Politics - UK - 2017

The message seems to be that it's good to earn shit loads of money and get rich (it's a just reward for your hard work remember!) but not if you're black/poor, whatever. Then you're overpaid and don't deserve such a big salary, give back the money, know your place.

It's a Jedi-mind trick of an elite controlled media, old mucker. They'll want you back in your place too, if you want them to pay 0.25% more Corporation Tax, so the elderly can put the heating on next winter.

If you can forget the popstars though, they are all Brit School posh kids now, with the exception of Tulisa, who's tabloid sting was her comeuppance for being a successful working-class female, daring to call herself 'a boss' and *gasp* cavorting around with black men!
and yet and yet...

Team Corbyn has some very shady people in it

do you really want a 21st century government with Stalin apologists or 'Stop The War' types advising it?


this is the central dilemma for centrists like me - the harshness of the right v the lunacy of the left
one hell of a dilemma tbh for a lot
You never see interviews on TV from people in "Anytown" Uk saying "You know, Im not really sure?"
There's no comparison for me. I'm not necessarily a Labour voter, I voted Lib Dem first time around (ha ha), and toyed with Plaid last time before reluctantly going with Labour (the party was far too Tory-lite 2 years ago, the voting record of too many MPs was identical to Tory's e.g against welfare etc.). I'll be happier voting for them this year as I feel that on a whole they represent me much much better. There'll never be a party that represents you 100%, you just need to go with the best fit.

And personally, I'd vote for the party that had the best chance of keeping out the Tories, whether it be labour, Lib dem, green, whatever. It's a myth that all parties are the same, give me the bad guys of any of those parties over the bad guys of the Tory party any day.
and yet and yet...

Team Corbyn has some very shady people in it

do you really want a 21st century government with Stalin apologists or 'Stop The War' types advising it?


this is the central dilemma for centrists like me - the harshness of the right v the lunacy of the left

Arh God. I cannot believe you suck up this shit. He may be a communist, I don't know?. But if you read that article properly, and read the link provided he doesn't praise North Korea at all.

Just for the record,North Korea isn't a communist country. Its probably the perfect example of capitalism. Everybody working for one boss. China isn't ,neither was the Soviet union.

Centrist will always vote for "harshness" ,lunacy of the right everytime.

The Torys have a racist in lynton Crosby running their campaign. That's the centre ground,he's been running their campaigns since 2005. His last being the racist campaign against kahn in London.
one hell of a dilemma tbh for a lot

I don't think it's been so clear cut for years. The Torys have f***ed everything up. And you haven't got to try a choose between 3 men who sound exactly the same trying to hold the centre ground with different colour rossetts. Er,sorry ties.. when these three spoke on the radio you could hardly tell the difference in their voices

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Arh God. I cannot believe you suck up this shit. He may be a communist, I don't know?. But if you read that article properly, and read the link provided he doesn't praise North Korea at all.

Just for the record,North Korea isn't a communist country. Its probably the perfect example of capitalism. Everybody working for one boss. China isn't ,neither was the Soviet union.

Centrist will always vote for "harshness" ,lunacy of the right everytime.

The Torys have a racist in lynton Crosby running their campaign. That's the centre ground,he's been running their campaigns since 2005. His last being the racist campaign against kahn in London.

it's about judgement - if the leader surrounds themselves with dodgy people (see also Seumas Milne - another unreconstructed admirer of 20th century genocidal maniac Josef Stalin), you naturally wonder what kind of advice they'll be acting on. Sorry to tanish the socialist utopia but the voters deserve to know the truth about who they are voting for. It's not good enough to say "ah but the other guy's even worse" Poor salesmanship imo
it's about judgement - if the leader surrounds themselves with dodgy people (see also Seumas Milne - another unreconstructed admirer of 20th century genocidal maniac Josef Stalin), you naturally wonder what kind of advice they'll be acting on. Sorry to tanish the socialist utopia but the voters deserve to know the truth about who they are voting for. It's not good enough to say "ah but the other guy's even worse" Poor salesmanship imo
pretty sure the right have worse people siding with them, but the left (well, Corbyn) don't seem interested in attacking them personally. Maybe they should, and then we might have some real 'balance'

but hey, it's ok to vote with your own interests at heart, and little or no regard for the people that need help in society, but be under no illusion that's what you're doing
also the centre ground is where the vast majority of voters are. Sneering at these people achieves nothing

