this s the worst sone EVER.. Trust me yeah cmon
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeah cmon
Did i mention Minimal..plinky plonky music for Ketamine users
Well said sir.
Speedcore? never heard of it any examples i can look up ?
Something like this...
I'm no expert, as you can imagine, but I'm led to believe that BPMs range from 300 to... 900 beats per minute.
All music that is not good, is bad and therefore terrible.
Well, I don't generally have anything against mainstream music exept the fact, that once mainstream desides that track X is a hit, it is played constantly everywhere. And there are usually about 30 "hit songs" or so at the time. So, if you open up the radio or you go to a mainstream bar, you tend to listen only those 30 hit songs constantly, always and ever and if they are playing something else than those 30 hit songs, they are playing old hit songs and after a while you are so fed up with that *hit that you just want to hit your head against the wall.
the worst of harder dance music is all that nazi gabber ****!
Imagine being in the middle of this! 8o
the worst of harder dance music is all that nazi gabber ****!
Imagine being in the middle of this! 8o
Hardstyle = fugly