Global Gathering 2011

No you are wrong!!!!!!

The small dirty dark dingy stinking club full of scatty deranged people is the most precise and correct answer :D

you're fast becoming my favourite Spotlighter on this forum ha ha :p
In your opinion. ;) I love a good light show. Being :eek: and seeing amazing lasers flash past, and Ice cannons explode on to you, is amazing. But if a club has no atmosphere, no matter the production, it wouldn't be the same. It'd be better to go to a small club if the atmosphere is better. OTR in sheffield is a good example of that, the Atmosphere was electric, and the club was tiny

Lazers and ice cannons should only enhance a good artist and not be a cover for how sh*t they are (Tiesto)

I get the impression that you think the bigger an artist is and the more you here of them the better they are as an artist :lol:
how busy was GG last year?? from reports, the answer is it was far from a sell out. Did they lose money last year?? who knows. Do they want to recover some of that loss this year if they did?? you would think so.

Its economics.

Events the size of this will always be about the money. I'm not saying that i think that is right, but its a fact.

I heard there were more fights etc due to the fact more chavs were there, due to the fact of the pop/urban whatever you want to call it bollocks line up, putting more bollocks on is just stupid.

It shouldn't be about the money though, that is the point, it should be about the music, look at the European ones listed here, brilliant line ups.

If GG can't fill a large place with dance acts, then they should downsize, until they can get a decent crowd with decent artists, simple!
a small club, with great music and a great crowd will (in my view) always be better than a massive over the top venue with loads of production budget etc etc. But peoples tastes change......Cream used to be (and i am prob showing my age a little here) the best thing in the world for me, but at the time it was probably the best known club in the world too.


One of the best rooms in London imo is Plastic people and the only light in the room is the exit sign over the door!
That's the thing, I'm not one to dance with the eyes closed so do like a few lights going on. I've never had ice cannons or all that jazz, though. Favourite club is The Arches (Glasgow), but that's maybe because I go there most often and have 'bonded' with it.
That's the thing, I'm not one to dance with the eyes closed so do like a few lights going on. I've never had ice cannons or all that jazz, though. Favourite club is The Arches (Glasgow), but that's maybe because I go there most often and have 'bonded' with it.

i have enjoyed the Arches a LOT when i have been
This in my opinion is one of the best lineups Global have produced for a while.
Fair enough they have got a few 'pop stars' but you have to remember that they do need to sell as many tickets as possible in order for them to be able to fund the festival and make it as good as possible.
In the current financial climate where alot of people are being careful with their pennies having these acts will open up the festival to a wider range of people meaning they'll still get the numbers in.
Global no longer advertise themselves as a 'Dance Festival' either..they always say electronic festival and all of these acts would also fall under that catergory too.

I believe the lack of hardhouse this year is due to a hardhouse festival (or something of the sort) being held the same weekend.

Good to see so many old faces that never disappoint as well as alot of new ones too. The Trance lineup on both days is as good as ever. I personally can't wait for it now.
id say my fav place bakroom holds 200 scatty deranged clubbers maybe less

my favourite World Headquaters in Newcastle, 2 rooms, 300 in each, but rarely open both, amazing club, everyone is laid back, even the doorman, you can have a laugh with, and they won't throw you out for being :eek: ha ha
one thing I will say about nearly all UK festivals is that they are money-driven and policed by knucklehead security teams which kinda ruin the experience for me. The idea of being at a festival for me is supposed to be about escapism, escaping the norm, escaping your normal weekend out, being free and open to new music, new people, new food etc etc - but such is the ever increasing popularity of festivals it's really hard to find any which are genuinely that good and different from the pack. The foreign ones increasingly appeal to me more because they seem genuinely more relaxed, even though they can never replace that wonderful feeling of being in the english countryside on a warm day. The festival I went to in ibiza last summer wasn't really a festival at all, more a collection of events, very amateurishly organised, which only added to their charm and as I get older that smallscale, closeknit kind of family feel to events is increasingly what I want, getting ruined alongside people whose values and tastes you trust rather than in a sea of anonymous people listening to music you simply can't bear. It's not so much about is DJ X better than DJ Y, I pretty much know already which DJs are on my wavelength, and I know a few of the ones I like in person, it's all about the vibe and the reason the festival exists in the first place and the rest will fall into place.
i hate lights they are the worst when you've been dancing hard for 6 hours solid you aint working a good look :lol:

