no after hours before noon

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btw, today theres a meeting in the consell insular with all the club owners and mayors to talk about the creation of the consell de la musica.....
:arrow: the consell hopes to extend the tourist season thanks to the clubs
"it will mean a nightlife of more quality, more secure and more healthful besides to guarantee the coexistence between the residents, the family tourism and the clubbers"

:arrow: the consell rectifies the plan of marketing and will promote the clubs with public money
"the efforts will be reciprocal because the clubs could agree with the institutions to open more months or at least more weeks per year to see if its possible to lengthen the season"

as you might remember, last year space closed one week later than usual with good results.....


One minute they close the clubs next min they are looking @ extending the season? me thinks there is another twist to this tale 8) but for now its good news :lol:
:arrow: the chaos could have brought us all to the ruin (jose manuel bar, ex-government delegate)
DDI - did the imposition of the closings mean a turning point?
JMB - probably. we initiated a way but we knew clearly that we couldnt make it alone. we needed the support of other institutions and the citizen. there was a quite clear and firm attitude from everybody that made possible to take those measures. we tried it with the dialogue but the answer was unequal. while some were controlling certain situations it seemed others simply were benefitted from that no-control
DDI - were the fined venues (amnesia, bora bora and dc10) the less interested in collaborating?
JMB - they didnt get the message. they thought they could continue with the same dynamic but they cant
can someone translate these comments to the article above ?

8 comentarios
Comentario enviado hoy a las 18:00:05

La verdad que es sorprendente que estas personas que se presentaron para dar un cambio de aires en el Consell y para dar una mejor promoción a Ibiza y Formentera o al menos mejorar lo que había antes se centren en algo que tanto han criticado cuando el PP gobernaba y que son las discotecas.

Autor: tribunaibiza
Comentario enviado hoy a las 17:26:20

El año pasado fastidio a las discotecas con cierres y ahora que...suplicando que abran mas tiempo,eso quiere decir que tendran carta blanca para hacer lo que quieran.¡Hombre! un poco de dignidad.

Autor: francisco
Comentario enviado hoy a las 14:27:58

es una lastima que algunas personas no puedan apreciar que sin el mundo del ocio ibiza no seria la misma, es reconocida mundialmente desde tokio, paris, londres, new york, y cualquier rincon de espana que ibiza tiene las discotecas mas importantes del mundo, gracias tarres que puedes ver que forma parte de nuestra cultura, nuestra fuente de beneficios, hoteles, apartametos, casas, restaurantes,bares,artistas, dj, musicos,trabajo,etc etc etc, ibiza tiene algo unico libertad,la noche de ibiza es algo quien la conoce nunca la olvidara

Autor: albert moscu
Comentario enviado hoy a las 13:47:03

Me causa mucha sorpresa y tristeza que se diga desde una institución y un equipo político que se suponía que tenía que trabajar para cambiar la mala imagen de Eivissa en el mundo, debida en gran medida precisamente al ruido, caos y desenfreno que causan estas discotecas, que se van a apoyar, con dinero o sin, a las mismas. Qué cambia entonces respecto a la otra opción política? Está al tanto quien ha hecho estas declaraciones que vayas dónde vayas del mundo, hasta en la Patagonia, mencionas el nombre de IBIZA y la reacción es tan negativa y avergonzante hasta tal punto que en muchas ocasiones preferimos (hablo por mí) ocultarlo, incluso decir que somos de otro sitio? Claro que para darse cuenta de ésto hay que viajar un poquito...
Este "turismo de la música" como le quieren llamar ahora, para camuflar lo que realmente hay detrás, unos propietarios de discotecas que sólo quieren hacer más dinero, que siga llegando turismo basura y que les da igual el territorio y cultura de la isla, en estado endémico, y sólo quieren profundizar todavía más si cabe en esta imagen de la isla del cachondeo, todo permitido y ruido, sobre todo, ruido.. Y más tristeza me causa más que EXC, sin quienes el Consell no estaría presidido por quien está, lo permita. A on anirem a parar..

