Politics - UK - 2017

This might help explain it. In the 2015 GE most people did not vote for the Conservatives.


The voting system needs to change to AV,alternative vote. I think that best represents the electorate, ?


Okay. It doesn't really answer my question. However the voting system works. It looks like it's going to be conservative. It's the same system for everyone. Labour aren't appealing to enough people to win an election it would seem. Instead of homing in on the negative of the others. Why are labour looking like it'll be a defeat and why not do more to change it?

Secondly the Mirror is a labour bias paper and didn't we have a referendum for changing the vote system? And it was a no?
Okay. It doesn't really answer my question

It does. Because I'm showing you most people don't vote Conservatives,whatever there political affiliations.

However the voting system works

Not really. It doesn't represent the electorate fairly.

Five million votes, two seats: smaller parties demand a change in the rules


Why are labour looking like it'll be a defeat and why not do more to change it?

The labour party is a broadchurch of political ideas. So it's devided,between a right and left wing members. Many of whom would probably do better in other partys. But because of our electoral system if you are a green or libdem your not ever going to make up a majority of MPs. Or if you want to start a different centre ground party all together ,you're pretty much doomed.

Check out labours their manifesto before reading the right wing press.

Secondly the Mirror is a labour bias paper and didn't we have a referendum for changing the vote system? And it was a no?

I posted the link to the mirror because it was simply explained. You can get the same information anywhere. Most labour and Conservatives probably wouldn't have voted for it,because they would've been the most effected by it. But I think that will just if we had another referendum on,certainly amongst labour members?

...I'm sure this is just co-incidence
Their manifesto is horrible. And no calls for it to be as forensically examined as the Labour manifesto (both should be subject to scrutiny).
I don't think the Torys like ofcoms impartiality rules during the general election campaign. :lol:

Yeah,their manifesto launch was shit as well. She is a terrible public speaker,it was just total waffle.