party on the island (let it be ONE of the most successful partIES) - Marco Carola / Music On - is virtually unknown to people who are not into music over and above the mainstream stuff.

To me, just two examples of real and largely unspoilt Ibiza club culture that I hope will never die. It is maybe not the same like in the 80s, but still unique.

On the other hand, I also understand that for some, the existence of a cordoned VIP seating area may spoil the atmosphere. I personally find it amusing to observe people in the clubs that so obviously just went to Ibiza because they heard it's cool - to end up at this party getting the blast from the Funktion One sound system and looking like "Oh, that is totally not what I imagined...".

About the VIP table areas: I find most of them are deserted after a certain time either cause people go home (2AM - enough is enough!) or join people on the dancefloor.

What I personally find disgusting is venues like Ocean Beach that have nothing to do with Ibiza, but are rather a kind of 'spring break' locations. Went there last year for the first time, stayed 10min. The place was packed, all daybeds occupied, NOBODY dancing. What a boring and sad place, nothing to do with Ibiza.

Still, I believe there is much left of the Ibiza spirit even MTV was not able to destroy.

Btw, I am very thankful to David Guetta for keeping away the tourists from the prime parties. Also, thumbs up to the Tomorrowland team for channeling away a big part of the EDM crowd.
I went to Hed Kandi a few years back and the VIP area was up high and next to the DJ. There was a Towie looking couple slowly drinking their bottle of whatever, didn't dance and generally went from either glancing at who in the crowd was looking at them and generally looking miserable. It really spoilt what the DJ/performers were trying to achieve.

And don't get me started on OBC. I hate the place. People spending their yearly wage in one day and no dancing whatsoever. Horrible, horrible place

Best place for a drink in the day is Itaca. Good music and not pretentious at all
I hate the thought of doing the vip thing because if i ever spend as much on a bottle of vodka as I do on my return flight, I'm a prize knob!

But I'm a little confused on why the clubs, genre, djs that we like is of any relevance and can stop us having an opinion on the original post.
My Ibiza experience is not your Ibiza experience. If I want to go and dance to avici at a super club or go to an underground secret place with a dj that most people haven't heard of, it is my fun whichever I choose. It doesn't make me any more or any less opinionated on vip areas or how Ibiza culture has changed.
Ibiza will not be the same as it was in the 80s or 90s. Can you tell me anything in this world that is? Everything changes and it has evolved. If you can't accept that then you're no different to my old nan moaning that it was better in the 50s.

I went to Ibiza 2 years ago with my 46 year old aunt, my 15 year old daughter & her 17 year old boyfriend. We all like different music ranging from reggae to county and techno to God forbid, edm. Guess what? We had the time of our lives.
We don't go to Ibiza to listen to the cool unheard of djs. We go to do whatever the hell we want and have our kind of fun, no one else's.
So after this little intermission, here's my take on the original thread topic:

Some 2-3 months ago, a guy tried to spot a tune in this forum with a video showing maybe 2,000 people going mad at DC-10 to Charabia - Dachshund. Every freaking person was dancing to a track that most 'common' people simply don't understand and that is in no way mainstream taste.

The main DJ of the most successful party on the island (let it be ONE of the most successful partIES) - Marco Carola / Music On - is virtually unknown to people who are not into music over and above the mainstream stuff.

To me, just two examples of real and largely unspoilt Ibiza club culture that I hope will never die. It is maybe not the same like in the 80s, but still unique.

On the other hand, I also understand that for some, the existence of a cordoned VIP seating area may spoil the atmosphere. I personally find it amusing to observe people in the clubs that so obviously just went to Ibiza because they heard it's cool - to end up at this party getting the blast from the Funktion One sound system and looking like "Oh, that is totally not what I imagined...".

About the VIP table areas: I find most of them are deserted after a certain time either cause people go home (2AM - enough is enough!) or join people on the dancefloor.

What I personally find disgusting is venues like Ocean Beach that have nothing to do with Ibiza, but are rather a kind of 'spring break' locations. Went there last year for the first time, stayed 10min. The place was packed, all daybeds occupied, NOBODY dancing. What a boring and sad place, nothing to do with Ibiza.

Still, I believe there is much left of the Ibiza spirit even MTV was not able to destroy.

Btw, I am very thankful to David Guetta for keeping away the tourists from the prime parties. Also, thumbs up to the Tomorrowland team for channeling away a big part of the EDM crowd.