I'm talking about a few lazers, etc, not chandeliers. When I'm :eek: I like a bit of visual stimulation. If i wanted complete darkness, I could lie at home with my headphones and shut my eyes.
I've said this a few times already, but i will say it again:

It shouldn't be about the money and how many tickets they can sell, it should be about the music!
one thing I will say about nearly all UK festivals is that they are money-driven and policed by knucklehead security teams which kinda ruin the experience for me. The idea of being at a festival for me is supposed to be about escapism, escaping the norm, escaping your normal weekend out, being free and open to new music, new people, new food etc etc - but such is the ever increasing popularity of festivals it's really hard to find any which are genuinely that good and different from the pack. The foreign ones increasingly appeal to me more because they seem genuinely more relaxed, even though they can never replace that wonderful feeling of being in the english countryside on a warm day. The festival I went to in ibiza last summer wasn't really a festival at all, more a collection of events, very amateurishly organised, which only added to their charm and as I get older that smallscale, closeknit kind of family feel to events is increasingly what I want, getting ruined alongside people whose values and tastes you trust rather than in a sea of anonymous people listening to music you simply can't bear. It's not so much about is DJ X better than DJ Y, I pretty much know already which DJs are on my wavelength, and I know a few of the ones I like in person, it's all about the vibe and the reason the festival exists in the first place and the rest will fall into place.

one thing I will say about nearly all UK festivals is that they are money-driven and policed by knucklehead security teams which kinda ruin the experience for me. The idea of being at a festival for me is supposed to be about escapism, escaping the norm, escaping your normal weekend out, being free and open to new music, new people, new food etc etc - but such is the ever increasing popularity of festivals it's really hard to find any which are genuinely that good and different from the pack. The foreign ones increasingly appeal to me more because they seem genuinely more relaxed, even though they can never replace that wonderful feeling of being in the english countryside on a warm day. The festival I went to in ibiza last summer wasn't really a festival at all, more a collection of events, very amateurishly organised, which only added to their charm and as I get older that smallscale, closeknit kind of family feel to events is increasingly what I want, getting ruined alongside people whose values and tastes you trust rather than in a sea of anonymous people listening to music you simply can't bear. It's not so much about is DJ X better than DJ Y, I pretty much know already which DJs are on my wavelength, and I know a few of the ones I like in person, it's all about the vibe and the reason the festival exists in the first place and the rest will fall into place.

i second that!

I'm glad there are still some people out there who 'get' it
my favourite World Headquaters in Newcastle, 2 rooms, 300 in each, but rarely open both, amazing club, everyone is laid back, even the doorman, you can have a laugh with, and they won't throw you out for being :eek: ha ha

Most places that play proper dance music understand most of their punters will be :eek:, so don't turf them out. Once in Fabric, my mate got pounced on for being :eek: (think he was dancing with eyes closed). The two of us left behind were wondering what to do - should we leave the club and go looking for him outside? We maybe spent 30 minutes trying to suss out a plan and, just as we were thinking about going, he came running back in. They must have just put him in a holding pen :)lol:) to chill out for a bit.

In The Arches I've seen people leaning on walls or sleeping on chairs, but security just give them a gentle nudge to check they're alive or let them know it's almost closing time. Considering all that, it really p!$$ed me off once when I got refused entry (well, not exactly refused; was told to go away, have a bottle of water, then come back) for being 'drunk', when I was no more than tipsy. :rolleyes: