first season without after hours

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For the first time in a long long row of trips to Ibiza, we will skip the opening parties. We first want to know what the effects are!
when you spend €12 on a beer, how much is going into the club owner's pocket?

€11,50 would be my guestimate

Saying that i bet San Miguel & Estrella are tempted to whack up the wholesale prices, for the clubs, knowing how much they take the p1ss!!!
€11,50 would be my guestimate

Saying that i bet San Miguel & Estrella are tempted to whack up the wholesale prices, for the clubs, knowing how much they take the p1ss!!!

They F*cking should!

But then the clubs would only up their prices more so it'd be a vicious circle.
DC10 virgin

Hi folks, I'm getting on a bit but will be heading to the white island for a final hurrah in July.

I'm looking to do DC10 (for the first time), specifically Circo Loco-a few questions if someone can help me out?!

1. Correct in thinking its now 16.30 (!) to 06.00?

2. How much is entry typically? Tickets only on the door?

3. Any idea if pass-out will still be available, and how I get hold of one?

4. Drink prices? (beer, sot, water?)

5. Walking distance to Playa d'enbossa or defo taxi? Any trouble getting taxi back to civilisation?

6. ....assuming DC10 stuck in middle of no-where?

Cheers, Olly
Hello Olly you may as well catch it while it's still open for business. The suits would love to see that place shut down!
So to answer your questions.

1. 16.30.

2. It's about 35 euro on the door.

3. They gave out pass outs in previous years but this may change what with the new opening hours. Ask staff there.

4. It's not as expensive as other clubs I think its about 8 euro a beer. 10 for spirits.

5. I would get a taxi. It is tucked out the way and I wouldn't fancy walking through a field on the way home. Don't worry about getting back- there is a makeshift taxi rank outside the club.

6. It's near the bottom of the airport runway.
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today a little bird told me amnesia will open at 11pm for all the parties...let's see if this is true (and i'm not sure if this has been posted before, sorry if yes)
today a little bird told me amnesia will open at 11pm for all the parties...let's see if this is true (and i'm not sure if this has been posted before, sorry if yes)

do you think that will make a difference... do you think anyone will actually want to go out at 11:00??
i never ever went to amnesia before 1.30 - only exception: cocoon-closing.
when did they open officially in the last years ... 12 ... ?

if more people should actually go before 12 to amnesia,
then other businesses like the bars etc will suffer ...

but who wants to go to a club so early in a hot summer´s night ?
do you think that will make a difference... do you think anyone will actually want to go out at 11:00??

well, first of all...let's see if it's really true.

second, i don't think people really would go there at 11 on the dot (as no-one goes there at 12 on the dot nowadays). but...if all the clubs would open at 11pm, i personally think that, after maybe two or three seasons, more and more people would go out a bit earlier...meaning the clubs might get busy earlier than they do now.
...Im American heading over in June and is looking forward to the fun.
Thats why i go to party and have a good time.
I wanna drink when i wanna, shop when i wanna ,and club at night.
My only problem was the shutting down of music during the day at small beach bars and regular bars.
That will suck.Most americans come to Ibiza to party and let loose all around, not to site see...

South Beach clubs face tougher noise rules

Commissioners are siding with residents instead of businesses
in dealing with noise in South Beach.

Posted on Fri, May. 16, 2008
In a blow to the South Beach nightlife industry, city commissioners took steps toward
beefing up Miami Beach's noise ordinance in two big ways on Wednesday.

As it stands now, the city can temporarily shut down clubs and restaurants
for a weekend after the business's fourth noise violation.
Under the proposed change, the gathering spots could be closed for the weekend
upon their second violation.

The new ordinance also allows noise heard from 100 feet away during the entire day,
not just at night, to be the basis of a noise violation.

The upshot is that clubs, bars, hotels and restaurants could rack up fines
and weekend suspensions sooner than before because there will be less leeway.

Wednesday's unanimous decision was preliminary. A second reading is set for June 25.
Between now and then, nightclub operators face challenges in turning the tide in their favor.

Commissioners said they were swayed more by residents -- who complained
they couldn't sleep because of the noise -- than by club and restaurant owners
and hoteliers, who said the new rules would drive them out of business
and that the existing law works just fine.

''Residents need to be able to sleep at night and up to now, they can't,''
said Commissioner Jonah Wolfson, who initiated the changes.
`To me, it doesn't make sense to have three warnings. Warnings are a courtesy.''

Commissioner Ed Tobin dismissed the key economic argument
made by club owners and hoteliers.

''I just don't think we accept the fact that by changing the noise ordinance
we'll put you out of business,'' he said.

He said only three businesses have faced temporary weekend suspensions this year
because of noise violations ...

More than 40 people attended the two-hour debate, which featured sniping
between two groups that have been warring about noise in South Beach for years:
residents and nightlife purveyors with young hipster allies.

''We're tired of listening to the same retirees who knowingly moved
to an entertainment district and want to stop the music,''
said ..., who owns two hotels in South Beach.

... an elderly resident shot back:
``We're hearing the same thing about retirees who shouldn't be living here.
I'm not an old fart.''

He added: ``The noise ordinance doesn't work. I think you know that very well.''

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do you think that will make a difference... do you think anyone will actually want to go out at 11:00??

