Global Gathering 2011

The two statements weren't linked.

Re: Bestival - sold! 8)

...but why the urge to stay away?

If I wanted to keep everything 'just the way it was' I'd have given it all up at 20.

(says he who hasn't felt the urge to revisit Ibiza since 2007.)

re: bestival - oh I dunno. I think I'm scared it's been taken over by the skins generation and turned into a keta-fest. all based on second-hand reports of varying credibility.
re: bestival - oh I dunno. I think I'm scared it's been taken over by the skins generation and turned into a keta-fest. all based on second-hand reports of varying credibility.

:lol: @ skins and k.. have you ever seen it? What a load of shoite! My daughter watches it I told her that thing they are taking, don't think thats what really happens now you hear me!!
Never personally tried it. Doesn't sound like the sort of effect I'm after, plus I think anyone who's read about its link with bladder damage would steer clear. Fun as drugs are, I don't think they're worth piddling yourself over.
I dont think anyone likes it really which is why it's given the name 'regretamine'...." oh bollox I jus did didn't I" is probably the one sentence each person thinks in the last few seconds they have in normality following a tidy bump :lol:
Yeah it's pretty rubbish really.

It just makes me talk like a tw@t and have fun for about 20 mins...2 bumps down and it's no longer fun - it's junkie behavior.

Lets not forget that k is a tranquilizer and e was used in counseling therapy.

That's as far as I'm going though - can't be ar$ed to get into a looooooooong and yawnsome debate about narcotics.
Talking crap is ok it's when I only exist as a presence, a being that what I cannot describe thats what ruffles my feathers a little :lol:
Never seen the point of taking K.
As someone said, it's a tranq... so why pay all that money to go to a club, then take it?
No there's no point at all

Unless you like minimal techno, or extremely dark house

Then it is the most amazing thing ever :twisted:
the ex was talking about mass overcrowding at bestival when she went last year . as u had to queue to get out the campsite into the music bit , then again to get into individual tents/areas but cant confirm it myself
I have never been to a camping festival before, the only ones I've been to are global and gatecrasher and only stayed for the one day. Didn't like the atmosphere, not very comfy, cold etc. This year will be the first that I camp in a festival, I really don't know what to expect :)
I actually find the camping element as much fun as the festival itself.

one guy who came with us to the big chill never left the campsite - spent the whole time caned and cooking risotto on the little stove which never really got eaten by anyone

but the nicest part is the communal element when you're all sat around in the shimmering light

when it rains of course, then that is a very different kettle of fish

the campers I can't stand though are the cliquey ones who build a huge eyesore of a gazebo and then fence their whole area off - so much for sharing the love (and spliff) :rolleyes:
I have never been to a camping festival before, the only ones I've been to are global and gatecrasher and only stayed for the one day. Didn't like the atmosphere, not very comfy, cold etc. This year will be the first that I camp in a festival, I really don't know what to expect :)

Alan being shouted in to the early hours of the morning, lots of noise, shouting, people pis$ing on other peoples tents... that kind of thing. ;)