first season without after hours

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If you wanna dance all day in the sun at a day club then go to club papaya at zcre beach in the island of pag, croatia. Its eastern europes version of ibiza. Its not quite the same but the club does have a waterslide in it :)

so there you have it :)
OK everybody. I think a lot of us need to take a deep breath. :lol:

We're all panicking like the end of the world is upon us, but I think it's a bit premature. There are a lot of folks that have vested interests in the clubbing industry in Ibiza. It's not just going to vanish and it certainly won't happen without a fight.

Even though we have been referred to as "the minority" consistantly on this thread, clubbing is big business in Ibiza. Don't think that the government of Ibiza doesn't want our dollars, euros, pounds, etc. Don't think the shop owner in PDB is unhappy selling sandwiches and beer to clubbers. Even if we only represent 20%, that's a hell of a lot of money. We haven't heard so much as a peep out of the club owners on this subject. They aren't freaking out over this so why should we? I don't think this is going to be as bad as everybody thinks and I think their silence speaks volumes.
i found this well informed post on a travel forum this morning. 13000 posts so he must know what he's talking about.

RE:Is ibiza still the party capital of the world?

by arkspice on Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:43 pm
Ibiza isnt the party island it once was, the clubs are still there and the punters but the in crowd has grown tired of the island and moved on, the DJs will show up on the island as long as they get the paycheck to do so. There is still magic to be found on the island but many hotels and resorts no longer rent to clubbers, the cheap beach front houses are a thing of the past as more resorts and spas get built. They just passed many new laws to control all night parties on the island so the people there have grown tired of the scene. They want to move beyond the all night parties and get more families and upscale singles there. So we will see what happens to the island, I have had many great nights there and will always remember the sunrise sessions at Cafe Del Mar!
Its still worth the trip but its not what it once was. Miami in March is now the Ibiza of the US.

arkspice Posts: 13434 Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:55 pm
I'm not much bothered with the new restrictions because, as I have stated in many previous occasions, I come from the DESERT and Ibiza represents everything I don't have over here! (a matter of few hours per day might be compensated by a longer stay )However, I must say that we ,the clubbers, are much underestimated.Maybe we are only 20% of the total tourists. BUT did it ever come to your mind that we are 20% with purchasing power? we spend a lot on services that actually costs little...such as entrance tickets to the clubs. ANDAn average family of four has ONE or maximum TWO persons spending (assuming that the remaing 2 persons are actually kids or infants).Whereas ALL the clubbers are spending a minimum of EURO 100 per person on clubs entrance fees and drinks (I won't mention restaurants expenses and becah related expenses because many know for sure that we don't eat and we can't have fun outside a black box!!! deuh). And I strongly believe that a family of four isn't spending that much as most of them book H/B rooms and only eat at their hotels. So drop the restaurants argument.In addition, I have noticed that many tourists are recently coming from the Americas, Australia and some Asian countries. Do you really believe that those tourists would actually be attracted by spas and golf terrains?? they have much more saps with better quality and at much cheaper rates.I'm sure that the Ibiza officials know this VERY well:We might be 20% of the total tourists but I'm sure that we contribute to more than 20% of the island's revenues from tourism.
I understand that the government would like all of their tourists to be Zidane or Pelelope Cruz but get real! Do they really expect to sustain their economy based on visiting celebrities?

By the way, celebrities come to Ibiza to party too.
is it too late to start the annual Boycott Ibiza petition???

(tongue in cheek post for those not on here too often)
i found this well informed post on a travel forum this morning. 13000 posts so he must know what he's talking about.