Autor: Anna
Comentario enviado hoy a las 13:27:03

Nos guste o no,las discotecas son una promoción de la isla de Ibiza,si puede ir acompañada dicha promoción de una manera límpia desde el consell,dando buenos consejos y ya dicen que sin dar dinero,me parece estupendo.O no vivimos aquí del turismo,que en parte viene por estas discotecas?...alguno igual todavia no se ha enterado...

Autor: una en contra de los afterhours
Comentario enviado hoy a las 12:38:39

inaudito, que la maxima institucion de ibiza tenga que apoyar las discotecas. ¿ no se por el recorte de horarios o si ?

Autor: un ciudadano que paga sus impuestos para sufragar otros gasto como escuelas ,hospitales etc
Comentario enviado hoy a las 12:04:21

Me parece que las grandes discotecas de la isla no necesitan un apoyo de este tipo por parte del Consell puesto que tienen capital suficiente y bien sobrado para promocionarse fuera de la isla y el hacer cumplir los deseos de los ciudadanos y a su vez a la ley no tiene que reportar prejucios a los dirigentes de nuestra isla. Si se promociona desde el Consell las discotecas que tengan en cuenta que cuando generen problemas también los tendrán de soportar, puesto que de esta forma los salpicará también a ellos.

Autor: Joan
Comentario enviado hoy a las 10:58:31

Esta es la enesima desautorizacion que le hacen a Tarrés ,lo dejan hablar y dice tonterias,solo faltaria que pidan el dinero de la promocion turistica al Govern para promocionar las discotecas.Xicu Tarrés ha vuelto a hacer el ridiculo de nuevo ,espero que con todas las necesidades que hay no se gasten un euro en esto.
Que pasaria si el gobierno de España tuviera que sacar una nota para desmentir a Zapatero?
lets just say that of those 8 comments only 2 defend the clubs..... if go asking on the street you probably would get a similar percentage!! :idea:

you wouldnt want to know what this one for example says . . . . . . . . . .

Me causa mucha sorpresa y tristeza que se diga desde una institución y un equipo político que se suponía que tenía que trabajar para cambiar la mala imagen de Eivissa en el mundo, debida en gran medida precisamente al ruido, caos y desenfreno que causan estas discotecas, que se van a apoyar, con dinero o sin, a las mismas. Qué cambia entonces respecto a la otra opción política? Está al tanto quien ha hecho estas declaraciones que vayas dónde vayas del mundo, hasta en la Patagonia, mencionas el nombre de IBIZA y la reacción es tan negativa y avergonzante hasta tal punto que en muchas ocasiones preferimos (hablo por mí) ocultarlo, incluso decir que somos de otro sitio? Claro que para darse cuenta de ésto hay que viajar un poquito...
Este "turismo de la música" como le quieren llamar ahora, para camuflar lo que realmente hay detrás, unos propietarios de discotecas que sólo quieren hacer más dinero, que siga llegando turismo basura y que les da igual el territorio y cultura de la isla, en estado endémico, y sólo quieren profundizar todavía más si cabe en esta imagen de la isla del cachondeo, todo permitido y ruido, sobre todo, ruido.. Y más tristeza me causa más que EXC, sin quienes el Consell no estaría presidido por quien está, lo permita. A on anirem a parar..

. . . . . . . . . . so lets move on ! !
lets just say that of those 8 comments only 2 defend the clubs..... if go asking on the street you probably would get a similar percentage!! :idea:

and the other 6 are just as vociferous in the comments against the consell insular as they are against the clubs!!:idea:
... not bad - at least it gives you an idea:

"... 8 comments sent Comment today to the 18:00:05

The truth that is surprising that these people that were presented to give a change of air in the Consell and for give a better promotion to Ibiza and Formentera or at least to improve what there was before they be centered in something that so much they have criticized when the Popular Party governed and that are the record stores.

Author: tribunaibiza sent Comment today to the 17:26:20

Last year disgust to the record stores with closings and now that. ..suplicando that open but time, that means that tendran carte blanche to do what quieran. ¡Man! a little dignity.

