Glastonbury 2011

It's really wrong that I'm procrastinating over whether to see Kool and the Gang or Beyonce isn't it?

Yes Rob (naming and shaming self).

If I miss Open Sesame because of that slutty foghorn of a woman I'll be royally cross.


If QOTSA weren't on at the same time, I'd have the same dilemma.
It's really wrong that I'm procrastinating over whether to see Kool and the Gang or Beyonce isn't it?

Yes Rob (naming and shaming self).

If I miss Open Sesame because of that slutty foghorn of a woman I'll be royally cross.

there's nothing interesting about her whatsoever.

She just anaethetises your senses with that screeching.
Is it too early to buy shorts and sandals?

UK Outlook for Wednesday 8 Jun 2011 to Wednesday 22 Jun 2011:
For this period, rainfall amounts look to be close to or below average for the time of year for most parts of the UK. Sunshine is likely to be above average for the most part and this will help temperatures to be above average, or even well above the average in some areas, for much of the period, especially in the south.
Checked my order with Seetickets this morning (also to see if it actually existed and I hadn't been celebrating for nothing!!) and it said "tickets in stock and ready to be dispatched" EEEEEEKKKK!!!!

Still can't believe in on month's time I'm going to be setting up my tent in the sun with a cold beer and some silly sunglasses on. wooohooo!!!

Now Glasto veterans you have to help me with your hints and tips. Where's the best place to camp? What day is best to arrive? I've got a friend who lives near Glasto so I'm thinking maybe conviniently arrange a "catchup" with her on the Tuesday night (then I can stay at hers :lol: ) then drive to Gasto early Wednesday morning and set up?
Checked my order with Seetickets this morning (also to see if it actually existed and I hadn't been celebrating for nothing!!) and it said "tickets in stock and ready to be dispatched" EEEEEEKKKK!!!!

Still can't believe in on month's time I'm going to be setting up my tent in the sun with a cold beer and some silly sunglasses on. wooohooo!!!

Now Glasto veterans you have to help me with your hints and tips. Where's the best place to camp? What day is best to arrive? I've got a friend who lives near Glasto so I'm thinking maybe conviniently arrange a "catchup" with her on the Tuesday night (then I can stay at hers :lol: ) then drive to Gasto early Wednesday morning and set up?

I usually get there on Thursday but times have changed and the site opens earlier.

Thursday arrival is cool but if you're looking to camp in a big group then forget it.

It also takes some traipsing around if you want to find a good spot.

I'd say go for Weds and if it's pissing down (which it won't be :lol: ;) ) then stay at your friend's another night.

I'd camp in Pennards if I were you or any of the adjoining fields. Pyramid is very mainstream studenty but you get some nice families too. Green fields is full of hot crustys (yummm) and Dance village is also cool.

My fave thing to do is camp with a good view of the Other stage so you can see it going off from your tent.
Cack-a-doodle-do :(

So much for my lovely summery Glasto wardrobe that I've been putting together in the vain hope that the weather might be a little bit like last year. I'll have to pull out my April camping wardrobe instead by the looks of things! :(

Ahh well. There's nowt much you can do is there except get amongst it :twisted:
keep the faith - last year had a similar forecast and look what happened!

To say i'm excited about Glastonbury is an understatement and a half.
I managed to secure myself a ticket for glastonbury this weekend and am more than a little excited. I can only do fri to sun night as no holiday left but my god I cant wait!! I dont care if it is sunny or raining I am gonna enjoy every last second!!

The upside of only doing fri to sunday is i only need to pack a change of clothes and sleeping bag as tent etc will all be waiting for at camp with my mates who are leaving 5am Wednesday happy bloody days
I managed to secure myself a ticket for glastonbury this weekend and am more than a little excited. I can only do fri to sun night as no holiday left but my god I cant wait!! I dont care if it is sunny or raining I am gonna enjoy every last second!!

The upside of only doing fri to sunday is i only need to pack a change of clothes and sleeping bag as tent etc will all be waiting for at camp with my mates who are leaving 5am Wednesday happy bloody days

Indeed. Last time I went my wingman had already pitched my tent for me before I got there.8)
keep the faith - last year had a similar forecast and look what happened!

To say i'm excited about Glastonbury is an understatement and a half.

I'm trying Stu I really am :)

I'm definitely excited but it's mixed with a feeling of trepidation as it's my first time so I've got a slight irrational fear of the unknown :lol:
On a slightly separate note, one of my team mates fractured his ankle about 7 weeks ago. Because he didn't rest it like he was told, it's still f***ed, he can't put any weight on it and he's talking about not going. I think he's being a fool to pass it up as you never know when you're going again do you? So anyway is it at all possible to sell your ticket to anyone but your doppelganger?
On a slightly separate note, one of my team mates fractured his ankle about 7 weeks ago. Because he didn't rest it like he was told, it's still f***ed, he can't put any weight on it and he's talking about not going. I think he's being a fool to pass it up as you never know when you're going again do you? So anyway is it at all possible to sell your ticket to anyone but your doppelganger?

That's harsh - he'd be wise to listen to his body. Achilles tendon injuries are not to be messed with.