Politics - UK - 2017

the second point is that the BBC is still the best news organisation in the world.
Based on what? Wishful thinking? You might have been right a many years ago, but it is a shadow of its former self. Just look at the website content these days, it is completely dumbed down. Their news arm was decimated a few years ago hence the lack of any serious investigative journalism these days.

I live in Spain where broadcasting is a total joke (any ibiza ressies on here will probably confirm!)
I agree, having lived there too, it's awful.

because lefties who think the BBC is a nest of rightwingers always seem to forget that rightwingers conversely think it is a nest of lefties. There is nothing Dacre and Murdoch would like more than the BBC to be undermined and destroyed and they could have some unlikely allies on the left there....
It's a) perpetuating an old myth (or maybe even fact), b) they know the BBC have this reputation of old so they wheel out the same old spin hoping enough people still believe it.

Their last political editor was Nick Robinson, founder of a Young Conservatives organisation at University and now Laura Kuessenberg who's already been found once to have broken the rule on bias against Corbyn. Then there's the seemingly permanent UKIP representative on the Question Time panel and UKIP's invitation to take part in pre election debate, despite having no MPs and almost no council seats (completely ignoring the Green Party who have both).
oh please, there's no bias or conspiracy - this is paranoid stoned horseshit

UKIP get their QT slots on the basis of their MEP representation
lots of journos had political interests as students - they're all nerds.
Kuensberg (alongside andrew neil) is one of the best in the business

you could perhaps criticise it all for being too middle class and chummy perhaps but bias? hmm. the tories have had a few maulings at the hands of Andrew Marr and Eddie Mair

and if you don't want to watch the BBC or pay licence fee, consume other media instead - there are thousands of other outlets available. nobody needs to be spoonfed in the digital age
oh please, there's no bias or conspiracy - this is paranoid stoned horseshit

UKIP get their QT slots on the basis of their MEP representation
lots of journos had political interests as students - they're all nerds.
Kuensberg (alongside andrew neil) is one of the best in the business
Thanks for the well rounded and constructive reply, it's would be so easy to get all hysterical and shouty instead ;-)

and if you don't want to watch the BBC or pay licence fee
...you clearly haven't read my previous posts.
it just reads to me like Corbynites getting their excuses in ahead of the impending massacre - shooting the messenger to make yourselves feel better
nope, AN is the best broadcaster in the UK. A pro. Gives nobody an easy ride.

where do you get your news from? The Canary?

I get my news from a lot of sources,left and right,commercial and independent, I love it. I watch AN on his politics shows. But he is a Tory,a paid up Tory mouth piece, but I do watch him.

Kuensberg is awfull,really ,really bad.
Andrew Neil current chairman of press holdings, which is owned by the Barclay bros. Net worth 6.5billion. Press holdings owns the telegraph and the spectator. No wonder they hate Corbyn?

*residence of Monaco and other tax dodging places I can't remember.
Andrew Neil current chairman of press holdings, which is owned by the Barclay bros. Net worth 6.5billion. Press holdings owns the telegraph and the spectator. No wonder they hate Corbyn?

who cares?

all viewers want is to see interviewers make lying politicians squirm. And that he does. Very well.
oh please, there's no bias or conspiracy - this is paranoid stoned horseshit

UKIP get their QT slots on the basis of their MEP representation
lots of journos had political interests as students - they're all nerds.
Kuensberg (alongside andrew neil) is one of the best in the business

I respectfully disagree with you about the bias bit, I think the BBC do tend to favour the Conservatives in their reporting (across all their mediums), Kuensberg was found to have breached guidelines, you can't dismiss that as paranoid stoned horseshit, and in my opinion the rest of her coverage is delivered through blue-tinted glasses. And I'm not a 'Corbynite', it's just my opinion, as your opinion is yours, no big deal.

The UKIP thing is hard to swallow though if you're a Green voter - they get little to zero coverage and yet have more seats and are making more progress than UKIP.
It's an interesting thread. Which seems to get a lot of people's emotions going.

And it's quite clear it's anti-conservative.

Now brexit is happening and if to be believed it'll be a conservative government again. So why if both things are so bad, are the majority voting for both? What is it Labour for example have to do make some serious ground?

And before people come back with people being stupid,racist, rich,sheep,turkeys,warp by the media etc. Have a think and try to answer why you think people feel the need to vote this way and what could be done to change their feelings when voting. I don't believe most voters fall into one of them categories although some may well do.

I just find it intriguing people are mortified by the Conservative on here but if they were that bad then surely they wouldn't have what is projected to be a big lead?

I think it's known how I'll probably vote election time as things stand. But I wouldn't make any sort of assumption as to who a person was if they voted differently. Or have a problem with it for that matter.
One man's noise is another man's music.
Once the Election has passed and if/when the Conservatives win. What will happen to the "Remoaners" and hard left?

We have had a referendum, brexit won - and the bill got passed through the houses of commons, the lords, and now theres a general election . Would it be a case of, ok we've tried to make things different - hasn't worked, so now lets get on with it? That would for both sides of the debate be a big and sensible step in the right directon. The throwing of the dummy cant keep going on can it?
I just find it intriguing people are mortified by the Conservative on here but if they were that bad then surely they wouldn't have what is projected to be a big lead?

The Tories have a lead because many people believe the fear-mongering pedalled by the papers (immigration, etc) and also, as we've seen here, the poor people are lazy narrative. Also I believe many young people are apathetic and not voting - leaving the decision to a much older demographic.
I just find it intriguing people are mortified by the Conservative on here but if they were that bad then surely they wouldn't have what is projected to be a big lead?

This might help explain it. In the 2015 GE most people did not vote for the Conservatives.


The voting system needs to change to AV,alternative vote. I think that best represents the electorate, ?
