VIP culture

[QUOTE="DelMarSunset, post: 841069, member: 25739"

In 12 days i'm arriving in Ibiza [/QUOTE]

Can I share some of your drinks? (I'll be the wrong side of the rope though:lol:)
Diver is certainly onto something here. It's all about image with the youth of today. Showing-off.

There's a ghastly (relatively new) venue in my hometown which has spawned off the success of Towie. They have regular "reality TV stars" as guests, have a strict dress code (smart shoes - no trainers), their DJs, sound system and music policy are diabolical and they charge £15-£20 admission on a Saturday night (they shut at 2am). Nobody dances. Everybody just stands around looking pretty and trying to pull.

But this place is thriving. It's the busiest joint in town by far. A sorry state of affairs.

And it's not filled by the wealthy. It's full of kids who work part-time and/or weekend jobs who see how ppl behave on towie and then go and spunk their wages up the wall copying them.
Its "VIP culture" that I don't like, not necessarily "VIP"

I think the term VIP is unfortunate as it gives the impression of "I'm considerably richer that you"

I remember in the late 80's when I first started clubbing in my local town. There was VIP in one of the clubs, a roped off seating area. No fecker went in it, it was only really for someone who knew the owner, friend of a friend etc...a place to sit down more than anything.

This surely was what it used to be like in Ibiza? But, they switched onto it and made money. Lets face it, sell 3 or 4 bottles of water to a pilled up clubber or a bottle of Grey Goose (Init) to someone who's got some spare readies. Its a no brainer, plus the DJs are demanding far too much money

When did it all start?

Maybe this ? - There has been a shift in the amount of disposable income available. I first went in 1994, I had bought my own house 12 months before and was Bernie Flint. Youngsters aren't buying property anymore, they are cash rich. They want to spray Champers over their mates at OBC, not pay a mortgage. Then post it on the web for all to see, I used to ring my Mum once midweek after queuing at a payphone to let her know I was still alive. Today, its all about how you look, but this bubble will eventually burst.

Maybe this? - The explosion of UK garage in the late 90's, Champagne and Brandy.

Maybe this?- EDM money making machine in America.

However, if you are a bit older and want somewhere to rest your legs in a busy club for 10/15 and you can afford it, then good luck to you. I try not to let it ruin my night.

What does really get my back up is this - I want a table at Mambo (only an example) at the front for sunset. A little bar on the edge of the sea and they want 90 euros min spend for the privilege. That's the greed that "VIP" breeds.

I completely agree with the Mambo thing
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[QUOTE="DelMarSunset, post: 841069, member: 25739"

In 12 days i'm arriving in Ibiza

Can I share some of your drinks? (I'll be the wrong side of the rope though:lol:)[/QUOTE]

I'm not doing any VIP this time! :D I've done Pacha VIP twice in over 25 visits to Ibiza and both times it wasn't my idea! :p I'm not some champagne spraying, Jaegerbomb downing oik with too much money that i like to show off, i just like having a bit of a sit down occasionally in Amnesia. Usually i'm never off the dance floor! :cool:
Diver is certainly onto something here. It's all about image with the youth of today. Showing-off.

There's a ghastly (relatively new) venue in my hometown which has spawned off the success of Towie. They have regular "reality TV stars" as guest, have a strict dress code (smart shoes - no trainers), their DJs, sound system and music policy are diabolical and they charge £15-£20 admission on a Saturday night (they shut at 2am). Nobody dances. Everybody just stands around looking pretty and trying to pull.

But this place is thriving. It's the busiest joint in town by far. A sorry state of affairs.

And it's not filled by the wealthy. It's full of kids who work part-time and/or weekend jobs who see how ppl behave on towie and then go and spunk their wages up the wall copying them.

I bought some new tracks yesterday, was listening to them last night. 2/3 of them make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Thats the difference in them ^^^^ and me. That is what Dirk is trying to put across maybe? It should be about the music, nothing else.
I'm not doing any VIP this time! :D I've done Pacha VIP twice in over 25 visits to Ibiza and both times it wasn't my idea! :p I'm not some champagne spraying, Jaegerbomb downing oik with too much money that i like to show off, i just like having a bit of a sit down occasionally in Amnesia. Usually i'm never off the dance floor! :cool:

I get that dude, no worries.
Diver is certainly onto something here. It's all about image with the youth of today. Showing-off.

