no after hours before noon

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Just to add something else to the mix (like we need anything else!!) its a shame that the 4.30pm rule isnt relaxed for the weekend so on saturday and sunday matinee and we love respectively can open at midday....

Anyway it must be clear to the world now that 4.30pm til 6am is the most youre gonna get so lets be happy and carry on partying.... Roll on the summer.
Could some please clarify a point (sorry I've read and read everything and just keep getting more confused!)

If I go out at 1pm in PDB to a cafe to get something to eat, I can't get a beer with my meal till 4.30pm? Does this also apply to my hotel bar?

Thanks a lot
Correct me if im wrong but this isnt about the sale of alcohol its about the opening times of certain types of venue. If the cafe is open , you can get a beer
This only affects businesses that operate under a "cafe-conciertos" or a "discoteca" license. This does not affect restaurants. You will most certainly be able to find alcohol for sale, but you won't be able to do much dancing or rocking-out where you purchase that alcohol (since those types of businesses won't be able to open until after 4:30pm).

That's the way I understand it anyway.....
I would think the rules are to stop clubbers using these cafes as after hours where they can hear music, not to ban alcohol so they can still open but not play 'loud' music. Just imagine what effect it would have if Joe Bloggs went on Holiday and couldn't buy a beer till 4.30pm? It's about big clubs and lound music and stopping the after hours - not about stopping people drinking 8O
...I've read and read everything
and just keep getting more confused! ...
the only thing this silly new regulations already achieved
is wordwide confusion and a bad press :lol:

rumours are that tens of thousands of "qualitytourists"
(millionaires/golfplayers/tycoons/supermodels/other highrollers ...)
changed plans and book ibiza this year after hearing that
dc10 and space have to stay closed between 6am and 4.30pm :lol: :lol:

congratulations to the responsible people for creating another pr-desaster
I Suppose it will all work in the end. It will probably end up being better than last year (just like every year some how manages to be)!

I wonder if Space will still do pass outs on a Sunday?
With their hours being cut by 10.5 my bet is they wont allow pass outs as they will want to recoup as much lost business as possible by keeping you in there and hoping you pay the 10-15 euros per drink that they charge!
It will be a shame if they stop pass outs, i dont mind buying a few drinks in there but i cant afford to drink in there all day and night! It was always part of any sunday to get your pass out and hit bora bora for a few hours!

That will be sorely missed if they stop the pass outs!
This only affects businesses that operate under a "cafe-conciertos" or a "discoteca" license. This does not affect restaurants. You will most certainly be able to find alcohol for sale, but you won't be able to do much dancing or rocking-out where you purchase that alcohol (since those types of businesses won't be able to open until after 4:30pm).

That's the way I understand it anyway.....

Thanks dude

That's cool I was more worried about not being able to nurse a beer and feel sorry for myself till 4.30 the day after :D
an advice for ibiza governent

please ban smoking in club like most european countries.......better for clubber health than 10 hours closing......
From the European Public Health Alliance's website:

"From 1 January 2006, Spain prohibited smoking at the workplace. For bars and restaurants that are larger than 100 sqm, the law allows the creation of separate smoking rooms.
For bars and restaurants that are smaller than 100 smq (and this is the vast majority of cases), the legislation offers the bar owner the posibility of going smokefree. If the bar or restaurant does not go smokefree, it means that customers under 18 years old would not be allowed in that bar.
Compared to other European countries, where smoking in the workplace is banned altogether (Ireland, Sweden and Norway), the Spanish legislation is weak and confusing.
According to a study issued by the Spanish Consumers Organisation on 22 May 2007, a minimal 10 percent of small bars and 15 percent of small restaurants opted to ban smokers from their premises."
you know what

the spotlight forums are probably doing more to kill tourism than anything the consell could do

think about it

and the award for most ridiculous post ever goes to... 8O

it's called free speech dude. many people rightly surmise that these measures will radically change the atmosphere of the Ibiza clubbing experience. it always takes time for people to catch-up to any changes so i wouldn't expect much of a reduction in the number of clubbers for 2008. but a lot of people will end up being very disappointed, word will get round, and the popularity of ibiza as a clubbing destination will gradually decline.

as an ibiza resident, i can understand your concern about the local economy (although I thought clubbers make up only ~20% of all tourists). if ibiza's politicians (with the support of the people) want to treat people like children and impose these draconian rules, then that is their right. however it is also my right not to spend my hard-earned cash coming to ibiza.
To be honest, it's the huge increase in the cost of a holiday this year that nearly put me off. A villa this year has cost me and my mates nearly twice as much as last year, more when the crap (for sterling) exchange rates are taken into consideration.
but a lot of people will end up being very disappointed, word will get round, and the popularity of ibiza as a clubbing destination will gradually decline.

How can you be so sure of this? This is a broad statement seen as 2008 hasnt even kicked off yet? In UK they are always going on about a change in law to reduce binge drinking but guess what it never gets any better!! We should wait till the end of this season see instead of making assumtions!
How can you be so sure of this? This is a broad statement seen as 2008 hasnt even kicked off yet? In UK they are always going on about a change in law to reduce binge drinking but guess what it never gets any better!! We should wait till the end of this season see instead of making assumtions!

It’s not too difficult of a conclusion to make is it? You reduce the value for a certain segment of tourists (daytime clubbers) without adding value for any other clubbing segments. In any market that would lead to fewer sales/clubbers.
To be honest, it's the huge increase in the cost of a holiday this year that nearly put me off. A villa this year has cost me and my mates nearly twice as much as last year, more when the crap (for sterling) exchange rates are taken into consideration.

Agreed, we've stayed in villas for the last two years but the price hike this year has meant we're back in a hotel - gutted really as there is nothing better than lounging round your own pool and coming in from a night out to your own place.

From a personal point of view the new laws do not really effect me, the earliest I used to go to Space was around 3.30 anyway although I did want to go to Matinee this year so that's been buggerd!:cry:
Will it gradually decline tho? Or will it will the small % of people who go to clubs after hours that don't come back in 2009? Assuming that there are no more changes within the government.
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