San Antonio gets Tough

McRackin said:
last tuesday they asphalted c. ample and yesterday, c. sant antoni (plastik, mad cow, etc):

c. bartomeu vicent ramón (west end, etc) will be asphalted too :!:
the roads behind coastline cafe/sunsea bar/kanya and the beginning the main road that
goes along the bay have been asphalted too - about time!! :roll:

i guess someone start the argument again


some deal of security is need, but i bet he will not be address the issue with home many people are killed on the road outside amnesia every year.

and yes i can user stand monitoring san with cc tv for voilance and drugs

but whay attacked the bread and butter or ibiza.

here my point if you take out the beer monsters as you call them the drop in revenue would be rediculas. as the so called beer boys sepnd a hell of a lot of money in the west and and san an..
cos the clubbing fraternity alone can't support ibiza as they as far as i am aware don't spend their many in the same place....
CCTV Contract Up For Bids.
The contract to install 5 CCTV cameras & the control system in Sant Antoni to start operating this summer in the West End & along the promenade & the sunset strip areas of the town is out to tender. The Council are prepared to spend up to 40.000€ on the system & are now waiting to see what bids come in. However, they also said that they are missing certain papers & permissions to be able to set up the system legally. Awarding the contract will apparently depend on these papers & permissions being received in time before summer starts.

(the ibiza sun)

McRackin said:
However, they also said that they are missing certain papers & permissions to be able to set up
the system legally. Awarding the contract will apparently depend on these papers & permissions
being received in time before summer starts.
yesterday it was announced that the project has been authorized. apparently the cameras (7)
will start operating in june :!:

i told you so:

CCTV By June.
7 CCTV cameras will be set up in the West End of Sant Antoni & in the Ses Variadas & the seafront promenade area of the town by June. Permission has finally been received from the appropriate authorities & the installation of these internet controlled cameras will start straight away. The cameras will be controlled & monitored from a centre in the local police station. To preserve personal privacy, there will be signs in the street warning of the presence of the cameras & the films will be destroyed after a few days unless there is a judges order to keep the footage as evidence.
All the business associations in the Town were pleased to hear that the CCTV cameras were going to become a reality. Nobody suggests that the cameras stop crime but they do make the criminal elements on our streets more wary. The opposition on the Sant Antoni Council said they thought that the cameras would have the affect of moving the crime to other areas of the town rather than stopping it happening. Whilst they have a point, the cameras will certainly stop crime in emblematic areas of the town, which is better than nothing. However the answer is to install many more cameras & have them on every street corners 8O as is normal in the UK.

(the ibiza sun)

McRackin said:
McRackin said:
last tuesday they asphalted c. ample and yesterday, c. sant antoni (plastik, mad cow, etc):

c. bartomeu vicent ramón (west end, etc) will be asphalted too :!:
the roads behind coastline cafe/sunsea bar/kanya and the beginning the main road that
goes along the bay have been asphalted too - about time!! :roll:
av. doctor fleming was asphalted yesterday :!:

Police Reorganisation.
The Town Council in Sant Antoni are bringing an external consultant to help them reorganise the working practices of the town's local police force. The idea is to more efficiently use the police manpower especially now that they are adding several new tourist police to the force & starting a CCTV system in the town. It is thought that the experts will recommend that the police be reorganised into specialised sections & groups to deal with specific problems.

New Bus Station Plan Revealed.
Sant Antoni Town Council revealed detailed plans for the new bus station in the town which is to be built on a 25,000m2 site behind the favourite hotel of Ibiza-girlie (Piscis Park Hotel). The new bus station will have stops for 30 buses, a big covered bus terminal & lots of parking for private cars & taxis. Access to the station will be from the Ramon & Cajal road, which will become a one way street, or along the newly extended Calle Londres street in the town. Tourist excursion buses will also use the station as the drop off & pick up point for excursions to & from the town.

(the ibiza sun)
5 Life Guards For Sant Antoni.
The beaches of Sant Antoni will be safer this year because the Town Council has signed an agreement with the red cross to provide 5 life guards this year rather than just 3 as in past seasons. These extra life guards will be used to provide life saving & first aid duties on the main beach in the town as well as in Cala Gracio, Cala des Moro & Cala Salada beaches. To move between the different beaches, the lifeguards will be equipped with a fast inflatable launch to use. The lifeguards will also be expected to identify areas of the coastal water which become dirty or polluted so that specially equipped cleaning vessels, supplied by the Balearic Government, can be called in to quickly clean the water. The budget for the 5 life guards is expected to cost the Sant Antoni Town Council around 65,000€.

(the ibiza sun)

the 7 cameras will start operating in 20 days. at the end of the season and depending on
the results they will decide if they install some more for the next season :!:

McRackin said:
and now the ibiza town council is already thinking about installing cameras in sa penya!! 8O


YO! Let's have a webcam there! :lol:
WITH SOUND please :P
24 hour programming guaranteed
Special children programming
Rat versus Cat real life Tom and Jerry fun

By the way, what will the Sa Penya crowd will do with the camera's? :twisted:

Olivier said:
By the way, what will the Sa Penya crowd will do with the camera's? :twisted:
when the council installed some huge barriers to control and limitate the access to some areas
of sa penya they took them away the same day so i suppose the cameras will only last a few
minutes!! 8O :lol: 8O

today i have been in sa penya and its surprising to see at the end of june so many shops/bars
for sale/rent along c. de la virgen, etc - all these places should be ready for the season!! :roll:

Discos In Sant Rafael To Be More Strictly Controlled.
At a meeting in Sant Antoni Town Hall between all the different police forces & their bosses on the island it was agreed that the discos in Sant Rafael would be more strictly controlled this summer. The plan appears to be that the Guardia Civil will control the traffic entering & leaving the discos. They will stop cars parking on the verges main road to go to the clubs & will stop pedestrians walking on the main Sant Antoni to Ibiza road. Finally the Guardia Civil will also carry out searches for drugs & other illegal substances. Meanwhile the local police in Sant Antoni will apparently also help control the traffic but dedicate more of their time to making sure the discos close on time & do not exceed their legal capacities.
The plan to control the problem of the discos, especially at closing time, will also expect the owners of these world famous clubs to do their bit to help. The authorities want them to provide more transport such as private coaches for clients leaving the discos & they want them to make more car parking spaces. They are also going to be expected to obey the local by laws on closing times & legal capacities. `
Public transport providers are also going to be made to help & the public bus stops will be most likely moved from the side of the main road. The authorities hope that most of the clubbers end up using taxis & buses to go to the discos once these are organised better & in that way the buses & taxis can be used to take people more effectively & efficiently away from the area.
Finally, the plan also envisages the intervention of the Consell Island Government which will be able to impose heavier sanctions on those that do not cooperate in making the plan work as it is expected to.
All The Ibiza Sun can say is that "it all sounds good in theory", lets see if the politicians manage to put their plan into practice & make it work in the same way as they described it to the islands press this last week.

CCTV Video Cameras By July.
The seven CCTV video cameras that are to be installed in Sant Antoni will be working by July. 4 will be in the West End, 2 on the sea front promenade & 1 in the sunset strip area of the town. The cameras will be hidden from view but there will be signs warning the people in the area that they are being filmed. However, the exact location will not be revealed to avoid criminals getting wise to where they are. The films from the cameras will be monitored by the local police & will be automatically destroyed after 2 months if the judges don't require them for evidence.

(the ibiza sun)
The police were cracking this year flying up and down the promenade past Bar M and The Orange Corner removing the 'lucky lucky men' and keeping the majority of the beer boys confined to the west end...

i was well impressed :D