RE:Is ibiza still the party capital of the world?

by arkspice on Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:43 pm
Ibiza isnt the party island it once was, the clubs are still there and the punters but the in crowd has grown tired of the island and moved on, the DJs will show up on the island as long as they get the paycheck to do so. There is still magic to be found on the island but many hotels and resorts no longer rent to clubbers, the cheap beach front houses are a thing of the past as more resorts and spas get built. They just passed many new laws to control all night parties on the island so the people there have grown tired of the scene. They want to move beyond the all night parties and get more families and upscale singles there. So we will see what happens to the island, I have had many great nights there and will always remember the sunrise sessions at Cafe Del Mar!
Its still worth the trip but its not what it once was. Miami in March is now the Ibiza of the US.

arkspice Posts: 13434 Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:55 pm

Do I understand that this chap has posted 13,434 times since joining on March 24 THIS YEAR?? Is he a robot? Does he actually leave his computer desk? LOL. This can't be right??
here you go - from an american car mag review of the new audi estate

"Ibiza, the notorious party island off the coast of Spain, isn't exactly the first location that comes to mind for the drive of a new station wagon - it's more the kind of place where you step off the plane and they hand you a packet of crystal meth and a glow stick. But even without those, we managed to enjoy our time behind the wheel of the new Audi A4 Avant. Ibiza's narrow, winding roads were largely empty - we guessed it was because debauchery season hadn't yet begun, but evidently the island's inhabitants were just inside with curtains drawn, sleeping off their hangovers"

another load of tosh!
where, what, who, arghhhh!!! :eek:

how do these people come up with this absolute bile :x

stick to car reveiws not island reviews :spank:

here you go - from an american car mag review of the new audi estate

"Ibiza, the notorious party island off the coast of Spain, isn't exactly the first location that comes to mind for the drive of a new station wagon - it's more the kind of place where you step off the plane and they hand you a packet of crystal meth and a glow stick. But even without those, we managed to enjoy our time behind the wheel of the new Audi A4 Avant. Ibiza's narrow, winding roads were largely empty - we guessed it was because debauchery season hadn't yet begun, but evidently the island's inhabitants were just inside with curtains drawn, sleeping off their hangovers"

another load of tosh!

:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :evil:

wtf?!?! who on earth wrote that???
here you go - from an american car mag review of the new audi estate

"Ibiza, the notorious party island off the coast of Spain, isn't exactly the first location that comes to mind for the drive of a new station wagon - it's more the kind of place where you step off the plane and they hand you a packet of crystal meth and a glow stick. But even without those, we managed to enjoy our time behind the wheel of the new Audi A4 Avant. Ibiza's narrow, winding roads were largely empty - we guessed it was because debauchery season hadn't yet begun, but evidently the island's inhabitants were just inside with curtains drawn, sleeping off their hangovers"

another load of tosh!

lol, what a load of bull s**t. the subject a little, but i remember some new laws about the distribution of flyers etc. Does this mean that we wont be seeing endless amounts of posters stuck up everywhere and those wrist bands you tend to get given, will they be gone to?
hope not... got into priv and space for meganite and azuli respectively on the cheap of those bracelet thingys

... and es paradis on one occasion :lol:

off the subject a little, but i remember some new laws about the distribution of flyers etc. Does this mean that we wont be seeing endless amounts of posters stuck up everywhere and those wrist bands you tend to get given, will they be gone to?

they stopped the fly posting last year - but if youre like us and get given the govn contract to stick their posters up youre laughing ;)
OK everybody. I think a lot of us need to take a deep breath. :lol:

We're all panicking like the end of the world is upon us, but I think it's a bit premature. There are a lot of folks that have vested interests in the clubbing industry in Ibiza. It's not just going to vanish and it certainly won't happen without a fight.

Even though we have been referred to as "the minority" consistantly on this thread, clubbing is big business in Ibiza. Don't think that the government of Ibiza doesn't want our dollars, euros, pounds, etc. Don't think the shop owner in PDB is unhappy selling sandwiches and beer to clubbers. Even if we only represent 20%, that's a hell of a lot of money. We haven't heard so much as a peep out of the club owners on this subject. They aren't freaking out over this so why should we? I don't think this is going to be as bad as everybody thinks and I think their silence speaks volumes.

Take a breath? No way everyone wants to know now.Cant you see everyones anticipation on this matter.For some of us ----)looking forward to an ibiza trip is what keeps us wanting to live and when something gets f'ed up it keeps us awake at night:eek:
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