Glastonbury 2011

...and the spectacle of the Pyramid is amazing when the headliners are on.

So in answer to your question, very little, but the Sunday headliner is a fairly important Glasto moment for me.

Agreed, the Pyramid is a special, special place. I wasn't doubting the brillance of that particular stage, and i have to say my favourite Glasto memory is there (Blur a couple of years back closing it on the Sunday was the most epic, amazing, emotional, emphatic thing (not just musical performance, thing) that i have ever seen - it has become an almost mythical experience between me and the guys that were there) and i would never, ever underestimate the power and draw of that particular stage.

Leading me onto your second point, the Sunday headliner. Beyonce. Errrrrrr, she doesn't even compare to The Verve or Blur, let alone Stevie Wonder. Prince would have killed it. Don't really undesrstand the Beyonce thing, they don't need a 'modern' act to sell tickets, the tickets are sold out as soon as they're available, so the question is why? Ok, Prince wasn't available, or didn't want to do it, fair enough, but Beyonce? She has all the musical heritage of an X Factor candidate. Very strange...
I was dragged to a Beyonce show with some friends a year and a half ago.

I am definitely not her target demo... not a fan at all. But I must say that she put on quite a good show. I was pleasantly surprised. If anything, the girl has pipes.
Don't really undesrstand the Beyonce thing, they don't need a 'modern' act to sell tickets, the tickets are sold out as soon as they're available, so the question is why? Ok, Prince wasn't available, or didn't want to do it, fair enough, but Beyonce? She has all the musical heritage of an X Factor candidate. Very strange...

Apparently Mrs. Eavis is a fan. Our group went to see Shakira last year just for a laugh and we all absolutely adored her so I'm going to give Beyonce a chance as well :)
Apparently Mrs. Eavis is a fan. Our group went to see Shakira last year just for a laugh and we all absolutely adored her so I'm going to give Beyonce a chance as well :)

Ok, i'm not doubting Beyonce's skills as a performer here. Nor Shakira's. But there is a MASSIVE difference between Shakira's 8pm(?) slot on a Saturday and the closing-the-entire-festi slot on a Sunday that Beyonce has beeen granted. This slot should be filled by a band/performer that has served their time fulfilling the aural needs of genuine music fans for a decent amount of time, performers who have soundtracked lives, meant something to people, influenced time and place. Verve soundtracked my teenage years, Blur made me realise just HOW GOOD a band they were, Stevie Wonder blew my already frazzled brain apart Sunday night last year. Beyonce has done a couple of good pop songs and has married a famous rapper.

I predict a very quiet Pyramid stage come Sunday night this year. But **** it, Glasto has a million and one amazing things to see at any given moment, i'm sure there will be something class on the Other Stage, one of the dance tents, acoustic stage, countless other small stages. Or forget music completely and just chat **** to someone you've just met somewhere, in some state of mind :)
To be honest, I've always had more than enough of it come Sunday morning so I've never even stayed till Sunday evening. Lightweight I know :lol:
Ive only gone and got tickets haven't I?!?!

I think I got in through my own carelessness! I had about 10 screens open, on one of them I must have mistakenly clicked on "buy carpark ticket" rather than buy the actual ticket. It took me through to the Seetickets website to buy a carpark ticket for £20. When I clicked "back" it took me straight to the main page to buy proper tickets, where I frantically put in my details with shaking hands :)

Can't believe I am finally going to Glasto! I had totally given up hope for this year.

Bet it rains now :( :D :D :D
Ive only gone and got tickets haven't I?!?!



We've just started planning for our trip* and I'm extremely excited!

*I have started my Glasto clothes pile in the corner of my wardobe :lol:
If it rains it'll still be amazing Beck - so long as you can train John to keep his muddy feet out of the tent! :eek:
If it rains it'll still be amazing Beck - so long as you can train John to keep his muddy feet out of the tent! :eek:

I'm considering buying a fancy tent for this one. We've got a 2-3 man one which has always been fine for festies, but debating whether I'd need something a bit more "comfortable" for a 5 day festival?

I'm also going to look up local B&B's as a few people in my work have been talking about *that* year when it rained so much a river started running through the campsite :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol:
I'd say don't unless you're arriving early on Weds.

It can be annoying shoe horning a large tent into a small space at Glasto.

Large tents are better for w@nky boutique festies like Secret Garden.
I won't be at glastonbury but some of my friends will be - if you pass the slumberrave area then that's them