Glastonbury 2011

Funnily enough I really want to go now knowing Prince is playing, seen him at the O2 - awesome 8)
I haven't been a big fan since the early days but I saw him at the O2 (flew into London specially... well, for that and a Chelsea match) and it was a great show. I'd love to see him again.

U2 live are also very good (in between Bono's monologues). Never seen Coldplay live. Wouldn't mind it once.

In short, someone sell me their Glasto ticket please :lol:
(at face value, of course...)
Me too! That night his drummer (Sheila E?) inspired me to start learning to play the drums 8)

I remember being new in my job when I went to the concert, they couldnt believe that I was going to see Prince "surely you are too young" definitely not :twisted:
Me too! That night his drummer (Sheila E?) inspired me to start learning to play the drums 8)
I used to play drums and I was a big Sheila E fan back in the early 80's, both when she was in the Revolution and when she went solo. Aside from being a great percussionist, she was hot. 8)
Prince is my absolute dream headliner bar none - I love the man (can even forgive him for his love of Jehova and recent internet claims.)

It ain't even about the classics (I do love the Sign "O" the times album tho) - it's watching him jam.

When he gets up there and ad libs with his fellow musicians it's clear that you're watching one of the true musical geniuses of our generation...and let's face it - in the advent of reality shows and the digital revolution there aren't many.

I went a few nights at the O2 - the best of all was the opening night...he played an after show at IndigO2 and seeing him up close was just aMAZE.

Please please please say it's true. :eek:

To think I nearly couldn't be ar$ed to get a ticket!
I haven't been a big fan since the early days but I saw him at the O2 (flew into London specially... well, for that and a Chelsea match) and it was a great show. I'd love to see him again.

U2 live are also very good (in between Bono's monologues). Never seen Coldplay live. Wouldn't mind it once.

In short, someone sell me their Glasto ticket please :lol:
(at face value, of course...)

There's something about the Pyramid at Glasto which makes truly great bands/artists even better, Prince closing on the Sunday night would be nothing short of special, i hope the rumours are true. I saw Coldplay there in 2005, was very good but not sure they've done enough worthwhile stuff recently to make it relevant, they're no rock gods. I wasn't upset when U2 cancelled this year, but after seeing Gorillaz bomb, i now realise what works on that big stage, and Knob-Cheese Bono et al would certainly own that stage.

Morbyd, you keep saying you want to go, when are you actually going to sort it out??! I could sell you my ticket, but with photo id on them it becomes a bit difficult - i'm fairly certain you're not white with glasses? :)
Ah, so the tix are all photo IDed? That sucks!
So basically if you didn't get them this past round then no chance? :(
Ah, so the tix are all photo IDed? That sucks!
So basically if you didn't get them this past round then no chance? :(

There will be a resale in April, this is how i got my tickets this year, although very limited supply. If you're registered etc and got a few friendly spotlighters to try as well as yourself, you have a chance sir

Aside from what I'm about to say, Glasto is set to be THE UK weekend of the year.

But - Coldplay and Beyonce with no sign of Prince?

Gimme a frickin' break. :rolleyes:

Aside from what I'm about to say, Glasto is set to be THE UK weekend of the year.

But - Coldplay and Beyonce with no sign of Prince?

Gimme a frickin' break. :rolleyes:

Coldplay & Beyonce? That's me not going then!

Aside from what I'm about to say, Glasto is set to be THE UK weekend of the year.

But - Coldplay and Beyonce with no sign of Prince?

Gimme a frickin' break. :rolleyes:

Very poor, but let's be honest how much of your time is actually spent at the Pyramid??
One of my best friends was there. Sounds great!

I have to say I enjoy the size of it nowadays though. There's masses of UK festies these days ranging from annoyingly middle class boutique to crusty. Plenty of choice which probably wasn't around then.

Nostalgia does give a rose tinted sheen to things after all eh?
Very poor, but let's be honest how much of your time is actually spent at the Pyramid??

My sentiments exactly. It's going to be my first time so I'm not that knowledgable on the Glasto craic but from other festivals I've been to I've never thought the headliners were the best act of the day (Kings of Leon playing new unreleased tracks? Yes that's REALLY going to get the crowd going at 10pm after they've been on it for 12 hours)

I've got friends who are thinking of pulling out just because the headliners are a bit sketchy - it's "ruined" their festival (bearing in mind they haven't been before either). Give me a break! Surely Glasto is about SO much more than who's topping the bill?
My sentiments exactly. It's going to be my first time so I'm not that knowledgable on the Glasto craic but from other festivals I've been to I've never thought the headliners were the best act of the day (Kings of Leon playing new unreleased tracks? Yes that's REALLY going to get the crowd going at 10pm after they've been on it for 12 hours)

I've got friends who are thinking of pulling out just because the headliners are a bit sketchy - it's "ruined" their festival (bearing in mind they haven't been before either). Give me a break! Surely Glasto is about SO much more than who's topping the bill?

No, no... let them pull out. I need tickets in the resale! :lol:
Very poor, but let's be honest how much of your time is actually spent at the Pyramid??

I've been to billions of Glastos from the mid 90s to now and still like to spread myself as thinly as possible to take everything in. It ain't just a dance festie to me.

It's all about getting healing treatments in the green fields, finding one off secret gigs, world class jazz musicians, world music, tripped out Bristol dubby stuff, the theatre field during the day, shangri la after dark, techno in the dance field, trannies on the downlow, Rolf Harris, the family fave on Sunday afternoon...

...and the spectacle of the Pyramid is amazing when the headliners are on.

So in answer to your question, very little, but the Sunday headliner is a fairly important Glasto moment for me.
Spot on mate.
Who cares who the headliners are? It's such a tiny part of what the festival is about.
There are 20-30 other stages / tents, every music style you could think of.
Plus comedy, theatre, dance, you name it.

Also the after hours side of the festival; the amazing Arcadia and Shangri-La.

Can't wait for this year's fest.