And equally the constant bashing and vilifying of right-wing voters has pushed them underground. Which could go some way to account for the opinion polls being inaccurate nowadays. I would imagine this causes a degree of apathy among that group of potential voters, who ultimately end up not contributing.
I consider myself to be left-centrist. But I feel like I'm being pushed to the fringes of the left simply as a reaction to the right policies and landscape we are witnessing. It goes without saying that a centre party with centre policies will appease the widest net of voters... so why isn't there this option? There is no middle ground between Blairism & Corbyn's tree-hugging, vegan lot. Maybe there was? But Brown & Milliband were terrible appointments, and that ship has sailed.
it's about judgement - if the leader surrounds themselves with dodgy people (see also Seumas Milne - another unreconstructed admirer of 20th century genocidal maniac Josef Stalin), you naturally wonder what kind of advice they'll be acting on. Sorry to tanish the socialist utopia but the voters deserve to know the truth about who they are voting for. It's not good enough to say "ah but the other guy's even worse" Poor salesmanship imo

LOL! The Conservative party is full "dodgy " members. Racists,ukippers, homophobes,Christian nuts,tax dodgers. Half of them,Cameron’s Eton toffs, were wearing hang Mandela shirts in the 80s. Seumas Milne was the editor of the guardian until corbyn appointed him to a role in the labour party. So he can't be that "dodgy"

It has to be good enough to say the other guy is worse,because they are,and it's the choice you have to make.

The centre ground helped get us where we are today,and ailianated millions of voters. Who,say they're all the same.
I consider myself to be left-centrist. But I feel like I'm being pushed to the fringes of the left simply as a reaction to the right policies and landscape we are witnessing. It goes without saying that a centre party with centre policies will appease the widest net of voters... so why isn't there this option? There is no middle ground between Blairism & Corbyn's tree-hugging, vegan lot. Maybe there was? But Brown & Milliband were terrible appointments, and that ship has sailed.

The Labour party are on the centre left. Corbyn is on the left. The labour party is a huge political party made up of all sorts of political ideas on the left. It's a democratic party so everything gets voted on,and goes through the NEC. It's a mainstream social Democratic party. Therevisn't anything far left about it,believe me.
LOL! The Conservative party is full "dodgy " members. Racists,ukippers, homophobes,Christian nuts,tax dodgers. Half of them,Cameron’s Eton toffs, were wearing hang Mandela shirts in the 80s. Seumas Milne was the editor of the guardian until corbyn appointed him to a role in the labour party. So he can't be that "dodgy"

It has to be good enough to say the other guy is worse,because they are,and it's the choice you have to make.

The centre ground helped get us where we are today,and ailianated millions of voters. Who,say they're all the same.

have you actually heard of Stalin? you know millions murdered by his tyranny or locked up in freezing gulags

and now there are TWO apologists for this monster in the Corbyn inner sanctum

this doesn't remotely bother you?

Is the need to crush the Tory oppressor so pressing that we must airbrush history?
I consider myself to be left-centrist. But I feel like I'm being pushed to the fringes of the left simply as a reaction to the right policies and landscape we are witnessing. It goes without saying that a centre party with centre policies will appease the widest net of voters... so why isn't there this option? There is no middle ground between Blairism & Corbyn's tree-hugging, vegan lot. Maybe there was? But Brown & Milliband were terrible appointments, and that ship has sailed.

I agree. Lib dems would be the obvious alternative but they're notoriously two-faced and led by a very strange man + electoral system confines them to eternal irrelevance
LOL! The Conservative party is full "dodgy " members. Racists,ukippers, homophobes,Christian nuts,tax dodgers. Half of them,Cameron’s Eton toffs, were wearing hang Mandela shirts in the 80s.

I'd argue nobody has a monopoly on virtue...

have you considered how many anti-semites lurk in the Labour ranks, including Ken Livingstone? (not even expelled!)
and now there are TWO apologists for this monster in the Corbyn inner sanctum

this doesn't remotely bother you

It's terrifying!

Luckily for us,corbyn isn't Stalin, we have a parliament ,and a just about free press( albeit full of right wing reactionarys) and if saemus Milne was so dangerous how did he hold a job down at a liberal newspaper for so long?