you planning a coup or something?
you planning a coup or something?
seriously, read these 2 paras again. what world are you living in?
a friend of mine has lived in places all over california and he isn't preparing himself for ultimate street guerilla war smackdown.
why are you? you planning a coup or something? (this is a serious question, because mentally, the way you are talking reminds of exactly how castro did before they got rid of batista)
peace and love dude
Carbrotein ratios are important. Make sure you are having 1:1 ratios for most of your meals throughout the day. You can change the ratio to 2:1 before and after your workout.
While weight training concentrate on complex movements (squats, deadlifts, bench presses) in order to burn more calories, maintain lean body mass, and stimulate metabolism.
A cheap post workout shake is chocolate milk and whey protein. You can also go with dextrose + whey or if you want to supplement - Universal Torrent is a good choice.
Carb choices should be oatmeal, brown rice. Protein choices can range from egg whites, chicken, fish. Casein protein is good outside of your workout and Whey is best pre and post workout.
how is what i have mentioned about dovetailing, different from an artist who started off with just sketches, and then started learning about painting using water colors followed by studying about painting with oil based colors? Later on the artist decided to become of student of sculpting because that dovetails into his study of painting. Is that artist practicing to become a michelangelo? Is he planning to strip all the men and women naked and have them pose around the city? I view the student artist as someone who is simply eager to explore a field that he is interested in.
i can give the same analogy about an engineer who loves vehicles, who started off making bicycles, then branched off to cars, armored cars, tanks, jets, etc. Is that engineer planning to take over the world? Or a dj who starts studying the guitar, drums, etc. And then learns to write music. Is that person now becoming wagner and planning to write music for a revolution?
it has nothing to do with planning a coup or living in any particular place. In fact the more one learns about any form of martial art the more that person does not want any conflict. Even if one is forced into conflict the idea is to end the conflict efficiently and decisively and not to end up in a drawn out affair. All i am saying is that any form of work out needs to be looked at from a functional perspective rather than cosmetic.
no offense, but while you are quite intelligent, you have a tendency to form strong opinions without looking into issues very deeply and also looking at issues from the angle of individual freedom (which comes with responsibility). You take any form of functional training and make it appear as it is a route to violence. If that is the case you would also have training of all german shepherd’s dogs for work banned as that will come across to you as preparing for violence.
hence, please look at things from a broader perspective, and if i may suggest, with an open mind. You have the smarts for it.
ok back to the subject of losing weight.
Being celiac is probably not your problem. Your problem is probably because you don't eat enough.The problem is that I'm a celiac - I cannot stuff my face with fresh bread & pasta which I absolutely LOVE,
How is what I have mentioned about dovetailing, different from an artist who started off with just sketches, and then started learning about painting using water colors followed by studying about painting with oil based colors? Later on the artist decided to become of student of sculpting because that dovetails into his study of painting. Is that artist practicing to become a Michelangelo? Is he planning to strip all the men and women naked and have them pose around the city? I view the student artist as someone who is simply eager to explore a field that he is interested in.
I can give the same analogy about an Engineer who loves vehicles, who started off making bicycles, then branched off to cars, armored cars, tanks, jets, etc. Is that Engineer planning to take over the world? Or a DJ who starts studying the guitar, drums, etc. and then learns to write music. Is that person now becoming Wagner and planning to write music for a revolution?
It has nothing to do with planning a coup or living in any particular place. In fact the more one learns about any form of martial art the more that person does not want any conflict. Even if one is forced into conflict the idea is to end the conflict efficiently and decisively and not to end up in a drawn out affair. All I am saying is that any form of work out needs to be looked at from a functional perspective rather than cosmetic.
No offense, but while you are quite intelligent, you have a tendency to form strong opinions without looking into issues very deeply and also looking at issues from the angle of individual freedom (which comes with responsibility). You take any form of functional training and make it appear as it is a route to violence. If that is the case you would also have training of all German Shepherd’s Dogs FOR WORK banned as that will come across to you as preparing for violence.
Hence, please look at things from a broader perspective, and if I may suggest, with an open mind. You have the smarts for it.
OK back to the subject of losing weight.
Not really sure what you're on about.alrite LB,
basically, part of the reason i said what i said is because your tone, rhetoric, seemingly your state of mind is almost identical to how fidel castro describes his own life before the revolution.
whilst i find the qualities admirable, the difference is that he was talking about 1950s post-world war, pre-revolutionary peasant life under a brutal/corrupt dictator.
the same hardly applies to your situation.
Not really sure what you're on about.
I know LB has a rep around here for his love of the 2nd amendment, but I found his initial post interesting. He was just explaining his diet/exercise regime, in far more detail than many have here, and along with the philosophical musings behind it. A valuable contribution to this thread!
Now add to it the component of edged tools (read knives) or fast moving projectiles (read bullets) and you get the picture. True Systema practitioners rely on being fluid and movement (and a calm mindset of course) and the movement and fluidity remains the same whether one is walking on the streets in a crowded environment, doing daily chores, fighting with empty hands or with edged weapons or firearms.
... Statues are hard and firm, but they break easily. All the stuff of being hard and firm will have a tough time with someone who is nimble and smooth in empty hand situation. Look at boxers. They are not like bodybuilders but they are smooth and nimble. Now add to it the component of edged tools (read knives) or fast moving projectiles (read bullets) and you get the picture. True Systema practitioners rely on being fluid and movement (and a calm mindset of course) and the movement and fluidity remains the same whether one is walking on the streets in a crowded environment, doing daily chores, fighting with empty hands or with edged weapons or firearms ...
I love fish, but sushi is one thing I just can't get into. I'm afraid of it for some reason
Thats what I am doing! weight watchers! I've been to Madrid this weekend and ofcourse no planns of diet! I've ate and drank whatever I wanted and yesterday Iweight myself and I havent put on any weight and that is because I ve been a good girl! the rest of the week!!Diets dont work, you need to make 'lifestyle' changes.
I did Weight Watchers and found that it worked for me. I eat well and stick to my points during the week and eat normally of a weekend, takeaway and big roast etc.
This is also without doing any exercise (other than walking to and from the bus stop each day)
Im now at my goal weight and 35lbs lighter, dropped almost 4 dress sizes. Im a happy lady at the moment
My weekly update: No progress over the past week! But I'm attributing that to my newly-purchased digital scale which is unfortunately much more accurate than my old mechanical one
Hey, those digital scales are better because I think they provide better motivation to see exactly what is going. So when you start seeing it go down every few points, you start feeling good! It's harder to tell on those older ones.
Anyways, my progress has been 5.5 lbs. lost since last Tuesday! Yay! I've been doing 1/2 hour cardio and 1/2 hour weights in the early afternoon, and then another 1/2 hour cardo in the early evening and very limited carbs per day (20 grams or less). I think I can pull off another 5 by next Tuesday when I go to Cancun.
alrite LB,
basically, part of the reason i said what i said is because your tone, rhetoric, seemingly your state of mind is almost identical to how fidel castro describes his own life before the revolution.
whilst i find the qualities admirable, the difference is that he was talking about 1950s post-world war, pre-revolutionary peasant life under a brutal/corrupt dictator.
the same hardly applies to your situation.