Author: francisco sent Comment today to the 14:27:58

it is an injures that some people cannot appreciate that without the world of the leisure ibiza not serious the same one, is recognized globally from Tokyo, paris, London, new York, and any rincon of espana that ibiza has the record stores but important of the world, thanks tarres that you can see that forms part of our culture, our source of benefits, hotels, apartametos, houses, restaurants, bars, artists, dj, musicos, work, etc etc night of ibiza is something who it knows it never forgot

Author: albert moscu sent Comment today to the 13:47:03

A lot of surprise causes me and sadness that be told since an institution and a political team that was supposed that had to work to change the bad image of Eivissa in the world, owed in great measure exactly to the noise, chaos and unleashing that cause these record stores, that are going to support, with money or without, to the same. What changes then with respect to the other political option? It is to the so much one who has done these statements that go where go of the world, even in the Patagonia, mention the name of IBIZA and the reaction is so negative and embarrassing to such an extent that in many occasions we prefer (I speak for me) to hide it, even to say that we are of another place? Clearly that to realize ésto one must travel a little bit one... This "tourism of the music" as they want to call him now, to camouflage what really there is behind, some owners of record stores that only want to do more money, that continue arriving tourism trash and that equal gives them the territory and culture of the island, in endemic state, and only they want to deepen still more if fits in this image of the island of the cachondeo, all permitted and noise, above all, noise.. And more sadness causes me more than EXC, without who the Consell would not be presided by whom is, permit it. To on anirem to stop..

Author: Anna sent Comment today to the 13:27:03

Us like or not, the record stores are a promotion of the island of Ibiza, if can go accompanied happiness promotion in a way límpia since the consell, giving good counsels and already they say that without giving money, seems me stupendous.or do not we live here of the tourism, that in part comes for these record stores? ...alguno equal todavia has not itself aware...

Author: an in against of the afterhours sent Comment today to the 12:38:39

Unheard-of, that the maxima institucion of ibiza have that to support the record stores. Itself not by the cut of schedules or if?

Author: a citizen that pays its taxes to vote other expense as schools, hospitals etc sent Comment today to the 12:04:21

It seems me that the large record stores of the island do not need a support of this type on the part of the Consell since they have sufficient capital and well exceeded to be promoted out of the island and the to cause to comply the desires of the citizens and at the same time to the law has not to report prejucios to the leaders of our island. If it is promoted since the Consell the record stores that keep in mind that when generate problems will also have them to bear, since in this way will sprinkle them also to them.

Author: Joan sent Comment today to the 10:58:31

This it is the enesima desautorizacion that do to Tarrés, they leave it to speak and says tonterias, alone faltaria that they ask the money of the promocion turistica to the Govern to promote the record stores.Xicu Tarrés has done again the ridiculo again, I expect that with all the needs that there is they be not spent a euro in this. That pasaria if the government of Spain had that to remove a note to contradict Shoemaker? ... ".
IN THEIR WORDS......The Ibiza After Hours Closings - Ben Turner


Club culture in the late 1980s in the UK was once all about illegal partying,
and the government implemented laws to restrict them happening.

This decision is the reverse.
Legal clubs operating after 6am are now being forced to close,
which will in return become a headache as more and more illegal events
will now happen.
You simply can't stop the fact that people go clubbing very late in Ibiza (2-3am)
and like to go to bed much later than 6am - indeed simply cqn't go to bed at 6am.

Last summer, despite Amnesia being closed by the police at the start of the season,
some of the best ever Cocoon after-hours parties occurred, posing a bigger job
for the authorities to deal with and police.

I fully agree that the traffic flashpoints for parents and workers with revellers
is a situation to be avoided, but this decision will not make much difference
to this problem.

What could happen is that more and more people are switched off
from even going to Ibiza, which is where the decision will bite
the government the hardest.

It does appeaer that the Ibiza government do not
want partygoers to even go to the island -

anybody reading this blog is intelligent enough to know
that dance culture is the reason the island is so famous,
and there is so much good that comes from that.
it serves a purpose. it gives the underemployed, insomniacs and the just plain sad something to do in the wee small hours replying to them all.

Couldn't you post that at 4am for comedy value El Ste?
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as expected, the president of the hoteliers doesnt support the new consell de la musica.....

