first season without after hours

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Has anyone else noticed that this thread and the one that proceeded it are following along the Kübler-Ross model (also known as the five stages of grief). Some of us are still at various stages. :lol:

1) Denial - The clubs aren't really going to be closed between 6am and 4:30pm. This is not going to happen.

2) Anger - This is a bunch of ****! I'm not going to Ibiza now!

3) Bargaining - Just don't close Bora-Bora during the early afternoon.

4) Depression - It's the end of Ibiza as we know it. Why bother going?

5) Acceptance - Well, the clubs are closed for an extra few hours a day. Oh well, I'm still going to go and party my a** off!

:lol: Ha ha best post ever!

I'm at stage 4. But I think its only a 4-stage model for me sadly :cry:
I've always been at stage 5. Mainly due to the fact that I've never really done a lot of day clubbing. My visit to Ibiza this year will be as special as ever.
ive done each stage about 3 times already!

I think the difference between Berlin and Ibiza is although you can party any hr in berlin youll never have a weeks woth of dj line ups in berlin compared to a weeks worth in ibiza.Theres no way Berlin could match this in anyway.
agreed here, the big names will always flood to ibiza in the summer unless some other Island clubbing destination like pag in Croatia or Mykonos in Greece will come in and overtake the white isle. Cant see that happening though even with these new laws :D Hey I think i just moved up to the acceptance stage
:arrow: dc10 has 5 proceedings pending for which it could be closed two years
· 2 for exceeding the cappacity (up to 3.000 instead of 65) [it could mean a year closed X 2]
· 2 for the volume of the music [it could mean a fine X 2]
· 1 for not having the right license (discoteca instead of cafe-concierto) [it could mean a fine]

as the articles on ultima hora only stay online a few days i copy and paste the whole thing in case someone is interested:

DC-10 acumula cinco expedientes por los que podría cerrar dos años
La sala DC-10, ubicada en las inmediaciones de Sant Jordi, mantiene en estos momentos cinco expedientes abiertos en el Ayuntamiento de Sant Josep por supuestas vulneraciones de diferentes normativas municipales, informaron fuentes del Consistorio. De finalizar la tramitación de los casos con una resolución en contra de la discoteca, además de poder recibir sanciones económicas de diferente cuantía, la instalación podría ser obligada a cerrar durante dos años.
El DC-10 fue uno de los tres locales que el verano pasado fue cerrado por orden de la Dirección Insular de la Administración General del Estado en las Pitiüses por haber tolerado el consumo y venta de estupefacientes en su interior.
Pero además de este problema con la representación del Ejecutivo central en las islas, la discoteca ha sido objeto anteriormente de la apertura de otros procesos sancionadores ante el Ayuntamiento de Sant Josep. En la actualidad, dicho consistorio está instruyendo todavía cinco expedientes sancionadores por presuntas infracciones de la sala.
Dos de los procesos se han iniciado por un presunto exceso de aforo y son las actuaciones que podrían finalizar con la imposición de un año de cierre cada uno.
El pasado verano, el alcalde Josep Marí Ribas, anunció que se había iniciado un expediente por este mismo motivo y dijo que se actuaría «dentro de la legalidad» pero «con la contundencia de quien tiene la razón» y de que, las supuestas infracciones imputadas a la dirección de la sala, «tendrían consecuencias».
También el pasado verano, el entonces director insular del Estado, José Manuel Bar, pidió mano dura al consistorio y lamentó que «con una licencia para un máximo de 65 personas, albergue hasta 3.000».
Otros dos de los expedientes que siguen vivos en la administración de Sant Josep obedecen a vulneraciones del volumen de la música, mientras que otro más fue incoado a raíz de la supuesta realización en el interior del DC-10 de una actividad para la que no tenía licencia, explicaron fuentes del Consistorio. De finalizar los procesos con una resolución en contra de la discoteca, las sanciones que se le podrían imponer por cada uno de estos procesos son únicamente de tipo económico.
Fuentes municipales explicaron que no tienen prevista ninguna medida especial respecto al DC-10 para este verano sino que «se mantendrá la vigilancia sobre este local y otros del municipio para ver si respetan las ordenanzas y, en caso de no hacerlo, obrar en consecuencia y siempre dentro de los márgenes de la ley». DC-10 organizó en marzo tres fiestas y tiene prevista otra más el 1 de mayo, si bien la de apertura de Circoloco, su sesión insignia, está fijada para el 2 de junio, según el calendario que se puede consultar a través de la web oficial.
Does anyone else get the impression that DC10 is to blame for a lot of the new regulations? How long did Space operate afterhours without any problems?

