Champions League Final tickets

Ha ! Bellsniff. Pick me up on Internet grammar, nice one. I'll have you know I won Year Seven regional spelling championships.

You see, the best thing to do is at least pretend you're not bothered.

Again I'm intrigued. Just what is it that I do that annoys you, caller?

And whats the logic behind the bellsniff comment? What exactly is a 'Bellsniff'? Something from a Pratchett novel or something? Or was it in your Year Seven regional speeling bee?
I'm sure you're a smashing person in real life, but to the casual observer, you do seem like a bit of a smug cock.
I'm sure you're a smashing person in real life, but to the casual observer, you do seem like a bit of a smug cock.

Fair enough. It's understandable. I am rarely serious on here though, and to be honest the whole 'act' relies on the fact that the only people I come on here to talk to know me in real life; and know that that's the (harmless, overly sarcastic, though charming, funny, modest and devilishly good looking) way I am.

Not that I'm overly bothered (no, really...) but I'm certainly not nasty per se? Well, not any more...:eek: (That's supposed to be a surprised smilie, though frankly it look's more like a bored/yawning one, which ironically...)

:rolleyes: and :cry: all the same.
Fair enough. It's understandable. I am rarely serious on here though, and to be honest the whole 'act' relies on the fact that the only people I come on here to talk to know me in real life; and know that that's the (harmless, overly sarcastic, though charming, funny, modest and devilishly good looking) way I am.

Not that I'm overly bothered (no, really...) but I'm certainly not nasty per se? Well, not any more...:eek: (That's supposed to be a surprised smilie, though frankly it look's more like a bored/yawning one, which ironically...)

:rolleyes: and :cry: all the same.

I wouldn't worry about it - some of my best friends come across as complete cocks on message boards.
What are you going on about you nutter:eek:

Getting a flight over to see them and going on about them in nearly every post, alternating between them and Celtic. I just find it amusing when people claim to be that passionate about two teams who just both happen to be doing well.

Very much the behaviour of little girls, housewives and Man United fans. ;)
bellsniff :lol:

theres been some great insults flying about this year!

no mark skinbags, bellsniffs, goobers!
You see, the best thing to do is at least pretend you're not bothered.

Again I'm intrigued. Just what is it that I do that annoys you, caller?

And whats the logic behind the bellsniff comment? What exactly is a 'Bellsniff'? Something from a Pratchett novel or something? Or was it in your Year Seven regional speeling bee?

A bellsniff is someone who sniffs bells. I did not enter a spelling 'bee' due to not being American. You annoy me because you feel it is your given right to discount anyones opinion as your own is so superior and everything you say is right. The internet does give out wrong perceptions of people, perhaps you being one of them...but it doesn't cost anything to be nice ;)
A bellsniff is someone who sniffs bells. I did not enter a spelling 'bee' due to not being American. You annoy me because you feel it is your given right to discount anyones opinion as your own is so superior and everything you say is right. The internet does give out wrong perceptions of people, perhaps you being one of them...but it doesn't cost anything to be nice ;)

Shirley it's "bellsniffer" then? Or is it a common abbrev. from where you come from? I genuinely have never heard the term before, so forgive me if it went over my head. Christ I feel old.

And if you're gauging your entire opinion on me with this thread, then you simply don't appreciate the timing and context of it. It's a long, and moderately private gag, though I don't expect you to understand. Nor should you need to.

Suffice to say I'm putting a lot of work into being 'nice', and littel sh.... people like you don't half test my new-found patience.
No, Shirley, it's bellsniff. Don't give it the "I'm old, you kids are so young" bit either. Again, mucho annoying. As I said, I'm a long term reader, it wasn't just based on this thread, just thought it needed to be said for my future amusement from these forums.

Good day Sir ! Please leave this, I'm a very busy man, I have to play at least 5 games of stick cricket before I knock off at 6 and I feel compelled to reply to everything you say so I can have the last word.
No, Shirley, it's bellsniff. Don't give it the "I'm old, you kids are so young" bit either. Again, mucho annoying. As I said, I'm a long term reader, it wasn't just based on this thread, just thought it needed to be said for my future amusement from these forums.

Good day Sir ! Please leave this, I'm a very busy man, I have to play at least 5 games of stick cricket before I knock off at 6 and I feel compelled to reply to everything you say so I can have the last word.

Doesn't it piss you off that the spinners are always so much frikkin harder than the fast bowlers? I can easily (I say 'can', I haven't played the game for a while) notch up 30+ in each over til the bring on the slow pacers

(Oh, and modern rules of humurous engagement state that you really should leave out returning calling someone 'shirley', and merely reply with the "and don't call me Shirley" line, from everyone's favourite aeroplane based comedy spoof - not that of course I'm trying to discount your opinion or anything, nor pretending to have delusions of superity.)

How old are you anyway, young man? Here we are having this one sided attempted humourless character assasination, and I don't know anything about you (not that that's a thinly veiled insult as to your every post flying below noticeable radar or anything). What are your interests? Any other 'bellsniffer'-esque reolutionarily hilarious insultas you wish to throw at me? Pray tell, what do the rest of the playground deem the verbal-wmd-du-jour?
I came back from lunch feeling miserable until I saw the recent posts on here and it brought a smile to my face - fanx! :lol: :lol:
Tell me about it, I've kinda learned but I still havn't completed it in two full days of playing it now. Was one run off in the final but aussies beat me. I quite like you now, be proud. I'm 20 years old, too old to be having these type of conversations. I wasn't trying to assasinate anyones character, if I was it certainly would be very humourous. Other interests include, football, poker & going out, standard. I hope we know have become more acquainted and therefore understand each others views more.
Tell me about it, I've kinda learned but I still havn't completed it in two full days of playing it now. Was one run off in the final but aussies beat me. I quite like you now, be proud. I'm 20 years old, too old to be having these type of conversations. I wasn't trying to assasinate anyones character, if I was it certainly would be very humourous. Other interests include, football, poker & going out, standard. I hope we know have become more acquainted and therefore understand each others views more.


In the words of our favourite Detective Leuitenant Frank Columbo: "Just one more thing..." -

If I had a pet rhino that was into campanology (a hypothetical question, you understand), would he (or she) be a bellsniffer?