Global Gathering 2011

Not done Bestival yet.

It scares me a little. Everyone seems a bit too nice and I'm worried it won't be car crash enough. :lol:

Slightly frightened of middle class students in fancy dress with their hands in the air en mass coupled with zero crusty ratings. :cry:

Still - the Cure are playing this time around and I'm not sure I can bear to miss Robert Smith.
the only serious point I'm going to add is that I feel that the UK festival scene has left people like me behind - there's a lot of rock festivals, a lot of wacky festivals, a lot of beardy festivals, a lot of corporate pukefests and a lot of mongzones, but there isn't really any event which really grabs me. Definite gap in the uk market for people like me in our 30s who've done the whole bestival/big chill thing, slowing down slightly but are itching to do something different.

I write for a music site (as you may know) and there are loads of small festivals hit our news desk. Maybe you need to do a bit of digging to find what's on where, but it would be hard to complain that there's nothing's.

For example, Beat-Herder festival:

Leftfield – Simian Mobile Disco Live – Dreadzone – We have Band – Mr Scruff – The Selecter Featuring Pauline Black & Gaps Hendrickson - Mylo – Plump DJs – Neville Staple – Riva Starr – Boy 8 Bit – Dub Pistols Live – T.E.E.D. – Andrew Weatherall – Retro/Grade – Craig Charles DJ Set – Justin Robertson – Krafty Kuts – Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer - Doorly – Reverend Soundsystem – The **** Robot Show Live – Greg Wilson – A Skillz – Correspondents – Utah Saints – Drums of Death – John Carter – Sicknote – Grinny Grandad Live – James Holroyd – Lancashire Hotpots – Captain Hotknives – Krysko – Lazy Habits – Middleman - The Boxettes – Mooqee – Toni Jarvis – Covered in Cool.... and many more
1-3 JULY 2011
Although there are some dj's I'd like to see play the thought of going back to GG is doing nothing for me. This summer am going back to Glade , its been scaled back down to 5000 people , got the ticket before any lineup came out as it genuinely doesnt matter there. Also looking at Melt in Germany as including flights and transfers wont work out much more than something like GG but with a much less poppy lineup

Glade looks good 8)
I write for a music site (as you may know) and there are loads of small festivals hit our news desk. Maybe you need to do a bit of digging to find what's on where, but it would be hard to complain that there's nothing's.

For example, Beat-Herder festival:

Leftfield – Simian Mobile Disco Live – Dreadzone – We have Band – Mr Scruff – The Selecter Featuring Pauline Black & Gaps Hendrickson - Mylo – Plump DJs – Neville Staple – Riva Starr – Boy 8 Bit – Dub Pistols Live – T.E.E.D. – Andrew Weatherall – Retro/Grade – Craig Charles DJ Set – Justin Robertson – Krafty Kuts – Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer - Doorly – Reverend Soundsystem – The **** Robot Show Live – Greg Wilson – A Skillz – Correspondents – Utah Saints – Drums of Death – John Carter – Sicknote – Grinny Grandad Live – James Holroyd – Lancashire Hotpots – Captain Hotknives – Krysko – Lazy Habits – Middleman - The Boxettes – Mooqee – Toni Jarvis – Covered in Cool.... and many more

1-3 JULY 2011


Greg Wilson - legend.
I write for a music site (as you may know) and there are loads of small festivals hit our news desk. Maybe you need to do a bit of digging to find what's on where, but it would be hard to complain that there's nothing's.

For example, Beat-Herder festival:

Leftfield – Simian Mobile Disco Live – Dreadzone – We have Band – Mr Scruff – The Selecter Featuring Pauline Black & Gaps Hendrickson - Mylo – Plump DJs – Neville Staple – Riva Starr – Boy 8 Bit – Dub Pistols Live – T.E.E.D. – Andrew Weatherall – Retro/Grade – Craig Charles DJ Set – Justin Robertson – Krafty Kuts – Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer - Doorly – Reverend Soundsystem – The **** Robot Show Live – Greg Wilson – A Skillz – Correspondents – Utah Saints – Drums of Death – John Carter – Sicknote – Grinny Grandad Live – James Holroyd – Lancashire Hotpots – Captain Hotknives – Krysko – Lazy Habits – Middleman - The Boxettes – Mooqee – Toni Jarvis – Covered in Cool.... and many more
1-3 JULY 2011

Nice, we need more festivals like this 8)
you need to do a bit more research i would suggest.

Theres quite a number of reviews on here from around 05-06 when Guetta and indeed the Swedes get a good write up from some of the frequent posters of this board. I certainly think his style has become pop since bout 07 and his first collaborations, but people claim he has always been of this ilk.
I have a serious questions to ask all of you.
Please don't take offense.

Is it a general thing that as you get older, you tend to get more narrow minded about music?
Rob, bestival is like the most enchanted fairytale ride - it's beautifully put together and the breadth of music is astonishing, xpress II balearic set in the bollywood tent was gobsmacking, but it's as much about the humour and eccentricities around the fringes, the small touches and attention to detail, for which rob da bank and his wife are minor legends. It is very middle class (borderline twee albeit with edge) but then again aren't we all? :lol: I might consider going back if I can get a free pass or if there was momentum but I just feel that I can't relive what I went through in 2005, it was so magical, so good, so special, I can still hear hot chip over and over resonating into the night sky, I don't want to tarnish the memories, which is why I want to do something altogether new.
I have a serious questions to ask all of you.
Please don't take offense.

Is it a general thing that as you get older, you tend to get more narrow minded about music?

Narrow mind translated to more sophisticated, more knowledgeable, having an eye for talent
I have a serious questions to ask all of you.
Please don't take offense.

Is it a general thing that as you get older, you tend to get more narrow minded about music?

I think you learn more about what you like/don't like and become less vulnerable to hype. I think most of us become more snide about commercial acts ("the state of the charts today...", etc), but I would say I listen to a more eclectic spectrum of music than I did 10 years ago.
I have a serious questions to ask all of you.
Please don't take offense.

Is it a general thing that as you get older, you tend to get more narrow minded about music?

Haha!! I think you probably do. From my perspective I am now very selective about what DJ's/artists I will go out and pay to listen to. My tastes have certainly changed as I have got older.

We have been fortunate at my night to be able to book a lot of the DJ's that I like to see.

I do try and understand other styles/forms of music - whilst it may not be my thing I try to understand what others see in it
I have a serious questions to ask all of you.
Please don't take offense.

Is it a general thing that as you get older, you tend to get more narrow minded about music?

As you get older, you tend to leave the commercial rubbish behind, and get into better music, but it depends on each individual.

I used to be into my trance music years ago, proper trance though, not commercial trance. Now i really dislike it, well the odd track might be ok...maybe lol, but i love house music everything from Louie Vega's laid back latin stuff, to the progessive stuff of Carl Cox, when you hear that kind of stuff, you look back at what you used to listen to and think, what the fu(k was i doing, waisting my time on this rubbish! :p
it's bull$hit that you become more narrow-minded - what you become is more discerning

am I expected to receive a lecture from some young trance enthusiast about open-mindedness?

do me a fcking favour!
Haha!! I think you probably do. From my perspective I am now very selective about what DJ's/artists I will go out and pay to listen to. My tastes have certainly changed as I have got older.

We have been fortunate at my night to be able to book a lot of the DJ's that I like to see.

I do try and understand other styles/forms of music - whilst it may not be my thing I try to understand what others see in it

When I was younger id just go out for the sake of it and as I have got older ill only go to see the Dj's I really want too.

As for music in general my tastes are more eclectic than ever, I love music in all its forms if I can hear that someone has put effort into making it.