first season without after hours

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:arrow: the town hall of san antonio closes the bar can talaias in can coix
"this venue had many denounces for not respecting the opening times and for not having music licence. also, the assistants to after hours in this bar were found with illegal substances"

this is disgraceful. a restaurant, mainly, that has catered for workers who don't finish until 4am, one of very few in the area, run by 2 old ibicenco who to all intents and purposes have no business.

one more place closer to going bust, 2 more people who can't earn a living. nice work!:x
EasyJet recommends...Ibiza after-hours

Desperately bored on a flight to London, I actually started reading
those bits at the back of the EasyJet in-flight magazine which offer information
and recommendation about their various destinations
(and which I suspect only the terminally uninterested ever read).
I expected to learn stuff that will probably never be of any use to me,
i.e., that Wagner composed Parsifal in the Grand Hotel in Palermo
and that it takes half an hour to get from Orly airport to central Paris by train.

I didn't expect the advice in the Palma entry which reads:
"If you still have some energy to burn after leaving Palma's clubs at 6am,
why not hop on the fast ferry at 8am to the neighbouring isle of Ibiza?
You can then take a short taxi ride and experience one of the world's best clubs,
Space, open all day."

Clearly news of the new after-hours restrictions hasn't drifted
as far as the ears of EasyJet correspondent David Anderson.

More to the point, do you think news has drifted to the ears
of the Ibicenco government that it was the glorious fun of daytime parties
like Space, DC10 and Bora Bora
that made Ibiza famous?

And that for many visitors they were the whole point of a trip here?
An after hour is going on right now with Sven, Richie and Villalobos. The villa looks fab.
from the ibiza sun:

Poor Public Relations
The mayoress, Lurdes Costa, announced a clampdown on PR's in the marina area of town, after continued complaints from business owners in the area. Costa claimed the legislation of just one PR per establishment was currently very difficult to control, and she could better manage the situation next year by prohibiting any kind of PR's. This, she claimed, would make the law far easier to enforce.
PR' ing in the area has become commonplace, with each bar in the packed marina attempting to lure tourists into their establishments with the use of more and more PR's. This unfortunately has made it impossible to walk down the street without being hassled every few seconds, something local businesses are keen to avoid.
She said that in the meantime local police would control the area and ensure there were not an excessive number of PR's in the port.
:arrow: the police aborts three illegal parties in san rafael in one week
"the town hall has denounced the owners of the houses"
:arrow: the town hall of san antonio closes the bar can talaias in can coix
"this venue had many denounces for not respecting the opening times and for not having music licence. also, the assistants to after hours in this bar were found with illegal substances"
from the ibiza sun:

Bar Closed
Sources at the Town Hall revealed that they had ordered the closure of the Can Talaias bar in Sa Pedrera-Can Coix, after the owners had repeatedly tried to organise after-hour parties, something now banned in all five of the municipalities on the island. The statement continued that the bar also did not hold a music license, just one other reason for the forced closure.
The police gave several warnings to the bar, all of which were ignored, eventually forcing the authority's hand into the drastic action. There were also drugs found on the premises during the police visits.
However, the statement made it clear the main reason for the closure had been the bar's attempts to organise after-hour parties.
The news came the day after police in the municipality confirmed they had intervened in three illegal parties in the San Rafael area. Officers managed to cut off access to the properties, speak to the organisers, and have even been in contact with the owners of the houses, although it is still not known if fines will be handed out.
from the ibiza sun:

Poor Public Relations
The mayoress, Lurdes Costa, announced a clampdown on PR's in the marina area of town, after continued complaints from business owners in the area. Costa claimed the legislation of just one PR per establishment was currently very difficult to control, and she could better manage the situation next year by prohibiting any kind of PR's. This, she claimed, would make the law far easier to enforce.
PR' ing in the area has become commonplace, with each bar in the packed marina attempting to lure tourists into their establishments with the use of more and more PR's. This unfortunately has made it impossible to walk down the street without being hassled every few seconds, something local businesses are keen to avoid.
She said that in the meantime local police would control the area and ensure there were not an excessive number of PR's in the port.

its a good job they havent been watching the living tv series or been to san an ;)
An after hour is going on right now with Sven, Richie and Villalobos. The villa looks fab.
fabby do.....

:arrow: two afters stopped, one in toromar and one in a house in cala llentrisca


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:arrow: san josé aborts an illegal party in las salinas area
"the party, which was supposed to start at 4pm and finish at midnight, was organized by the promoter azuli"

(as some of you know already, it was supposed to happen at cap des falcó but after the incident with the police they moved it to sol den serra.....)

it also mentions that sol den serra, where they did the two previous secret parties, has been fined by the santa eulalia authorities as they only have restaurant licence so they cant have loud music.....
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Ibiza is out!!!

Hi! Im from Germany. The real partys in ibiza are finished!! New authorities and new laws: the discos and clubs must open at 16,30 hours and close at 6 hours. Only 12 hours open. No more 24 hours clubs!! Someones of the best clubs are closed by police for drugs, as DC-10 and others!!:evil:
Hi! Im from Germany. The real partys in ibiza are finished!! New authorities and new laws: the discos and clubs must open at 16,30 hours and close at 6 hours. Only 12 hours open. No more 24 hours clubs!! Someones of the best clubs are closed by police for drugs, as DC-10 and others!!:evil:

