first season without after hours

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next they'll be making us drive properly, or queue in an orderly fashion at the bus stop, or make holding the door open for the next person obligatory - fascists.

quote] i'm probably being picky here, but asking clubs not to open at a certain time was not particularly high on the national socialist agenda as far as i can recall![/quote]

are u sure?...;)
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one mans freedom is another mans tyranny ;)

the problem is that as ddi shows, it seems the majority of their readership agree with the ban - personally i think its shortsighted but as paco medina said at the ims "its an experiment"
i can see the point if a club is located right by some ones home, i would be pissed off to if people were out all night outside my house, but for the majority of clubs their in the middle of no where, it achieves nothing making them close!

Blanket bans never work.
I find a lot of the stuff going on lately complete nonsense, like doing dc10 for noise pollution is just silly, however not having the proper licence and exceeding their capacity i can see their point, even though it could clearly hold more and still be safe.

But then i don't live there, whom i to question the people of the island. I can't see the locals changing their opinions until the money stops coming in, its just the way it is.

I just hope next season they come up with another solution for the afters hours, they need to realise just how important daytime parties are to the island. I for one much prefer day time parties in the sun than night times, but that's just my opinion. The current law just seems rushed with lack of thought, but like mr l k said, its just an experiment. Lets see eh ;)
you need to look at the bigger picture. it doesn't matter if the club is at the top of a mountain, ibiza's problem is much bigger than some isolated noise and a a couple of thousand weirdos turning up. possibly the local people would rather have a bit less money, less higher maintenance tourists and less of a reputation as sodom and gomorrah????
you need to look at the bigger picture. it doesn't matter if the club is at the top of a mountain, ibiza's problem is much bigger than some isolated noise and a a couple of thousand weirdos turning up. possibly the local people would rather have a bit less money, less higher maintenance tourists and less of a reputation as sodom and gomorrah????

As I have alluded to on another thread recently, I agree entirely that Ibiza's reputation needed salvation. Some of the quotes re: people arrested for drugs on the island were truly shocking. A lot of the imagery problems are as a direct result of the Ibiza uncovered programmes, certainly in my experience.

The methods they are currently employing to solve the problem(s) seems rather erratic and brainless imho.
:arrow: less accidents due to the closing of the afters
pepa mari ribas, representative for tourism in ibiza, said yesterday that the closing of the afters "has been much noticed" in some of the more conflictive aspects of the summer, like crimes and touristic accidents or people attended in urgencies. "the number of tourists that fell from the balconies of their hotels has lowered a lot this summer", she said, who announced that soon they will release a detailed study about the positive consequences of banning the 24 hours clubs. mari said, like the representatives of the san jose town hall, that due to the reopening of dc10, last week, there has been an increase in the number of people attended for drugs in the urgencies service of the can misses hospital, after a spectacular decrease of these cases. this venue will have to close again on september 9th though. "stopping people getting high three days non-stop and forcing them to break that rhythm so they rest helps in the decrease of this kind of cases"
...less accidents due to the closing of the afters ...
2009 probably even less accidents due to fewer clubbers/tourists coming ?!

... mari said, like the representatives of the san jose town hall,
that due to the reopening of dc10, last week, there has been an increase
in the number of people attended for drugs in the urgencies service of the can misses hospital ...
where do they know from that "the number of people attended for drugs"
is caused because of dc10 and not because of 2 of the island´s biggest megaparties
on the same day - privilege/tiesto and/or amnesia/cocoon ???
where do they know from that "the number of people attended for drugs" is caused because of dc10 and not because of 2 of the island´s biggest megaparties on the same day - privilege/tiesto and/or amnesia/cocoon ???
· time of arrival to the hospital? (if they go there at 10pm, for example, they dont come from privilege or amnesia)
· where the ambulance picked them up?
· what they explained to the stuff in the hospital?
· etc
soon it will be close the clubs at 4am, then your have the same information come out again. What? did people actually expect them to say 'the after hours hasn't affected the amount of people coming into the hospitals' etc.
i doubt it, they will need the money the pay the fine.....

ouch!! - €140 was for members, it was €170 for non members...

what were sol den serra thinking? - they had already had to pay a fine for illegal music at the azuli party...

That's alot of unhappy punters out of pocket :confused:

The authorities are far from stupid, they know what's on and when, it wouldnt suprise me if they didnt come on sites like this to find out :rolleyes: :lol:
That's alot of unhappy punters out of pocket :confused:

The authorities are far from stupid, they know what's on and when, it wouldnt suprise me if they didnt come on sites like this to find out :rolleyes: :lol:

anyone with an rss feed from google, yahoo or technorati (specifying ibiza) can pick up these annoucements within 30 mins of them appearing on the net - why do people assume the guardia are not internet savvy ? - its like assuming MI5 dont have internet access ;)

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