first season without after hours

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Ill agree the clubbing in Berlin is great but its all has an underground feel, I love the over the top commercial clubbing in Ibiza just because the clubs are so huge and outrageuos in every way. I also kinda like it when u get off the plane and all you can see is massive banners for club nights, makes you feel like you are where its happening.

For other clubbing cities try Barcelona especially in the summer where there are beach parties everywhere and the town Sitges just south of Barca. Its where the ORIGINAL pacha is just in case anyone wanted to know an interesting fact

So what are the good clubs in Berlin? As it appears to develop into my first summer since 2002 not going to Ibiza I'd love to take the opportunity to experience another european good clubbing city.
Berghain/Panorama Bar

Yeah Berghain / Panorama is especially great, it's an old power station full of giant transformers which definitely doesn't close anywhere near 6am - something you don't find in Ibiza. Watergate has a very original light system and chillout floating on the river.

But there's lots and lots of other things going on especially in the summer. For example last summer I went to a party on a tiny island (Isle of Youth) in the river, where there were four floors of great atmosphere. Bar 25 on the river is an example of a very chilled and extremely funky place where there's plenty of trees, swings on the river, amazing live performances and relaxed dancing in a wooden hut to e.g. neo trance which is a sound of the future. One weekend a ship of pirates attacked the place and threw flour and water bombs all over tying people to trees for a whipping.. Yes there are things happening in Berlin you don't find in Ibiza.

Someone talked about the over-the-top commercial clubbing in Ibiza, and I do enjoy posh nights at the Pacha VIP for example. But a stern faced bouncer keeping happy people on the other side of the fence prevents it from being a truly great party IMHO.
We're getting a bit off topic. This forum is all about complaining about the lack of day parties in Ibiza, not the alternative to it! :lol:
Yeah Berghain / Panorama is especially great, it's an old power station full of giant transformers which definitely doesn't close anywhere near 6am - something you don't find in Ibiza. Watergate has a very original light system and chillout floating on the river.

But there's lots and lots of other things going on especially in the summer. For example last summer I went to a party on a tiny island (Isle of Youth) in the river, where there were four floors of great atmosphere. Bar 25 on the river is an example of a very chilled and extremely funky place where there's plenty of trees, swings on the river, amazing live performances and relaxed dancing in a wooden hut to e.g. neo trance which is a sound of the future. One weekend a ship of pirates attacked the place and threw flour and water bombs all over tying people to trees for a whipping.. Yes there are things happening in Berlin you don't find in Ibiza.

Someone talked about the over-the-top commercial clubbing in Ibiza, and I do enjoy posh nights at the Pacha VIP for example. But a stern faced bouncer keeping happy people on the other side of the fence prevents it from being a truly great party IMHO.

Whats the best area to stay in when visiting Berlin?What hotel is central located to reach most the clubs?
ok this is out of topic, we talking about ibiza here! not berlin ok Watergate looks awasome but come on...this is about our dear island that we love so much!
Berlin is a winter clubbing destination (for me)

no after hour this year in ibiza is a bad and good thing...

i explain why : since years 2000 the crowds is growing in ibiza, too many people, too much problem , very young kids, people who goes in ibiza not for the music or the place but to be stoned under the sun!

a lot of people said Berlin is the new clubbing destination, but berlin is a big town!

you can't compare Berlin, London, Montréal, Madrid to a small island.

this summer doesn't change anything for me, i'm 34 years , i go in rave and club since 18 years old,now i need confort, i have a familly, i don't want to go in Berlin in july!!

i want beach, i want good club and quality dj's , and good vibes, i think this new law is going to epurate people...

remmember ibiza in years 2000, only aficionados of good music,

it was better before!

a holiday place with after partie every day during three month , im' not sure you cand find this in another place in the word (full moon parties in asia , south america, south africa ? Miami not sure!)
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Berlin is a winter clubbing destination (for me)

no after hour this year in ibiza is a bad and good thing...

i explain why : since years 2000 the crowds is growing in ibiza, too many people, too much problem , very young kids, people who goes in ibiza not for the music or the place but to be stoned under the sun!

a lot of people said Berlin is the new clubbing destination, but berlin is a big town!

you can't compare Berlin, London, Montréal, Madrid to a small island.

this summer doesn't change anything for me, i'm 34 years , i go in rave and club since 18 years old,now i need confort, i have a familly, i don't want to go in Berlin in july!!

i want beach, i want good club and quality dj's , and good vibes, i think this new law is going to epurate people...

remmember ibiza in years 2000, only aficionados of good music,

it was better before!

a holiday place with after partie every day during three month , im' not sure you cand find this in another place in the word (full moon parties in asia , south america, south africa ? Miami not sure!)

totally agree with you...because we are old guys now!:spank:
"smaller parties and better vibes"

it should be the new device of ibiza clubbing in the future

to become again more underground!!!

may be this new law is going to save ibiza clubbing...
Berlin is a winter clubbing destination (for me)

no after hour this year in ibiza is a bad and good thing...

i explain why : since years 2000 the crowds is growing in ibiza, too many people, too much problem , very young kids, people who goes in ibiza not for the music or the place but to be stoned under the sun!

a lot of people said Berlin is the new clubbing destination, but berlin is a big town!

you can't compare Berlin, London, Montréal, Madrid to a small island.

this summer doesn't change anything for me, i'm 34 years , i go in rave and club since 18 years old,now i need confort, i have a familly, i don't want to go in Berlin in july!!

i want beach, i want good club and quality dj's , and good vibes, i think this new law is going to epurate people...

remmember ibiza in years 2000, only aficionados of good music,

it was better before!

a holiday place with after partie every day during three month , im' not sure you cand find this in another place in the word (full moon parties in asia , south america, south africa ? Miami not sure!)

