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from the ibiza sun:jose manuel bar, ex-government delegate
Bar Goodbyes
Jose Manuel Bar, the Central Government's representative on the island and the man in charge of the police force, claimed last week crime had fallen by 25 per cent since 2003. Bar made the comments in his farewell speech after it had been announced earlier in the week he would be leaving his post after being elected as the PSOE´s new candidate to Congress.
He does so claiming the island is in far better shape than when he took the job. He said that in 2003 there were a total of 15,400 crimes committed in Ibiza and Formentera. This fell sharply to 11,500 in 2007 due to, according to Bar, the increased presence of police officers and their continued hard work. He said it was a statistic very much appreciated by the general public, shown in the fact crime had fallen to 14th place in the monthly lists of what was worrying inhabitants.
He also pointed to the recent fall in traffic fatalities. During 2007 there were just 12 deaths on the island's roads, the lowest levels since 1991 and way down on the 31 and 26 people who perished in 2005 and 2006 respectively. He also praised the response to both the Don Pedro crisis, and to the bomb alerts last year at the airport which, he claimed, showed Ibiza could respond ably to most crisis situations.
He said the main regrets of his tenure had been the delays experienced in the building of the new police headquarters and several other infrastructures, but professed these delays were usual when planning such things.