Well-Known Member
My situation is slightly different as I’ll be over in mid September and will have only three weeks until the Berlin marathon, two weeks after Ibiza’s done.
I typically run 50-70 miles a week, but will taper this to around 35-45 on holiday. After doing the whole clubbing thing for a good ten years on the island from the early 2000s onwards, things are a bit calmer these days. Will still have a couple of sessions though and definitely doing Captured and probably Shine as the love of trance has never gone away. Some of my best long runs have been courtesy of Magik music
The plan this time is to get the running and general conditioning done early and enjoy the rest of the day. I’m not obsessed by diet but the days of gut buster breakies and kebabs are a thing of the past and I feel far better for it!
Lots of people with events go out and keep their mileage up running early morning. If you want routes and/or company get in touch with @RunningIbiza on fb she has a lot of clients from London on marathon plans come over and run with her.