first season without after hours

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(Quality) Time

The laws were not imposed to end DC10, were imposed to finish with the afterhours.
Space Ibiza also affected by this law, lost 4 sessions between 8:00 a.m. and 2.00 pm (diabolika, in bed with space, fake, cassagrande)
Loses 8 hours of matinee session (from 8.00am to 4.30pm), and now must open matinee at 6pm ...
We love the same, from 6pm ?
I can only understand it is a disaster for space, equal to dc10 and equal to all clubbers that we liked to dance at any time of day

They are really loosing a very high quality clubbing time with quality (daytime) "sessions"...:(.

I'm not much bothered with the new restrictions because, as I have stated in many previous occasions, I come from the DESERT and Ibiza represents everything I don't have over here! (a matter of few hours per day might be compensated by a longer stay )However, I must say that we ,the clubbers, are much underestimated.Maybe we are only 20% of the total tourists. BUT did it ever come to your mind that we are 20% with purchasing power? we spend a lot on services that actually costs little...such as entrance tickets to the clubs. ANDAn average family of four has ONE or maximum TWO persons spending (assuming that the remaing 2 persons are actually kids or infants).Whereas ALL the clubbers are spending a minimum of EURO 100 per person on clubs entrance fees and drinks (I won't mention restaurants expenses and becah related expenses because many know for sure that we don't eat and we can't have fun outside a black box!!! deuh). And I strongly believe that a family of four isn't spending that much as most of them book H/B rooms and only eat at their hotels. So drop the restaurants argument.In addition, I have noticed that many tourists are recently coming from the Americas, Australia and some Asian countries. Do you really believe that those tourists would actually be attracted by spas and golf terrains?? they have much more saps with better quality and at much cheaper rates.I'm sure that the Ibiza officials know this VERY well:We might be 20% of the total tourists but I'm sure that we contribute to more than 20% of the island's revenues from tourism.

I agree with u completely...:lol:. The core competence of Ibiza are the special vibes of the island and the worldwide unique clubbing scene there. That`s it.
The clubbing/dance market has indeed a very big potential & economic impact on the island.

Ibiza shoud be cautious of not destroying it`s (economic) future. It will be a question of time until there are other destinations, which will attract this very lucrative & attractive "touristic" group.
so far they are introducing new opening/closing hours and noise levels (so don't shout when outside)....oh and strict rules when palying games on the beach......infact it's just rule after rule.......should be an interesting season
"... La primera en abrir será Space, la discoteca matinal que celebrará
su fiesta de apertura el domingo 1 de junio a partir de las ocho de la mañana
hasta las seis de la mañana del lunes.

"... La siguiente en comenzar la temporada será la discoteca DC10,
que lo hará el lunes 2 de junio a partir de las 22 horas
con la inauguración de su fiesta estival más conocida: Circoloco..."


space-openining @ 8am ???????

dc10/circoloco-opening @ 10pm ???????????????????????

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space-openining @ 8am ???????

dc10/circoloco-opening @ 10pm ???????????????????????
come on icey, open your eyes..... who wrote that article :?:

:arrow: PALMA | E. P.

an article by europa press written by some fool in mallorca who has no idea of whats going on in ibiza!! :spank:

theres another silly mistake on today's DDI, this time written by some fool IN IBIZA:

the km 2.6 of the ibiza town-san antonio road (can negre) belongs to santa eulalia, not to san josé as they say.....
well this accident maybe happened between the road eivissa-san jose-san antoni...would that be can bellotera or not far from l'ecole francaise....
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... an article ... written by some fool in mallorca
who has no idea of whats going on in ibiza!! ...

but it´s a proof that the only thing
these dumb "no after/no dayparty"-laws create ...
is (worldwide) confusion what´s going on or not @ ibiza.
well this accident maybe happened between the road eivissa-san jose-san antoni...would that be can bellotera or not far from l'ecole francaise....
no, it happened in can negre!! :idea:

but it´s a proof that the only thing
these dumb "no after/no dayparty"-laws create ...
is (worldwide) confusion what´s going on or not @ ibiza.
its a proof that some people get confused very easily . . . . .

"Any news you can give us on what we can expect from Space this year?
The news I would give you from Space this year, is that there are no more daytime parties mid-week, the club will be opening at 6:30pm midweek and on weekends at midday"

Is this bad information?
Sounds good for We Love.../Matinee etc

So matinee is on at 12pm??

For f00ks sake someone clarify this joke situatiion!!


Japanese Invasion

The two biggest tour operators in Tokyo will begin to bring tourists to the capital
from next Autumn, attracted by the capital's title as a World Cultural Heritage Site.
... upper end of the market, with clients spending an average of €8,000-10,000
on each trip.

... A third operator, Island Japan Travel, is set to promote the nightlife of Ibiza,
and capitalise on the fascination of techno and dance music
amongst the Japanese youth.
check this out.....

:arrow: the owner of space asks for more controls to the illegal parties
josep roselló thinks the cut in hours can be positive if the clandestine offer is stopped
:arrow: space considers that the new opening times wont affect them
"i think it wont affect us" says roselló who explains that, contrary to last year, with the new norms the club will open its doors at 16.30 (12.00 for the opening and closing) and will close at 6.00 the next day, with "one hour more of tolerance to evacuate people"
from Nick Clayton's article:

" So there should be a break from 6am until 4.30pm. Or so they say. DC10 seems to be ignoring the ban and planning to open at 8am as ever. "

Really?? Is this true? How can this be? Will it even be open this year?

I hope that this does not happen. The opening at is a goord time to dc10circoloco myspace puts every monday at

in dc10circoloco myspace puts every monday at
so what? some days ago it still said 10am. i reckon their keyboard doesnt have threes and fours so they cant write.....


..... or they have a very strange sense of humour ! !
After all thats gone on if DC10 tried to open at 8am it would be taped up by 9am, surely? Why would they risk or be so stupid to een think about it......its baloney 8)
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