Politics - UK - 2017

As a business owner, what a damning indictment you have on your poor, lazy workforce. I do hope none of them having the misfortune of visiting this public forum and read how little you think of them for making you "financially comfortable"

I myself have built up a successful business and could pay myself much more than I do but I choose not to as I only need enough to live reasonably comfortable and in exchange I pay my staff a very good wage and also invest the money back into the business to expand and create more jobs. I believe this is fair but what do I know hey.
As a business owner, what a damning indictment you have on your poor, lazy workforce. I do hope none of them having the misfortune of visiting this public forum and read how little you think of them for making you "financially comfortable"

You've lost me with that. He's saying he takes a lower wage effectively to pay his staff more. Why's that worth a dig?
Do me a flavour :rolleyes:

Either he pays his staff what they deserve because they earn him lots of money to live comfortably (if that is the case, then what more proof do you need that poor people aren't lazy, huh?!?!?!?! o_O )

Or, he overpays them despite them being lazy (because, well, he's rich, he can! f*** it)


or maybe he just employs rich people who don't need the money and do it for the craic, who knows...
never ceases to amaze me how people with money don't consider that they've also been fortunate to end up where they are.

yes, you've probably worked hard to get where you are, but are you really so self centered to not understand that it's not always simply down to hard work ?

hope your luck holds out, and you never end up one of those lazy poor people, for your sake
Do me a flavour :rolleyes:

Either he pays his staff what they deserve because they earn him lots of money to live comfortably (if that is the case, then what more proof do you need that poor people aren't lazy, huh?!?!?!?! o_O )

Or, he overpays them despite them being lazy (because, well, he's rich, he can! f*** it)


or maybe he just employs rich people who don't need the money and do it for the craic, who knows...

Or he values his staff members and wants to retain their services so pays them a decent salary. Who said his staff members are poor or rich?
You're missing the point. Deliberate??

Why defend him so vehemently?!

Am I missing a point here? Our wires seem crossed

I've read you accusing him of insinuating his workforce is poor and lazy and hope for his sake they didn't read this forum. He didn't say any such thing.

He clearly said he takes a lower wage out of the business to pay his staff more. Then invest the rest.

To me I read that as he values his workforce. His opinion of the majority of poor people is another debate.

However his line of work as I've said may be he experiences this. Quite frankly none of us know what that is as far as I'm aware? But I wouldn't accuse anyone of anything without knowing the full facts.
Am I missing a point here? Our wires seem crossed

I've read you accusing him of insinuating his workforce is poor and lazy and hope for his sake they didn't read this forum. He didn't say any such thing.

He clearly said he takes a lower wage out of the business to pay his staff more. Then invest the rest.

To me I read that as he values his workforce. His opinion of the majority of poor people is another debate.

However his line of work as I've said may be he experiences this. Quite frankly none of us know what that is as far as I'm aware? But I wouldn't accuse anyone of anything without knowing the full facts.

Thank you. I'm glad someone understands the English language.

And to confirm, I never even considered my staff in the lazy 'portion' of society and if they did happen upon this forum they wouldn't have considered that either. Some of my older staff members have worked for me for 20+ years so I must be doing something right.
Thank you. I'm glad someone understands the English language.

And to confirm, I never even considered my staff in the lazy 'portion' of society and if they did happen upon this forum they wouldn't have considered that either. Some of my older staff members have worked for me for 20+ years so I must be doing something right.
just people you don't know eh
thing is, obviously there will always be people blagging the system, but do you really, honestly think it's a 'large proportion' ?

Or is it that just what you read in the newspaper ?
thing is, obviously there will always be people blagging the system, but do you really, honestly think it's a 'large proportion' ?

Or is it that just what you read in the newspaper ?

I rarely read newspapers just for the reason you're suggesting.

And yes a large proportion of the poorer people I KNOW or observe are lazy. Very similar to the large proportion of wealthier people I KNOW and observe are very hard working and certainly not greedy.

Let me help some of you here. Say if I've based my observations of 100 people in each category I think it would be fair to say this represents a fair assessment of society in general.

The remainder (also a 'large proportion') are rich, poor for other reasons which I'm sure we all agree needs some rebalancing and yes, that's where government needs to take control. First on hit list are rappers, footballers and boy/girl bands lol
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Lib Dems will repeal the Snooper's Charter if they win. They really are on it when it comes to civil liberties. They really need to come out and say they won't get into bed with the Tories again. Many more people would vote for them then.
I rarely read newspapers just for the reason you're suggesting.

And yes a large proportion of the poorer people I KNOW or observe are lazy. Very similar to the large proportion of wealthier people I KNOW and observe are very hard working and certainly not greedy.

You obviously keep a very diverse circle of people around you. Do your poor and lazy friends go raving with your rich motivated ones?

Perhaps if you'd described people as being more or less motivated rather than lazy/not lazy.?
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