Nonsense if the clubs open at 16.30 and close at 6am, how do you get 12 hrs from that?
Hi! Im from Germany. The real partys in ibiza are finished!! New authorities and new laws: the discos and clubs must open at 16,30 hours and close at 6 hours. Only 12 hours open. No more 24 hours clubs!! Someones of the best clubs are closed by police for drugs, as DC-10 and others!!:evil:

welcome to the forums, imur :D

we all know about the new opening times regulations, it's been discussed on this very forums for months now. many on here (including myself) think they're too strict, but so far, the season's been great nevertheless.

saying "ibiza is out" is a bit short-sighted though. many members of this forum are visiting ibiza for years already, some of them for more than 10 or even 20 years. and these peeps will keep going back even with changed opening hours of clubs. if ibiza for you is only cool if the clubs can stay open for 24hours, then i'd advise you to explore the island of ibiza to find some hidden gems and also find other reasons why to travel to ibiza.

dc10 is due to re-open in about 10 days by the way and we're looking forward to it! :twisted:
:arrow: san josé aborts an illegal party in las salinas area
"the party, which was supposed to start at 4pm and finish at midnight, was organized by the promoter azuli"

(as some of you know already, it was supposed to happen at cap des falcó but after the incident with the police they moved it to sol den serra.....)

it also mentions that sol den serra, where they did the two previous secret parties, has been fined by the santa eulalia authorities as they only have restaurant licence so they cant have loud music.....

went to this last week at sol den serra it was great :D:D
letter from IBIZA

Island where the party never stops. (Until 6 a.m.)

At last, weary residents get brief respite from crush of clubsters,
the Tribune's Christine Spolar writes
By Christine Spolar Tribune correspondent
August 10, 2008

IBIZA, Spain —
This legendary island of party insanity has come to a kind of middle-age revelation:
It no longer can keep up 24-hour clubbing.

That doesn't mean clubs like the white-leather expanse that is Pacha thump any less frenetically at 5 a.m. Or chill parties that begin near the beach at 6 p.m.—a kind of low-key clubbing for the sundown crowd—feature less D-cup decolletage from their tanned patrons. But a new law that closes clubs at 6 a.m. lends a certain quiet to the dawn—or as one taxi driver who hauls carloads of bleary-eyed clubsters around town every night said: "At least people who really live here can sleep."

Sunny Ibiza seems to have recognized the wrinkles that go with non-stop partying. This year, all five councils on the island voted to cut back hours to ease tensions between residents and the thousands of summer visitors who descend on this Balearic Island of Spain with inhibitions unhinged. Clubs must be shuttered until 6 p.m.

The councils aimed to clamp down on unlicensed clubs and their more rambunctious activities. (Think drugs, sex and all possible combinations of temptation.) They also wanted to relieve a few other headaches in a partyland that has rumbled on since the 1970s.

Flights of fancy
Tales of excess are ubiquitous and, in recent years, seem to have spun off of the surge of cheap air flights from other parts of Europe. Planeloads of young people would land, party for days and never check into hotels. Islanders apparently thought paradise was nearly lost.

DJs lamented the change—one worried aloud in a magazine article that Ibiza would become (gasp) like St. Tropez, France. City officials said they believe tourism had dipped this year but only because of the global economic crunch, not the decision to cut back the party. "We believe most people who live in Ibiza wanted this," said one city tourism official who shied away from giving her name. "Maybe people who fly in for a party want this to go on for 24 hours, but we can't live this way."

Ibiza, renowned as a onetime hippie enclave, still reigns as the Mediterranean's shimmery isle of music. The city's harborside walks are an open-air market for club music—with stands set up to provide headsets for the serious buyer or the just curious to listen to the freshest cuts.

Fellow Europeans are particularly keen to what plays here. Those who spend hours trolling the music scene in London or Amsterdam invariably end up on at least one summer bender in Ibiza.

Streets are agog by 11 p.m. Teenage girls flaunting more thighs than clothes parade by. Transvestites in flame-colored spandex preen. Bantering is encouraged. Double-takes are expected. Friendly, knowing laughs bubble up into the night.

Real destination: Clubs
But the clubs are everyone's real destiny. Fifty-somethings can be spied at the early chill scene; late night remains the domain of the young. Still, those of any age who think they are young enough to hang and dance in a club like Pacha—the island's most famous nightspot—probably are.

Sasha Smeets and Marjolyn Barneveld landed in Pacha one Saturday at 1 a.m. The two Dutch women—one 37 years old and the other 40—had to shout to be heard, but they were somewhat surprised at the dance scene that they watched from atop tiered white balconies: The writhing dance floor was calmer than they expected. The hip, it turns out, pour in closer to 3.

"It looks like very ordinary people," Smeets said. "I'd come back."

The most intimidating thing about clubbing may have been the entrance price: 50 euros a person at Pacha that night; drinks were selling at 20 euros a pop. (For dollar-bound travelers, that would be about $85 to walk through the door and $30 for a Coke.)

"That's a lot more than we'd pay at home," Smeets said. "Maybe we are a little old for this, but we just had to see what this was."

The possibility of thrills are Ibiza's draw. Three 20-year-old men from Sweden miscalculated just how far to go to make their mark on the scene. They headed to Pacha after midnight with one of them garbed in a long, red gown—apparently to attract attention or give off the gloss of cool. The stunt worked until the three youths tried to sidle up to some girls to pursue more lusty summer desires—part of a rather obvious checklist when in Ibiza.

"The girls looked nice," said Fredrik Linde, a truck mechanic. "But they weren't really interested."
Bora Bora

Absolutely GUTTED re DC10 being closed for remainder of 2008 :cry:
Heard Bora Bora cant play music until 4.30 now .. can anyone tell me whether this is true .. some of the best times ive had in Ibiza over the last couple of years is getting onto bora bora lunchtime and just loving the loud tunes and atmosphere 8)
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