first season without after hours

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miaow ;)....
in related news.....

The Councillor for Tourism for San Juan, Jaume Mari, said although the agreement had not yet been approved in his constituency, they were behind the new proposals. He continued that while they did not themselves have any after-hour bars, they thought a united front by all mayors was the most appropriate way to fight the threat, and said a similar stand against illegal parties would help eradicate problems they had faced in Benirras and other areas of San Juan.
..... san juan announced today that this summer there will be a permanet presence of the police at benirras on weekends. the mayor said that, like clubs or bars, beaches have a limitated capacity so they will control the number of people arriving to avoid the place getting ridiculously overcrowded like in the past :!:


police in the beach...
this could only happen in Ibiza:lol:
this thing is really getting out of control...:rolleyes:
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believe me, the day some ******** piece of **** that cant even drive breaks your rearviewmirror or hits your car due to the chaos when everybody wants to leave benirras at the same time you will change your mind and wish theres a bit more control in that beach.....
believe me, the day some ******** piece of **** that cant even drive breaks your rearviewmirror or hits your car due to the chaos when everybody wants to leave benirras at the same time you will change your mind and wish theres a bit more control in that beach.....

oh for the days when you could attempt to drive from san miguel beach over the mountain and not ruin your car ;)

benirras was always my favourite beach but things change :)
... some ******** piece of **** that cant even drive
breaks your rearviewmirror or hits your car
due to the chaos when everybody wants to leave benirras ...
... last summer some douchebag even ran over my towel + my bocadillo
during rushhour @ benirras:

believe me, the day some ******** piece of **** that cant even drive breaks your rearviewmirror or hits your car due to the chaos when everybody wants to leave benirras at the same time you will change your mind and wish theres a bit more control in that beach.....

benirras was my favourite beach but theres another 100 around the island and if the guardi decide to camp down there then you know where everyone is going to go
personally i never read anything into the opposition moaning about the government's actions. they do it about literally everything.
believe me ... at the same time you will change your mind
and wish theres a bit more control in that beach.....
after 07´s clubclosings now the first (sort of) BEACHCLOSING !!!

The Consell Insular of Formentera will not authorize this year
the maritime excursions ships mooring of Eivissa that in summer
they disembark in the zone of ses Illetes.

The consellera of Environment, Silvia Tur, advanced yesterday that
"the ships of maritime excursions that come from Eivissa will not be able
to dock neither in ses Illetes neither in s´Espalmador",
just as they have come doing in the last decades.
Tur argued that "all the people that arrives at the beach of ses Illetes
creates a sensation of disorder and chaos that, besides, goes accompanied
by accusations by robberies".
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from the ibiza sun:

Legislation Change
The Town Hall of San Antonio announced on Friday it would be modifying its legislation on opening hours. The new law will ban discos and bars with a capacity for more then 500 people from opening before 4.30p.m. This brings the borough into line with the rest of the island, and is a compromise which seemed to please all of the other boroughs. The Councillor, Jose Ramon Serra, said the new regulation would only impact on those it had originally been intended to affect, and that the normal pubs would be able to open, like every year, at 12p.m. He said this had always been their idea, and they had originally suggested a link between opening hours and capacity size, at the original mayors meeting last year when the problem was first discussed.
The Town Hall received criticism from the other boroughs last week after they refused to sign the legislation change which would have brought them into line with the rest of the island. However, it appears a compromise has been reached which everyone seems happy with.
The Town Hall of San Antonio announced on Friday it would be modifying its legislation on opening hours. The new law will ban discos and bars with a capacity for more then 500 people from opening before 4.30p.m.
according to today's DDI, 32 venues around san antonio will be able to open at 12 noon. of these 32, 22 also have restaurant license so those will continue closing at 4am because when they do more than an activity the most restrictive closing time applies (except when they can seperate the spaces, like savannah with its back room). the other 10, without restaurant license, will continue closing at 6am.....
Jonathan Ulysses interview


"Any news you can give us on what we can expect from Space this year?
The news I would give you from Space this year, is that there are no more daytime parties mid-week, the club will be opening at 6:30pm midweek and on weekends at midday"

Is this bad information?
Sounds good for We Love.../Matinee etc
It goes against everything we´ve been told so far so i think he´s either pulling someones leg or is mis-informed.

Of course, i would be over the moon if Space was open at midday on Sunday ... but it ain´t gonna happen :evil:

"Any news you can give us on what we can expect from Space this year?
The news I would give you from Space this year, is that there are no more daytime parties mid-week, the club will be opening at 6:30pm midweek and on weekends at midday"

Is this bad information?
Sounds good for We Love.../Matinee etc

that would be very good news for Matinee.... but yeah... i don't beleive it!
Sunday is also apart of the weekend last time i checked (at least for the rest of the world, except from where i live - Israel ;) ).

Only when based on what Ulysses said IS TRUE - Does it mean that WE LOVE can also open in the same hours on sunday morning, like it did in the past years?
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