first season without after hours

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I just got back from the most amazing time in Ibiza. It's now my 5th visit and was very aprehesive about going this year with all the talk of random searches, lots of security and general bashing of the island. I had the most amazing time and cannot wait to go back next year. Yeah they were a lot of security about, but as long as you didn't fall about mashed out of your face in front of them they did not bother you. A few people got thrown out of Bora Bora by undercover, but they were racking up lines right outside (how unbelievably stupid).

Was really gutted about DC10 not being open, but fingers crossed for next year :D
sue politics

Have to say it!
they should sue the politics for trying to kill part of the spirit of the island
hello everyone, ive just been reading all the stuff on here and feel quite low about my impending ibiza trip now. this year i planned was my 15th and final year on ibiza so i was gonna av a blast but by the sounds of things its about as much fun out there this time as a damp squib!! So ive got over the british credit crunch enough to save the ****est rated euro ever known to man, paid over the odds to get there and then now find i cant go to dc10, or space (but only after 4.30) or chill out ibiza style in my one week out of 52 from the daily grind of british crap we all have to deal with

just wondered if anyone knew of what the order of play was now on a mondays??? and do the local government feel restricting peoples clubbing schedules to after hours or closing down clubs will prevent crime and disarray on the island....ummm more likely that what was a peaceful happy little island will now be turned upside down by party pooping bureaucrats who inturn are instigating the organisation of "private parties" and illegal raves.....

Im determined to have my best ever year in ibiza this time and am praying god (who incidently is a dj) is looking out for us all and all normal service is resumed and restored on that magical little island asap:):):)

Just come back and I can tell you that in no way, shape or form did the new laws and regulations affect us in any way or detract us from our normal minxy behaviour, we just got more inventive with how to spend ou time after 6am and before 4.30pm (secretly it was nice to have a reason to have some sleep as we certainly didnt get any most nights.... ha ha ha)

Security is a little more on top that the previous years I would say, but as long as you dont act like a twat and you remember that drugs are not actually legal in Ibiza and show respect for the country that you visiting, then you wont be hassled.....
Great advice from puppylover, is still fab out here, just be smart, enjoy the rest time and the island and don't draw attention to yourself for the wrong reasons !
Great advice from puppylover, is still fab out here, just be smart, enjoy the rest time and the island and don't draw attention to yourself for the wrong reasons !

The thing that also helped me get my head round the changes was that after 10 visits, yes, Ibiza isnt what it was, but then again nor am I - once you get that into your head and realise nothing stays the same and changes are inevitable, then you look to tailor your visit so that it meets the requirements you want for a bloody good Ibiza session.

I can honestly say after a good few years and a lot of visits under my belt that Ibiza wont be the annual pilgrimage it was to me in the future, but its still on my list of places to visit, because I appreciate that Ibiza is not all about the Superclubs and rip off warm up bars - you can drink a shed load and not need a second mortgage, :lol::lol: you just choose wisely and we had more fun in the smaller local bars than we have had in the sunset bars over the past few years, its just using your head and not being a lemming and doing what everybody else does - make your own ibiza - its trial and error but its a lot of fun getting there....

here endeth the sermon :lol::lol::lol:
In fact...because we HAD to stop at 6am in the clubs meant we spent a lot less money and enjoyed the nights themselves a whole lot more. Sure we carried on at the apartment for most of the morning but those couple of hours sleep we probably would not have otherwise got were much needed and we were much more refreshed and up for it during the night time!! :!:
In fact...because we HAD to stop at 6am in the clubs meant we spent a lot less money and enjoyed the nights themselves a whole lot more. Sure we carried on at the apartment for most of the morning but those couple of hours sleep we probably would not have otherwise got were much needed and we were much more refreshed and up for it during the night time!! :!:
this is the exact point that everyone has being trying to put across :) - apart from the naysayers and doom merchants ;)
this is the exact point that everyone has being trying to put across :) - apart from the naysayers and doom merchants ;)

I can get spangled out my head day and night in Manchester - it was nice to chill on the beach. Well to actually get to the beach. This is the first year I have returned from Ibiza with a sun tan!!! :lol:
4 after-parties stopped last weekend by the police in san antonio (one of them at pikes) :!:

source: pilot on cadena ser radio
:arrow: the police of san antonio aborts an after hours at the hotel pikes
"agents of the policia local of san antonio and the guardia civil aborted yesterday morning an after hours organized by cocoon (...). pilot explained that they heard about the ilegal party the day before when the police found one of the bracelets they were selling to go to the event. seven agents of the policia local of san antonio and a few more of the guardia civil arrived to the hotel pikes around 7am and stopped the party. the agents did a few searches and arrested a person for drugs. the town hall also fined them for breaking the municipal norms, which ban after hours"

so anybody that bought one of those bracelets is like if they thrown the money to the bin. good luck next week.....

