Michael Jackson dead?

I hate that word kiddy fiddler its the kind of word a wrong-un invented lol plus how do you know he was one?? He was cleared and that kids parents took payment (blackmail) something I would not do if I genuinely thought my kids had been abused... if you think he was guilty then you support that which is very weird indeed
It's also such a pointless comment to me... :lol:

Do you actually care about celebrity? :? (I don't)

Lyndsay and Sam are back together!...Rhianna is in trouble with the law! (AND did you hear about her wife bashing ex? 8O)...Peter Andre recently sent a warning to Kate (and just WHO does she think she is eh? Bloody waste of space mother - I think she's losing it anyway - OBVIOUSLY burning the candle at both ends 8O). *

This is about music (just by the way).

You want to know about his sex life, go buy a tabloid and immerse yourself in a virtual world filled with people you don't know.

* that was all just referenced from the Heat Magazine site btw I just thought you'd have a field day and see it as an opportunity to throw around some more misdirected anger. ;)
Pacha NYC

We were in Mexico when it happened so we actually heard it before people at home was about 6pm there and about midnight in the UK, I started getting texts through from people at home saying he was dead yet I already knew.......

I thought it was really sad, I didnt like his later stuff, cant even really say didnt like actually just didnt listen to it. But I loved his old stuff, the more they showed on TV the more I realised how many great songs he had.

Was a very sad day......even weirder for us as we had seen the MJ tribute at our hotel the night before 8O

We met an American family on the Monday after he had died on an excursion we went on, believe it or not they didnt even know he had died, they thought he was just on TV a lot because Mexican people liked him :spank: Effing idiots.
... I loved his old stuff, the more they showed on TV
the more I realised how many great songs he had ...
and all those videos are amazing+brilliant - like little movies ...
they don´t make stuff like that anymore today (mostly retarded bull****) ...
the most moving moments were

Jermain singing Smile
Marlon breaking down
Paris speaking
Brooke Shields clearly struggling with emotion
Do you agree with the papers today though who are saying she shouldnt have been subjected to being put on stage like that (Paris)?
I think it's fine.

She looked like a really well rounded girl to me...and her emotions flowed like that of a very healthy 'normal' person (whatever 'normal' is). It certainly wasn't a performance anyway! More a genuine and therapeutic display of grief and public declaration to her father's memory.

I imagine she felt immensely supported rather than pushed.
Do you agree with the papers today though who are saying she shouldnt have been subjected to being put on stage like that (Paris)?

intially the kids were in the 2nd row, hidden behind performers at the front
then the family were all gathered to thank everyone
i'm sure i heard a brother say "Janet wants to speak" and then Paris seemed to grab the mic
imo totally spontaneous and heartfelt
In a situation like this, any therapyst would say: do whatever you feel you want to do. If the kid wanted to get the micro and talk it's perfect, if the kid didn't want to talk it would be fine too
my flatmate had some of it on - there was no escape whilst I was eating my dinner

I came close to throwing up when we are the world & heal the world got performed