Champions League Final tickets

Ah, the 'bellsniff' episode. This is to spotlight as Del Boy fallling behind the bar is to Only Fools.....
Ugh... I was nearly lynched at the beginnig of this thread :confused:
Thank god for Super Polack and his belsniff contribution! :lol:
Really, Buckley? Necessary? :rolleyes:

By the way, when did Super Polack become just plain old little Super P?!
(noticed on pages 4-5 of this thread. Not the quoted texts but his posts)
The standard allocation to the supporters of the playing teams is nothing short of a disgrace. Don;t get me started on it.

Morbyd, your stance on this is "Classic Morbyd". It's like you fashion your opinions to mould or excuse your behaviour or interests!

Classic Morbyd!:lol:
Morbyd, I somehow missed this thread, but after reading it i have a profound respect for your resilience in the face of overwhelming hostility.
