first season without after hours

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Alot of the 10,000 or whatever people will probs do what they have always done and go home .
The clubs official closing time of 6am isnt that new and what proportion
of those people do you really think carry on till lunchtime or later?
Dont get me wrong im one of those people but I dont think your gona have
thousands of people wandering the streets or beaches ...
... you are so right - f.e. my grandmother always leaves at around 5.55am
and hardly ever needs an afterparty ...
In this month's mixmag there is an interview with the Ibiza chief of p0lice in regards to the new laws!!

He said that the last thing they are trying to do is scare clubbers off, they simply need to find a balance that makes everyone happy! He then went on to said they won't be bothered about villa parties if they arnt affecting other residents in terms of noise and traffic! He was quite clear that the last thing they wanted was clubbing to stop and welcomed it. See what happens over the next few weeks, cannE wait now!!!!

Sooo ... after all this, will Bora Bora be open and playing loud music before 4:30PM??????? Our apart-hotel is close to Jet and we are hoping to chill during the day at Bora Bora, drink beers and enjoy good music and fKed up people-watching, like years past. Still possible?
sorry to burst your bubble but you are in the minority ...
.the majority of people who come here don't wanna party

new base of Vueling in the airport of Eivissa

... The company foresees a "good summer in the island" in the inauguration
of its new headquarters of Ibiza Eivissa ...
Up to now the island received airships of Vueling with regularity
but was not until yesterday when its base in the island was set in motion. ...
The creation of the base has created 30 jobs, with what are 36 the people
that work for the company in `handling´.
Besides, they will live in the island in state of party eight pilots and 16 flight attendants
in apartments that has rented the company ...

The profile of its clients is "very different" but IN THE CASE OF EIVISSA
the posters for the opening confirm that amnesia will open at 11pm every night :!:

I dont know... I for one will be going earlier to make the most of the time I have in a club. Probably around 12am as opposed to 2am in previous years.

i cant afford to drink in there from 12am onwards, they should do an happy hour from 11pm-1am :lol::lol::lol:
hahaha yeah 2.50 a drink would suit me nicely! I don't drink much in the clubs anyway only 3 or 4 max- the atmosphere is all i need! 8)
" de unas 65 personas. Al parecer, se encontraban en DC10 entre «600 y 700 clientes», aseguraron desde la Policía Local de Sant Josep"

:lol: Only liscensed for 65 people :lol:
from the ibiza sun:

Neighbourhood Complaints
The various neighbourhood associations in the capital have asked for stricter controls on the closing times of the various bars and clubs within the municipality. A plan of action for the coming summer was discussed in a meeting involving the police, the mayoress, Lurdes Costa, the Councillor for Security, Ricardo Albin and Madrid's representative on the island, Sofia Hernandez, as well as a representative from one of the neighbourhood associations.
Albin revealed that the security cameras which are to be placed around the capital should be up and running by next week. He added that he understood the concern of the neighbours and would be clamping down on vandalism, the sale of drugs and prostitution, especially in the ses Figueretes area.
how could they possibly get any stricter without actually closing them full stop! :rolleyes:
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from the ibiza sun:

Party Time
The first repercussions of the “after hours” ban on the island began last week, as officers in San Jose had to break up three separate house parties over the weekend. The opening of the major clubs over the last two weeks has seen a rise in private parties, which have so far all been successfully dispersed by the police. In all three cases the party organisers, which were located in Cala de Bou, Cala Conta and sa Caleta, co-operated with the police and although all were fined €60, no further action was necessary. The authorities, pushed by the Island Council, decided to ban all clubs on the island from opening between 6a.m. and 4p.m. This new legislation did not apply to the opening weekend, with Space swinging into action at its usual time of 12p.m. However, this is sure to be a one-off, with all of the club owners confirming during the International Music Summit held on the island two weeks ago, that they would be abiding by the new laws. However, issues were raised during the summit with some fearing a ban would lead to an increase in larger, far less safe private parties for those wanting to continue with the fiesta, a concern which the authorities promised they would deal with having found a loophole in the law allowing them to disband the illegal gatherings.

DC-10 Fined
There are plenty of ways to know summer is here yet again, the most reliable in recent years being that the controversial club DC-10, situated close to ses Salinas, has once again started to receive denuncias. Not to disappoint, the club was given a total of three on its opening weekend. Within minutes of officers arriving at the premises, the first was issued for licence irregularities. The bar possesses a café-concierto permit, and so, in theory, is unable to carry out the functions of a discotheque – denuncia number one. Officers then noticed there were rather more clients inside the bar than the official maximum capacity of 65. Conservative estimates put the number inside the building at the time the officers visited at around 600-700 – denuncia number two. For the time being that was all, until several hours later officers returned after a complaint was received concerning noise levels and as if by magic – denuncia number three. Some things never change!
Mc, This may have already been asked numerous times, but why don't they just apply for the appropriate license and change the capacity, it can clearly hold a lot more than 65 while still being safe??
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