Amen 8)
here you go - from an american car mag review of the new audi estate

"Ibiza, the notorious party island off the coast of Spain, isn't exactly the first location that comes to mind for the drive of a new station wagon - it's more the kind of place where you step off the plane and they hand you a packet of crystal meth and a glow stick. But even without those, we managed to enjoy our time behind the wheel of the new Audi A4 Avant. Ibiza's narrow, winding roads were largely empty - we guessed it was because debauchery season hadn't yet begun, but evidently the island's inhabitants were just inside with curtains drawn, sleeping off their hangovers"

another load of tosh!

and here's another link...
Well, some people can't sleep at night because they're worrying there might be somebody, somewhere enjoying themselves. Maybe dancing to music they enjoy or maybe driving a nice car - just something that the person doesn't like / can't afford / doesn't understand / is not able to do themselves. Sadly, there are plenty of people in the world for whom this a good enough reason to hate and act (or dream of acting) aggressive towards the ones who are enjoying themselves.

The club culture presents an antithesis of this mentality. Clubbing is about enjoying yourself and loving others to help them to enjoy themselves as well. Unlike the people described in the first paragraph, clubbers get happy, not angry, from seeing someone else being happy.

As for myself, through the 90s I used to party all over mainland Europe. In 2001-2006 I went to Ibiza twice every summer with my wife, spending thousands of euros there every year. In 2006 the situation was not as good as in the previous years - more aggressive police, too crowded at DC10, Cocoon after parties closed down by cops.

Last year I was planning to go again, but then read about the club closures and even more aggressive police. No Ibiza for us, instead went to Berlin 5 times last year.

This year I was thinking of going again but then saw the news on this site. So, at least here you have a factual example of a "quality tourist" (in terms of education, income, choice of restaurants etc) deciding not to go to Ibiza because of the new policies. And I don't think we're the only ones.

It seems many people here think Ibiza is the only good place for parties and they haven't experienced a wide variety of parties. Having quite a lot of party/club experience (18 years of weekly going out to dance) I think the best parties are:

a relaxed. You can move around freely, dance, chill, come and go as you wish.
b have friendly people (doesn't hurt if they look good too)
c don't have aggressive people, including bouncers or police
d have super music (obviously)
e don't cost an arm and leg
f beautiful location

Now Ibiza is having big, big problems with A and C. E too, but I can afford it so it's not a deciding factor.

I'd say Cocoon afters on the beach are parties which tick all points a-f. But in puritanical Ibiza they are not allowed. Fortunately you can find plenty of parties which tick all points in mainland Europe.

Now to compare the top city party destination in Europe, Berlin, to Ibiza. Sorry London people, if you think London is the top city party place you just don't know what you're talking about (I go to London about every month since 15 years so feel rather at home there).

+ Berlin has much more parties and clubs. It's common to have more than 100 different public parties in one day.
+ Berlin is much more relaxed on the bouncer front. Very much more on the police front. It's also safer overall and basically you don't have to worry about anything at all.
+ Berlin is much much cheaper. You can go around the city 24/7 for 2,10 euros with excellent public transport and club entrances are about 10 euros.
+ Berlin has more progressive and underground music. Yeah I know Morillo is good, but you only want to hear the same songs and mixes x times in a season.
+ Berlin is a super creative, funky, in-progress place
+ And, of course, in Berlin you can party 24 hrs a day no problem at all.

- Ibiza has better weather.
- Ibiza has better beaches (BTW Berlin has ok beaches as well)
- Ibiza has fancy, large clubs like Pacha or Amnesia
- Ibiza is more cosmopolitan (although Berlin is pretty cosmopolitan too)

There you go. For people who are mainly experienced with Ibiza-style commercial clubbing, I'd suggest a European trance festival in the woods. That should give you some perspective.

Great post. Agree 100%. In 10 years time people will look back on Berlin now like they did New york in the 70's/80's.
Has anyone else noticed that this thread and the one that proceeded it are following along the Kübler-Ross model (also known as the five stages of grief). Some of us are still at various stages. :lol:

1) Denial - The clubs aren't really going to be closed between 6am and 4:30pm. This is not going to happen.

2) Anger - This is a bunch of ****! I'm not going to Ibiza now!

3) Bargaining - Just don't close Bora-Bora during the early afternoon.

4) Depression - It's the end of Ibiza as we know it. Why bother going?

5) Acceptance - Well, the clubs are closed for an extra few hours a day. Oh well, I'm still going to go and party my a** off!
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