(i suppose after this incident they wont continue with the pikes breakfast club on sunday mornings)
:arrow: cocoon denounces that someone used their name to orgnize an after
"the promoters of the party cocoon, which happens weekly at amnesia, denounced yesterday that the after hours stopped by the policia local of san antonio on tuesday morning at the hotel pikes wasnt organized by them but by someone that used the name without authorization (.....). the promoters of cocoon added that they respect the new opening hours law and that, if necessary, they will start legal action against the the person that used their name (.....). the hotel pikes sent yesterday a note to clarify that they work only and exclusively as an hotel and restaurant"

aye right, we are all good boys now. told ya, they are ****ting their pants and pikes breakfast club on sunday mornings is over..... btw, does anybody remember what happend to pinocchio for lying? :lol:


the newspapers today also included a comunicado by pikes. paying to get a note published in the newspapers saying that they dont open as an after hours and blablabla when the previous week there was a little (payed) article on DDI about their sunday morning parties is quite funny..... they must think people is stupid or something ! !
:arrow: cocoon denounces that someone used their name to orgnize an after

the newspapers today also included a comunicado by pikes. paying to get a note published in the newspapers saying that they dont open as an after hours and blablabla when the previous week there was a little (payed) article on DDI about their sunday morning parties is quite funny..... they must think people is stupid or something ! !

J.M.A. The promoters of the festival Cocoon, which is held weekly at the nightclub Amnesia, reported yesterday that after hours that the Local Police of Sant Antoni aborted last Tuesday at dawn at Hotel Pikes was not organized by them, but by another person used its trademark without authorization.

This person was in contact yesterday with this newspaper and acknowledged that the event cancelled by the police has nothing to do with the feast of Amnesia, although the post was aimed at "after Cocoon." They assured that the entry was free and that the party was only for some friends.

The promoters of Cocoon added that the new laws respected in the municipalities of the island on schedule and, if necessary, take legal action against the person who allegedly usurped his trademark.

For their part, responsible hotel Pikes yesterday sent a communique in which he clarified that his establishment is dedicated "exclusively to the hotel and restaurant activity, thus taking the best possible service to its customers internal and / or external." In addition, a responsible hotel personally explained that he does not know exactly what happened the night of Tuesday. "Only we know we have a complaint and a raid that prevented the party," said responsible.

i know the person who organises the sunday breakfast club and they knew nothing about manumissions or "cocoons" after party

my take would be someone's pretended to represent manumish and cocoon had gone to pikes to say can we do a breakfast club along the same lines as the perfectly legal sunday ones - pikes have said yes

notice there are three people/organisations mentioned not just cocoon and pikes - there's the one in the middle ;)

you wouldnt want to slander pikes would you mcrackin ?
dont slander me, dont slander me..... cracking tune by roky erickson!! :p

oops, sorry.... what we were talking about? oh yeah..... "the perfectly legal sunday ones" you said? tell me more!! :lol:
New Closing Hours


I hear that a new regulation from this year forces clubs to close down at 6:30. Are there any afterhours beyond that time? Cheers and enjoy the summer!
Officially there are no after hours but it seems McRakin from this forum has snooped out a couple that have been happening. Check the Free Parties(and not so secret parties) thread at the top of the Ibiza Parties page. There are no legal ones put it that way
to lexlfv,

officially there are supposed to be no afterhours at all anywhere.

BUT, there are lots of places that are openly marketing themselves as morning/afterhours places......and i mean with flyers, posters, etc too!!

work that one out!!
from the ibiza sun:

Party Raided
Police in San Antonio put a stop to an illegal after-hours party taking place at the exclusive Pikes hotel on Tuesday. Officers became aware of the proposed fiesta the previous day and went to the hotel at 7.30 a.m. to see if it was in fact going to take place. Police found a large number of people attending the event and one arrest for possession of drugs was made.
The hotel has now received an official denuncia which will be processed in the coming weeks. The organiser of the event used the Cocoon logo to market the event, which he later admitted he had utilized without permission from the official promoters of the night which is celebrated weekly at Amnesia.
For its part the hotel printed a public notice in the Diario de Ibiza the following day claiming there were no after-hours parties in its establishment, and apologising for any inconvenience the situation had caused.
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