There's a ghastly (relatively new) venue in my hometown which has spawned off the success of Towie. They have regular "reality TV stars" as guests, have a strict dress code (smart shoes - no trainers), their DJs, sound system and music policy are diabolical and they charge £15-£20 admission on a Saturday night (they shut at 2am). Nobody dances. Everybody just stands around looking pretty and trying to pull.

But this place is thriving. It's the busiest joint in town by far. A sorry state of affairs.

And it's not filled by the wealthy. It's full of kids who work part-time and/or weekend jobs who see how ppl behave on towie and then go and spunk their wages up the wall copying them.

Trevors from Maidstone?
What does really get my back up is this - I want a table at Mambo (only an example) at the front for sunset. A little bar on the edge of the sea and they want 90 euros min spend for the privilege. That's the greed that "VIP" breeds.

Absolutely agree with that one, that's why I now avoid this place!
Trevors from Maidstone?
Not another Maidstone Gate!

I bought some new tracks yesterday, was listening to them last night. 2/3 of them make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
What were they then?

I'm in the same camp as most I think. Don't mind people that want to treat themselves to a sit down and a nice drink, do mind the twats that won't go to a club unless they've got a table to pose around with big bottles and sparklers. To my mind this sort of thing is only really visible in Ushuaia and Pacha (not been to OBC)....In Amnesia it is all hidden away and not in your face, and to a similar extent Space and DC10.

Never indulged myself..not going to be drinking a bottle of vodka in these clubs, most likely a couple of beers or a couple of waters!
I personally don't like the fact they dress it up as VIP. Please call it what it is - a table with prepaid drinks. I think that would calm down the egos a bit and sit a bit better with the clubbers.

People that are true 'VIPs' don't pay for drinks.
I was in a club the other week - had been on it all day so was in a bit of a sweaty mess, to be honest it was a miracle I got in....the was a sign on a table there saying "reserved for xxx, feel free to sit here until they turn up" me and a mate took the opportunity to perch there for a little rest and chill for a bit. Moments later I get an aggressive tap on the shoulder from the girl who had the reservation "Uhhh guuuyyys this is oooouuurrrrr space, you need to go". She was flanked by a load of her jumped up mates who were looking at us with utter distain. You couldn't help but laugh!

That's what I detest, the whole "I can sit here but you can't so go away!" attitude that comes out in people when they think they are in any way "VIP".
I bought some new tracks yesterday, was listening to them last night. 2/3 of them make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Thats the difference in them ^^^^ and me. That is what Dirk is trying to put across maybe? It should be about the music, nothing else.

Exactly mate and that isn't being '"too cool for school, arrogant or snooty" just honest about what I like.
Can I share some of your drinks? (I'll be the wrong side of the rope though:lol:)

I'm not doing any VIP this time! :D I've done Pacha VIP twice in over 25 visits to Ibiza and both times it wasn't my idea! :p I'm not some champagne spraying, Jaegerbomb downing oik with too much money that i like to show off, i just like having a bit of a sit down occasionally in Amnesia. Usually i'm never off the dance floor! :cool:[/QUOTE]

Mmm, are you starting to get it? Even just a little bit?
I bought some new tracks yesterday, was listening to them last night. 2/3 of them make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Thats the difference in them ^^^^ and me. That is what Dirk is trying to put across maybe? It should be about the music, nothing else.

And you need to PM the track names!
I'm not doing any VIP this time! :D I've done Pacha VIP twice in over 25 visits to Ibiza and both times it wasn't my idea! :p I'm not some champagne spraying, Jaegerbomb downing oik with too much money that i like to show off, i just like having a bit of a sit down occasionally in Amnesia. Usually i'm never off the dance floor! :cool:

Mmm, are you starting to get it? Even just a little bit?[/QUOTE]

Don't patronise me it's not big or clever