first season without after hours

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Hey, was just wondering what Las Salinas is like during the daytime now? Is Chiringay and Sa Trinxa etc affected by the no music before 16:30 ban as well? Sorry know this has probably been asked before...

And am assuming that the bars around PDB and Ibiza Town are unaffected as hold under 500 people?

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Sa Trinxa

Hey, was just wondering what Las Salinas is like during the daytime now? Is Chiringay and Sa Trinxa etc affected by the no music before 16:30 ban as well? Sorry know this has probably been asked before...

And am assuming that the bars around PDB and Ibiza Town are unaffected as hold under 500 people?


Sa Trinxa has not been affected
San An Music Policy

As San An does not need to follow the 'No music before 4.30pm' law, is there any decent parties after 12 noon worth going to? Has anywhere taken advantage of this as surely people will be looking for somewhere?
I dont know this but i would expect the Orange corner would take advantage of this, they have always had stuff on through the day
taken from the new issue of the fantastic dub magazine:

Does Ibiza want to get rid of its ‘Part y Island ’ fame ?

No. This wants to be changed, to be redirected. I think that for
somebody who wants to go on holiday and find tranquillity and
also party this is a very important lure that complements all the
other aspects. What we are trying to do is reduce it, which is why
we are working on the adverse collateral effects. What does this
mean? That this fame doesn’t stop people from knowing that
you can come to Ibiza, enjoy the tranquillity and not see a Club
in three months. We want to give a complete image of Ibiza, we
want to show other things that sometimes remain hidden due to
the notoriety of one segment of tourism. There are many people
that know Ibiza for its parties, but don’t know we have some
excellent restaurants, it is one of the few places that you can go
to the beach and eat luxury food in a ‘chiringuito’ right in front
of the sea, while listening to great ambient music. Many people
don’t know that we are a world heritage site, that we have some
wonderful mountains to cover on a bike, that we have some
charming villages you can get lost in and spend the afternoon
reading a book and see almost nobody. That we have houses in
the countryside, with their marvellous shapes and history.
We have sunsets that aren’t only famous because of Café del Mar,
you can watch them from half the island, since half the island is
facing west. We have many more attractions that have nothing
to do with partying. We have to recognize that it is thanks to the
parties that our island is world renowned. And we don’t want to
stop this, we just want to redirect it so that the pernicious effect
can be minimised as much as possible and also make sure this
doesn’t hide other virtues of the island. This can then attract a
different type of tourism, that enjoys partying, but is more of the
family kind or other types of tourism.

( complete interview )
..... not only jetset, any kind of tourism that appreciates ibiza and not only "the clubbing side of ibiza"!! :idea:

this is what the owner of es ventall, one of our favourite eateries in san antonio, said the other day on the DDI:
"theres people but they dont have money. also, they stay less time in ibiza and as most of them are young they prefer the clubs and the fast food"
( )

no wonder ibicencos are supporting them to attract other kinds of tourism.....
according to today's ultima hora, one of the big clubs in san antonio got 2 fines (6.000€ each) for not respecting the 6am closing time.....
carl cox interview @ How do you think the summer looks so far – with the political changes and closure of DC10?

Carl: I think people are a little bit concerned. Basically for may years they’ve been able to do what they like on the island, so people think great, we can be free, and we can be naked and we can run around and do drugs, stay up late all night long. But somewhere along the line they has to be some respect for the island. One of the reasons these clubs have closed down is because they didn’t comply with the laws that were set last year. DC10 unfortunately, thought they could do what they liked, and there’s a new government now who want to clean up the place a little bit more, just so that people can feel safe when they get to the island. The last thing anyone needs is for someone to come out of a club at whatever time of the morning, decide to drive home, on the wrong side of the road and kill someone. So for me, if it cleans up the act of that kind of behaviour, which I think is warranted, then I’m behind it. Safety first then we can party afterwards. I’ve been involved in an accident like that, and I’ve lost friends, who have died, because of someone driving off their head on drugs or drunk. And for me, it’s just a shot across the bow to all the clubs as well, to comply. Six o’clock finish means that you can get taxis home, there’s time to get rested to see the next day. Everything was out of hand, people staying out for two or three days, it’s impossible unless you’re taking drugs or drinking heavily, So what kind of state are you in after two or three days, pretty scary, so you’ve got school kids going to school with all these monsters coming back from these sorts of parties. I’ve always enjoyed the daytime in Ibiza, outside of the club scene.
its bad enuff in blighty....dont ruin ibiza too with ****ty politics and crap laws...

hello everyone, ive just been reading all the stuff on here and feel quite low about my impending ibiza trip now. this year i planned was my 15th and final year on ibiza so i was gonna av a blast but by the sounds of things its about as much fun out there this time as a damp squib!! So ive got over the british credit crunch enough to save the ****est rated euro ever known to man, paid over the odds to get there and then now find i cant go to dc10, or space (but only after 4.30) or chill out ibiza style in my one week out of 52 from the daily grind of british crap we all have to deal with

just wondered if anyone knew of what the order of play was now on a mondays??? and do the local government feel restricting peoples clubbing schedules to after hours or closing down clubs will prevent crime and disarray on the island....ummm more likely that what was a peaceful happy little island will now be turned upside down by party pooping bureaucrats who inturn are instigating the organisation of "private parties" and illegal raves.....

Im determined to have my best ever year in ibiza this time and am praying god (who incidently is a dj) is looking out for us all and all normal service is resumed and restored on that magical little island asap:):):)
Hi Eivissa Minx 8)

First of all don't let any of the bad stories spoil your holiday - I know people who have been who say it's jsut as good as it always was!!! Most of the complaints such as searches etc have been going on ages, not just this year. There is even a thread (sticky) on another section warning people about the guardia civil from last year?

The more people go on about it, the more people wil be looking for changes where as other years they wouldnt have even noticed them! Clubs have closed and the laws have changed but the clubs and DJ's are still there and will be for a long time! Just give it time and things will settle but personally I cant wait till September :p
Ibiza changes over the years, it has for many years now, but i think a lot of the current negative press is well over the top.

I work out here every summer (on number 5 now) and this is already my best year yet ... and it´s only the middle of July !

There are some terrific club nights to go partying at and the magic is still here.

My advice is to just come out with a positive look and you´ll have an amazing time.

Let the doomsayers talk themselves to sleep ;)
mackie, why isn´t john doe in your secret/afterhours parties thread.

they are even advertising themselves on flyers in the figueretas area as opening from 08.00 now.

like many other places in sa penya or the port..........."you´ve gotta fight, for your right............TO PARTY!!!"
mackie, why isn´t john doe in your secret/afterhours parties thread.

they are even advertising themselves on flyers in the figueretas area as opening from 08.00 now.

like many other places in sa penya or the port..........."you´ve gotta fight, for your right............TO PARTY!!!"
because i haven't had access to internet during the last 48 hours!! :x

good to see you this morning..... hasta pronto!! :p


This was the all night meat and patatas place,right? Last mentioned some time ago, so who is the guy with the cigar....think I know the face...:confused:
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