Maybe I'm just being biased because I've never been there...
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4) Depression - It's the end of Ibiza as we know it. Why bother going?

5) Acceptance - Well, the clubs are closed for an extra few hours a day. Oh well, I'm still going to go and party my a** off!

Haha, brilliant stuff!!!

After spending ages on stage 4 I am on stage 5 today, there is still hope!
For me the “acceptance” wasn’t really to accept the changes though, but rather to go when the new rules don’t apply; the opening weekend :twisted:

Booked tickets this morning, so ready to dance under the sun once again 8)
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2 for exceeding the cappacity (up to 3.000 instead of 65) [it could mean a year closed X 2]

DC10 has no luck but do they have themselves to blame? Surely they new the capacity laws? Even if they do open this year, what will they have to do to resolve the above as 65 clubbers aint alot :lol:

Stage 5 for me - just look at the party calender, how could you even consider 1,2,3 or 4!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:
Does anyone else get the impression that DC10 is to blame for a lot of the new regulations? How long did Space operate afterhours without any problems?

Maybe I'm just being biased because I've never been there...

I have always thought that these new laws were knocked out to get rid of DC10. It's little things happening like cutting the music at Mambo and stop searching more people but everyone knows what the government REALLY wants to put a stop to...

Let's hope to f-uck that they don't start closing clubs again at the start of the season.
Does anyone else get the impression that DC10 is to blame for a lot of the new regulations? How long did Space operate afterhours without any problems?

Maybe I'm just being biased because I've never been there...

The laws were not imposed to end DC10, were imposed to finish with the afterhours.
Space Ibiza also affected by this law, lost 4 sessions between 8:00 a.m. and 2.00 pm (diabolika, in bed with space, fake, cassagrande)
Loses 8 hours of matinee session (from 8.00am to 4.30pm), and now must open matinee at 6pm ...
We love the same, from 6pm ?
I can only understand it is a disaster for space, equal to dc10 and equal to all clubbers that we liked to dance at any time of day
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The concern for me is what if the local gov gets even more tight if they see this is working like clubs cant open til 8 and have to close at 4am!! dahh now im just being paranoid, that should be another stage. When did this 6am rule come in coz clubs used to colse at 8 or 9am normally didnt they? Do people think clubs will start running over now coz theres no afters or are the fines to severe?
Its not solely to blame at all but I think the DC10 culture of being the worlds most famous after after after after party has not helped all this. Yes there are plenty of people that go there fresh, but we've all witnessed people in there that are exactly the kind they are trying to target (saying that they are present in Space too of course). But there is something about DC10 though that separates it from the big guns (they moody license issues etc, their biggest party being Monday day time???). I know people who wouldnt go to Ibiza if DC10 wasnt there (yes they actually go to the island and dont go to Space/Pacha etc - amazing really they miss so much in my opinion).

Either way Step 5 it is for me. Counting down the days til the opening cant wait.
from the "readers write" section on the ibiza sun:

