Terrible terrible music

Basshunter has to up there with some of the worst stuff I've ever heard. Makes it even worse when your trying to explain the music to like to old geezers at work and they say... 'what, like Basshunter?' thinking they are 'with it'. :spank:
Basshunter has to up there with some of the worst stuff I've ever heard. Makes it even worse when your trying to explain the music to like to old geezers at work and they say... 'what, like Basshunter?' thinking they are 'with it'. :spank:

At work Polly? I thought you were sharing a floating vessel with Jonny68?
Oh my god, so many !!

That f**king Guru Josh track.

There's a song I keep hearing which has lyrics like 'I like you so much better when you're naked'....... this song makes me want to kill people.:evil:

Modern R&B ( BLING BLING BLING :evil: ) especially the tracks which have stupid chipmunk vocals over them. Why oh why do the lyrics have to sound like that?

Anything by bands like The Kieser Chiefs, The Wombats, The Fratellis etc etc .... an utter cacaphony. I despise them with every fibre of my being.

All that Clubland type stuff . I don't so much hate the actual music ( don't be mistaken though I don't like it), but I hate the fact that this is what many people judge dance music by.
At work Polly? I thought you were sharing a floating vessel with Jonny68?

Yeah, I keep referring to work in the present tense when unfortunately I am on that happy vessel with my old chum Jonboy. I appreciate your concern though. I prefer to refer to it as a sabbatical though, as I'm actually quite enjoying myself at present. Discovering the joys of such nights as "Goo @ Mud" on Wednesday in Bognor Regis, delights I have previously missed out on. And contarary to popular belief, you can have alot of fun with just 25 people in a club.
R n B, Bump N Grind, I wanna sex you up! Whatever it is called. Proper sh1te.

Anything released by the sob stories fame hungry x-factors.
Im a big, big fan of music of all genres, my collection is as eclectic as it is large. I would never pigeon hole a particular type of music and dismiss it wholesale. I like to think I own the seminal works from most modern day genres!!

however apart from the obvious "novelty" songs which I dont think you can classify as terrible as they are what they are, the 2 songs in recent years that have really made my blood go cols and are akin to putting tin foil on my fillings are:

Progress - Everybody
The Tamperer - Feel It

As we've had best & worst movies on here, I thought we should maybe have one dedicated to tunes...

So what's the worst tune you've heard... or the worst music video you've seen?

Mine has to be this. From 1992 Eddie Murphy feat Michael Jackson - Whatzupwitu!


Completely priceless.



They look like such a couple of hasbeens!

What's going on with Michael's dancing? It's bizarre...he's only got about 4 moves that he executes over and over again in videos...and he's doing that friendly smily flirty thing that his sister Janet does. It's slightly disturbing.

I'm supposed to be a fan of his but never heard of this!
To say "RnB" is bad music is a ridiculous generalisation. If for nothing else other than baby making music...

ok 95% of all R&B is awfull. completely awfull. Usher, oohh god give me one bullet.

i used to think the same about hip hope tho, then saw Jay Z glasters show, bought blueprint & completely love it. but still hate the rest.

what does this say? probably that i'm 30.

got () on at the moment, the 13 minute track 7 epic to be precise.


God dam. it hit me like a train. generic indie pap. most of the guitar music that hits the charts. indie singers are meant to look like thom yorke, NOT models. no angst in good looks is there? KILL EM ALL.:spank:
You 'hate the rest' that you have never listened to...

Be a bit open minded and you might find something you like eh ?!