:arrow: the hotel sector surprised by the consell de la musica reclaims the plan de marketing
"we dont think that in the fairs we have to promote a well-known aspect, like ibiza's nightlife, that even has negative connotations"
"the club owners have the venues but the parties are in hands of foreigner promoters that dont care about the image of ibiza"

the president of fomento de turismo made similar comments today on cadena ser radio.....
now it becomes clear what it´s all about:
money - money - more money :-)

some of these guys are jealous that some "foreigners" take a big piece
of the (club)cake .

..."the club owners have the venues
but the parties are in hands of foreigner promoters
that dont care about the image of ibiza"
Hortensius alerted likewise of the instability of that sector,
where "the businessmen has localities, but the festivals are in the hands
of OUTSIDE DEVELOPERS to whom them does not import the image of Eivissa,
and that besides they have facility to be moved from a place to another,
as showed this summer Manumission"...."

wasn´t there something like this in the 80s or 90s
when KU was sold to some "non ibizencos",
then soon after some new laws came (about noiserestrictions or something like that)
so that the new owners would have to invest a lot of money
which they didn´t expect, went bankrupt ... and had to sell the club very cheap ?!
wasn´t there something like this in the 80s or 90s
when KU was sold to some "non ibizencos",
then soon after some new laws came (about noiserestrictions or something like that)
so that the new owners would have to invest a lot of money
which they didn´t expect, went bankrupt ... and had to sell the club very cheap ?!

"The prevailing emphasis on music, combined with advancing technology in the equipment designed to deliver it, brought about two new laws in 1990 requiring the big discos to install soundproofing, i.e. put roofs on!

The legal requirements and the fact that the roof blew off in a storm the following year eventually drove Ku in to bankruptcy.

The club remained closed throughout the summer of 1991 and re-emerged with its current emphasis on a new style of party - more massive and musically orientated than previously - to fit in with the rising power of dance music sweeping through Europe at the time.

Despite continued success at the club, the involvement of prominent local bankers, who had financed the legal and monumental requirement of roofing the club, finally foreclosed on their loan during a dispute over the interest rate that should have applied to the loan.

Santa Maria, a famous ex-footballer and one of the main partners (who also ran a number of night clubs in mainland Spain), was assassinated in San Sebastian on suspicion of being involved in the drug business at about the same time. It was all going pear-shaped. 'Ku' ceased to exist and 'Privilege' was born.

The baton that was 'Ku' passed on to the new owners in 1995"
from the ibiza sun:

Afters Crackdown
The Council of Mayors, the new forum consisting of the five municipal mayors and the president of the Consell Insular, announced on Thursday they would work together to try and put an end to the growing problem caused by "after-hours" clubs and bars. During only their third such meeting together, it was decided all of the municipalities would regulate the opening hours of discos and bars forcing them to close from 6am -12 noon.
Currently only San Antonio and San Jose have legislation in place to curb the increasing problem of after-hour establishments. Within both municipalities during 2008 clubs and bars will be forced to shut at 6a.m. for a minimum of six hours. This will be the first year the new regulation is in place in San Jose, while it was successfully implemented in San Antonio last year for the first time. The mayors of Santa Eulalia and San Juan both claimed there were currently no problems within their municipalities, but would bring out similar legislation "just in case".
The mayor of Ibiza, Lurdes Costa, revealed the legal department was looking into legislation to ensure clubs and bars were closed for a total of twelve hours during the day. She admitted she was not sure if this new legislation would be legal, and there were claims it could infringe certain European regulations. However she reiterated the possibility was being looked into.
The moves are all part of the Consell Insular's attempts to clean up the image of the island. President Xico Tarres, while wanting to welcome all groups to the island, said each had to show respect and the current "anything goes" image Ibiza has was starting to do permanent damage.
It was also announced by Tarres that the forum has also decided to set up a "Music Council" which they hope will be able to monitor this important sector, and help in its promotion worldwide. The idea has been applauded by all of the main clubs on the island, who finally believe the people in charge have woken up to the importance of the sector.
It was announced the following day, after a meeting with the most important club owners, that the Consell would try and use them to help extend the length of the tourist season.


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