Given the clubs have to shut at 6am now - prob stricter controls/bigger fines than ever - plus there's no (legal) after hours from 6am-lunchtime anymore...end result = people will start to go out earlier.
Start to drink around 6 or 7 then Watching the sun go down with a few drinks.Hitting the bars and pre party places till about 1 and heading to a big club till 6 a.m is more than enough time for me to have fun in a days time.We are talking 10 to 12 hrs of partying.These new laws dont effect my fun time.Besides in San an they can have music in the day still so nothing really changes for me.So what!! we cant party at noontime @ space boohooo.Im not up and ready to go till later in the day anyhow.My only concern was not hearing music at small bars in the day.But it seems thats not much a problem as well.

Ice as far as miami that doesnt really effect me either seeing i live 1500 miles north of florida! Im going to ibiza for the great line-ups in a weeks time.Ima gonna be wrecked.I cant wait :twisted: few more weeks.
in related news.....

:arrow: the government studies how to act this summer on possible illegal parties on boats

what exactly does that article say? i didn't know boat parties where illegal? do they want to stop all of them or just the ones before 4:30pm?

I think this is getting stupid now.
Ibiza is changing coz its not a good thing for the people from ibiza anymore... I love clubbing and I love going out in Ibiza... there are so many special places and most of the time the atmosphere is just sooo good.
But I was born in Ibiza and i have been living there for a long time... And its just getting too big.. Its not posible to accomodate everybody like before. There are too many problems, excess and abuses...

Ibiza has been welcoming people from all over the world to come and party and have a great time enjoying what the island has to give... but now its getting bigger each year and its more about the masses and the money... so they are just starting to look a little bit more for their convenience.

And don't misunderstand me... Ibiza owes a lot to the people that has been coming.. and couldnt live without tourism... But the spirit of ibiza was about the mix between the people from the island and the people coming enjoying the place... and freedom... now its too big to let the people do what they want... having free parties with a hundred hippies isnt the same as with thousands of clubbers... it s mess..

So what I think Ibicencos want is just to try to cut a little bit all the abuses..
And I think they deserve it.

The spirit of ibiza remains in the people that loves ibiza for what it really is... (not a clubbing theme park or clubbing island..) There will be good clubs and good parties to go as long as this people is here... and I dont think they will leave just because there are some changes in clubbing schedules....

If you think ibiza is only about the capacity of the clubs... the 24h party... the names of the djs.. and the crazyness... next time you go try to discover what it really is..

Good post.
South Beach clubs face tougher noise rules

Commissioners are siding with residents instead of businesses
in dealing with noise in South Beach.

Posted on Fri, May. 16, 2008
In a blow to the South Beach nightlife industry, city commissioners took steps toward
beefing up Miami Beach's noise ordinance in two big ways on Wednesday.

As it stands now, the city can temporarily shut down clubs and restaurants
for a weekend after the business's fourth noise violation.
Under the proposed change, the gathering spots could be closed for the weekend
upon their second violation.

The new ordinance also allows noise heard from 100 feet away during the entire day,
not just at night, to be the basis of a noise violation.

The upshot is that clubs, bars, hotels and restaurants could rack up fines
and weekend suspensions sooner than before because there will be less leeway.

Wednesday's unanimous decision was preliminary. A second reading is set for June 25.
Between now and then, nightclub operators face challenges in turning the tide in their favor.

Commissioners said they were swayed more by residents -- who complained
they couldn't sleep because of the noise -- than by club and restaurant owners
and hoteliers, who said the new rules would drive them out of business
and that the existing law works just fine.

''Residents need to be able to sleep at night and up to now, they can't,''
said Commissioner Jonah Wolfson, who initiated the changes.
`To me, it doesn't make sense to have three warnings. Warnings are a courtesy.''

Commissioner Ed Tobin dismissed the key economic argument
made by club owners and hoteliers.

''I just don't think we accept the fact that by changing the noise ordinance
we'll put you out of business,'' he said.

He said only three businesses have faced temporary weekend suspensions this year
because of noise violations ...

More than 40 people attended the two-hour debate, which featured sniping
between two groups that have been warring about noise in South Beach for years:
residents and nightlife purveyors with young hipster allies.

''We're tired of listening to the same retirees who knowingly moved
to an entertainment district and want to stop the music,''
said ..., who owns two hotels in South Beach.

... an elderly resident shot back:
``We're hearing the same thing about retirees who shouldn't be living here.
I'm not an old fart.''

He added: ``The noise ordinance doesn't work. I think you know that very well.''


The problem with this article is that most of the big clubs you think about are NOT in south beach. Space, Nocturnal, Pawn Shop, Parkwest, are all down town where they do not have the manditory 5 A.M. closing time. A side benefit this year is that the dollar sucks to euro, so Miami is about half price if your from europe. I probably will only go to Ibiza about three days this year, just a quick side trip after I visit the mainland of Spain. Get the feeling that people who go out to clubs are not really wanted on the island anymore. Pretty sad feeling. Just for the record I don't just party, spent half of my days relaxing when we went there.
Steve Hulme, international manager of Pacha Recordings, the club's label offshoot, says the clubbing community is responding positively to the new laws.

"Initially people were crying foul," he says. "But it has had the effect of forcing clubs to program incredible talent [as] they now have a limited time to program. That has meant more premier-league DJs being locked in for more dates than ever before."

( Ibiza Plots 2008 Party Island Comeback )
Steve Hulme, international manager of Pacha Recordings, the club's label offshoot, says the clubbing community is responding positively to the new laws.

"Initially people were crying foul," he says. "But it has had the effect of forcing clubs to program incredible talent [as] they now have a limited time to program. That has meant more premier-league DJs being locked in for more dates than ever before."

( Ibiza Plots 2008 Party Island Comeback )

you b++++std - that was link i was going to give when i read this thread


odd that ;)
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