Café Concierto Row
Not all "cafe conciertos" are the same. Recently Sra, María Carmen MUÑOA, President of the San Antonio neighbourhood associations, publicly criticised San Antonio town council for not following the same lead as the other town halls around the island in stopping bars, cafeterias & restaurants with "cafe concierto" licenses from opening until 16.30h but instead allowing such bars to open at 12 midday. What Sra, María Carmen MUÑOA doesn't realise is that not all "cafe conciertos" are the same.
Until now it was necessary for a bar, cafeteria or restaurant wanting to legally have live music, karaoke, shows or Dj's performing in the evening to have at least an additional "cafe concierto" license to cover these types of activities. To obtain such a license meant many modifications to the existing bar, cafeteria or restaurant premises costing in most cases well over 100.000€. A big investment for small family businesses, which in reality make up 95% of the over 200 "cafe conciertos" that exist around the island & which in general only have legal capacities for around 150 persons.
These businesses operate like any other bar, cafeteria or restaurant during the day but to comply with the Spanish laws covering what are called "Classified activities" they have had to make this extra investment. An investment which is every day less economically viable because of the unfair competition & trading practices which exist in the tourist industry.
Simply to comply with the law these bars, cafeterias or restaurants have taken out "cafe concierto" licenses & now, with the new by-laws passed in all the boroughs on the island, including San Antonio, these bars, cafeterias & restaurants with "café concierto" licenses are going to be "sacrificed" because of the past excesses & lack of common senses of a few businesses who have abused the Spanish licensing laws.
It is understandable that the authorities want to stop "after hours" but to do this they should pass by-laws controlling the hours in which a business can operate the activity it has licenses for. At the moment the new by-laws control the hours a business can open & close whilst also restricting business to only using one license when they have legally obtained several. Hence, mistakenly under the new by-laws, a bar, cafeteria or restaurant with a "cafe concierto" license will only be able to open at 16.30h, which puts this type of business at a clear disadvantage when compared to other bar, cafeterias or restaurants without a "cafe concierto" license.
What the by-laws should control is that any bar, cafeteria or restaurant can open at 8a.m. & close at 3a.m. as long as it strictly complies with the restrictions applied to this license with emphasis on the serving of food & drinks & not providing entertainment. Then those bars, cafeterias & restaurants with the additional "cafe concierto" license can start to operate as a "cafe concierto" providing entertainment if they wish from 16.30h & closing at 6a.m. but refraining from serving food etc or acting as a normal bar, cafe or restaurant between 3a.m. & 6a.m.
Some readers might think that I have made a mistake saying that a normal bar, cafeteria or restaurant without a "cafe concierto" licenses has to close at 3a.m. but the new by-laws in Sant Josep, Eivissa & Santa Eulària state this new closing time. This will also negatively affect late night snack bars & take-aways etc that exist in all tourist areas. Also if a normal bar, cafeteria or restaurant without a "cafe concierto" license wants to open at 6a.m. as was previously the law, they now have to ask for an exceptional permit to do so & must close at 1a.m.
These new by-laws are too heavy handed in how they try to control "after hours" by attacking the opening & closing hours of all catering & entertainment businesses. Just fairly & equally controlling the hours in which a bar, cafe or restaurant with or without an additional "cafe concierto" license carries out the activities it has licenses for would stop the "After hours" syndrome, as this is linked to loud music & DJ's etc, which would not be permitted until the afternoon even though the bar, cafeteria, restaurant could open in the morning to serve food & drinks using one of its legal catering licenses. The new by-laws passed in all the boroughs on the island, including San Antoni, as they stand at the moment are using a sledge hammer to crack a few nuts! The change in emphasis I have suggested would achieve the same result without damaging lots of innocent bars, cafeterias & restaurants with additional "café concierto" licenses. Hopefully the powers to be will realise their mistake & change the emphasis of the proposed by laws before they are finally approved.
Chris Langley Kirke
Looks like the guy may be able to mount a court challenge under EU restraint of trade legislation. Good luck to him if he does.
from the ibiza sun:

"Afters" Row Continues
The controversial row over opening hours continued through the week as the mayor of San Antonio, Jose Sala, confirmed he would not be supporting the new regulations. His statement came as San Jose, Santa Eulalia and Ibiza Town all approved the new legislation which is set to ensure clubs and bars with a café-concierto licence are unable to open until 4.30p.m.
...While most people are initially in agreement with the idea, the problem comes in the classification of these discos and smaller clubs. At present they are all classified as café-conciertos, and so the new law will also affect all bars with live music, ensuring they will be unable to open until 4.30p.m. This will inevitably cause a problem on days when there are major sporting events during the morning, and would seriously damage family tourism in places like San Antonio, the Bay and Santa Eulalia.
The mayor of San Antonio, Jose Sala, was the first to see the potential problem with after-hour bars and clubs, introducing tough new measures last year. He is, however, also the first to see the stumbling blocks with the potential new legislation. He fears the new law will negatively affect all the pubs and bars with café-concierto licences, which regularly open at midday to serve an expectant public. Fearing a risk to over 60 bars with such a licence, he has backed out of the moves, and promised to keep a similar legislation to that already in place. However he did announce on Thursday he would be introducing a new regulation which would ensure discos with acapacity for over 1,500 people would be forced to close between 6a.m. and 4.30p.m. This would affect the four major clubs within the municipality, and hopefully eradicate the threat of after-hour clubbers partying the day away within San Antonio.
Unfortunately his lead has not been followed by any of the municipalities on the island. ...
The Councillor for Tourism for San Juan, Jaume Mari, said ... they thought a united front by all mayors was the most appropriate way to fight the threat ...
probably because of all the bitching/whining/moaning of the other municipalities
san antonio modified the openinghours so that only the "coffees-concert"
with a maximum capacity of 500 people are allowed to open before 16.30.

does anybody know the maximum capacity of cafedelmar/mambo/savannah/etc ...
... ? ?
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