first season without after hours

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Yes its true, this discussion has been going on for months now in the Ibiza Clubs forums.

We are all sad about it and many of us are gutted about our favourite daytime parties, but nothing you can do to change it.

Just do your research and find something else to do during the day.... there are plenty of options! ;)
from the ibiza sun:

Parties Raided
Police in San Jose broke up a further two illegal parties during the week as the authorities continued in their crackdown of after hours. Police were called to the first on Tuesday morning on the ses Salinas rode at a bar known as el ToroMar. Police informed the owner of the bar that his licence to operate had expired and sent the party-goers on their way. They claimed there were up to 120 vehicles in the area at the time.
The second, on a much smaller scale, was stopped on the same morning at a house in Cala Llentrisca. Officers said the party was an afters and had been organised under the logo of a famous island club night, the same one used several weeks ago at Pikes hotel. Police revealed they had managed to get hold of the owner of the property, but did not reveal if he had been fined.
Absolutely GUTTED re DC10 being closed for remainder of 2008 :cry:
Heard Bora Bora cant play music until 4.30 now .. can anyone tell me whether this is true .. some of the best times ive had in Ibiza over the last couple of years is getting onto bora bora lunchtime and just loving the loud tunes and atmosphere 8)

Oi Caz, do you not believe anything I tell you :p
el club in ibiza town (which, as you might remember, was opening as after hours since two weeks ago) got raided by the police this morning at 10am..... two customers have been arrested in possession of drugs and the venue has been fined for surpassing its legal cappacity :!:

source: cadena ser radio

more details in the newspapers tomorrow.....
Would I be right in thinking that alot of these afters would have been operating last season without problem or is it just this year that these smaller parties have started?
this morning another illegal party has been stopped in san josé (la troya after party they said). the local tv went there this afternoon and aired images taken two hours ago which shows that the party continues in a villa nearby!! :lol:
Do you think the authorities will realise a blanket ban wont work and allow afters next season??
Surely its not worth all this hassle, i can't see the police enjoying it to much either??
Do you think the authorities will realise a blanket ban wont work and allow afters next season??
Surely its not worth all this hassle, i can't see the police enjoying it to much either??

no of course not!! ... unforutnately...( i wish though!)
fabby do.....

:arrow: two afters stopped, one in toromar and one in a house in cala llentrisca



i was there that morning,lots of police around,think it continued later on though?
el club in ibiza town (which, as you might remember, was opening as after hours since two weeks ago) got raided by the police this morning at 10am..... two customers have been arrested in possession of drugs and the venue has been fined for surpassing its legal cappacity :!:

source: cadena ser radio

more details in the newspapers tomorrow.....
:arrow: two clients of el club denounced for drug consumption and the venue denounced for surpassing its permitted capacity
:arrow: el club raided
"it took place after the neighbours denounced the proliferation of people early in the morning in the venue, along with constant problems"
el club in ibiza town (which, as you might remember, was opening as after hours since two weeks ago) got raided by the police this morning at 10am..... two customers have been arrested in possession of drugs and the venue has been fined for surpassing its legal cappacity :!:

source: cadena ser radio

more details in the newspapers tomorrow.....
:arrow: two clients of el club denounced for drug consumption and the venue denounced for surpassing its permitted capacity
:arrow: el club raided
"it took place after the neighbours denounced the proliferation of people early in the morning in the venue, along with constant problems"
this is getting ridiculous.....

:arrow: new police control in el club
"due to the complaints of the neighbours the policia local, along with the policia nacional, made a new control in el club"

the neighbours will complain till its closed for good i suppose.....
Hard to complain about tax revenue being down when every time a bar gets busy you shut it down. They should do this stuff when the pensioners are there. "Let's see I have a head count of 30 seniors here, were shutting you down". "Wow there granny, where do you think your going? Open up your purse. Where did you get these arthritis meds from? I want to see a prescription now or were writing you a ticket!"
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What do you think of the new afterhours law in Ibiza?

"I think it goes against what the island stands for and is known for.
It seems they are taking things for granted
and shooting themselves in the foot in a way."
(from gregorio´s interview with sharam @ ibizavoice)
he/she is obviously one of the 22% of ddi readers who are not in favour of the new after hours laws.
he/she is obviously one of the 22% of ddi readers
who are not in favour of the new after hours laws.
you can´t take this poll too serious,
because only sharam and mrlk took part ...
... and mrlk voted several times :lol:

Estás a favor del cierre de los ´after hours´ en las islas?

- Sí, totalmente de acuerdo.
- Creo necesaria una regulación, pero no como se ha llevado a cabo.
- No, no estoy de acuerdo.
- No puedo valorarlo.
Votar »


- Sí, totalmente de acuerdo. 54%
- Creo necesaria una regulación, pero no como se ha llevado a cabo. 23%
- No, no estoy de acuerdo. 22%
- No puedo valorarlo. 1%
Is there anywhere in the western world with more draconian / nazi style laws than Ibiza right now?

I certainly can't think of any European city / country that has such strict laws regarding music and opening times for clubs??
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