Ibiza isn't just for dancing. So what if people at OBC aren't dancing? not everyone goes to Ibiza to listen to music over and above mainstream. Some of us go there to listen to total shite, sunbathe, meet new people, go on hikes, explore , drink excessively, people watch and wonder why people take the music so god damn seriously.
And for the record, I went to OCB club reluctantly for the first time a few weeks ago. I swore I'd never go but my daughter was desperate to see it. I loved it, every single person was dancing, it wasn't full of TOWIE wannabes, we didn't buy magnums of overly priced plonk and it was a great day.
In my opinion (which is not a judgement, still my opinion), the music is a key piece of the Ibiza culture. For people like me who are mad about that, it simply hurts to see people not worshipping it. There are certain places where I saw this happening (good for you that you made a different experience).
The club, music and genre thing was purely asked to try and help to build a picture to support this conversation/debate. I believe that predominately the more commercial end of the market does fuel the whole VIP culture.

These are two completely different scenes imo, entry level music that you can drink to, dance for a few minutes and then chat with your friends in between. That is why the likes of Guetta can be paid €160,000 a gig at Pacha, it is predominantly these people who what to sit in VIP and spend lots of money on drink.

Of course everyone can have an opinion, but I like to see what side of the fence that opinion is coming from because if that is your musical persuasion that is fair enough and I will probably understand your view better. I just don't like how this culture has started to dilute what I class as my thing.

Still need to agree to disagree about Ocean Beach Club though.
Ibiza isn't just for dancing. So what if people at OBC aren't dancing? not everyone goes to Ibiza to listen to music over and above mainstream. Some of us go there to listen to total shite, sunbathe, meet new people, go on hikes, explore , drink excessively, people watch and wonder why people take the music so god damn seriously.
And for the record, I went to OCB club reluctantly for the first time a few weeks ago. I swore I'd never go but my daughter was desperate to see it. I loved it, every single person was dancing, it wasn't full of TOWIE wannabes, we didn't buy magnums of overly priced plonk and it was a great day.

I get what you are saying, Ibiza is so much more. But this thread is about clubbing and music.

There aren't many places in the world that have that same attraction for people who are really into this particular type of music and I guess that the infiltration and gradual dilution of what is felt to be something special can be emotive.
I believe that predominately the more commercial end of the market does fuel the whole VIP culture.

These are two completely different scenes imo, entry level music that you can drink to, dance for a few minutes and then chat with your friends in between. That is why the likes of Guetta can be paid €160,000 a gig at Pacha, it is predominantly these people who what to sit in VIP and spend lots of money on drink.

I do get your moaning and agree to it up to a certain level, but saying the commercial end is to be blamed for the VIP culture is a dangerous assumption I think. two of the nights that create most money in the VIP areas on the island these days are music on and solomun+1 - both of them pretty far away from EDM or 'commercial' if you ask me. compared to that, nights at the same clubs like cream, together (amnesia) and martin solveig or aoki (pacha) don't make a lot of VIP money. and if dc10 had a proper VIP area, I'm sure it'd be one of the best running ones on the whole island for both circoloco and paradise.

so IMO it's not correct to blame a certain music type for the VIP hype. in my opinion it's rather the 'hottest nights of the moment' that attract clientele for VIP. and those are then split up into a) people that go because they were told it's the night to go (I do agree that does happen lots) and b) people that are aware of how busy the night is and want to enjoy the night having a bit more space - something I can really understand, seeing how busy some of those nights get.
The point being that these people would not be going to these parties if they hadn't first been attracted by the commercialism. They then want to take it to the next level and go to what they have heard are the coolest and best parties, mostly not having a clue about the music.

I believe it goes hand in hand. If you were that into the music and it could be the only time you get to hear your favourite DJ, you wouldn't want to be sipping champagne in VIP with it purely as a soundtrack to your night would you?

I can understand these sorts going to Guetta, Ushuaia, Avicii and Ocean Beach etc, but sadly they are infiltrating anything that is deemed to be popular (and imo, not going for the real reason, purely to tell their mates and take selfies)
It is like what has happened with football. Used to be about people who lived and breathed football, the working class man, now the likes of Old Trafford is half full of tourists who don't have a clue and create no atmosphere at all.
I get what you're saying but think you're generalising far too much. what I see here is a much more heterogenous mix of people in said vip areas. yes, of course there are those champagne sipping people taking selfies and being so so soooo cool to be in the vip at the hottest night on the island, but as far as I can tell that's the minority. maybe depends on the venues too, but you'd be surprised how many really clued up people are to be found in those so hated zones nowadays dirk...
I have to confess that when I saw this new thread, I was not very excited to discuss this topic AGAIN (and you even said yourself that it was discussed a lot Dirk).

Now: Very interesting new viewpoints in here and a very good discussion.
Enjoying it!
I am being educated, may have to go VIP in Pacha next month and also spend the day at Ocean Beach Club!:lol: