The Euros 2012

If anything id say this time round is the only time i've not felt ripped off by anyone such as taxi, restaurant etc.. just because it was a big tournament (same couldnt be said for South Africa 2010 or Austria 2008 )
Really? I didn't feel ripped off in S.A. or Austria (but that might be because I stayed with friends and drove my own car in the former, and only flew in for an all-nighter for the semis with the other :lol:)

Various friends report the hotels in Ukraine went nuts on pricing, but someone in Donetsk opened up a big campsite with cheap tents on the edge of town and is making a mint while providing something affordable
Really worried about a Spanish rout tonight.......hopefully we can get out there and play some football. Hate to go home beaten playing a defensive game:confused:
Going home with our tails between our legs😞 lets hope we can salvage some pride against the italians.

Hope this lesson will allow us to play a different style of football in the future...
Really? I didn't feel ripped off in S.A. or Austria (but that might be because I stayed with friends and drove my own car in the former, and only flew in for an all-nighter for the semis with the other :lol:)

Various friends report the hotels in Ukraine went nuts on pricing, but someone in Donetsk opened up a big campsite with cheap tents on the edge of town and is making a mint while providing something affordable

Maybe it was just luck then, I guess you get greedy people in every country.

Anyway, solid 4-0 win yesterday. The debate will continue to rage whether we need a number 9 or or not. On that form Torres will have to start every game, but the problem is I can easily see him missing the next two clear chances he gets :rolleyes:

Amazing Irish fans though :D
This will be one of the best images of the tournament

Been quite supried by England so far (in a good way!) - Still see us going out at the quarters or semi's - all depends if we finish top of our group.

Very impressed with Germany so far - for me they look the team to beat. If it wasn't for their inability to beat the Spanish!

Torres looks back to form somewhat which is great for the game and positive for my boys in blue!

Looking forward to the next set of games - unfortunately miss Portugal/Holland tonight :x
Really? why?

what do you want them to do? when youre there you'd rather meet some irish fans than russian (or other country) fans causing trouble

Its not the special olympics where everbodys a winner...U play to win not celbrate an embarrising defeat. we got our ass kicked on the pitch exposing ourlimitations big time.

70% of the irish that went to poland went for the piss up not for a game of football. Any self respecting irish football fan had left the stadium after the 3rd goal went in. The great support that we do have deserve better.

The jack charlton team never conceded 7 goals in 2 tournaments let alone 2 matches
Well, the Russians going out to Greece was a spectacular fall from grace! Same with Holland going out.

And as for England.. THAT GOAL!!!

Didn't see it but apparently Spain barely made it past the Croatians... does that make the Germans favorites again?
Spain weren't really chalenged by the Croatians tbh.

Beat them at a canter, even when faced with the usual "kick a few lumps out of the tricky ones" approach.