Champions League Final tickets

Morbyd said:
Not sure why I bother with you people. Wanted to share my joy and instead I get picked apart again. Well, at least I made it this far before I actually let it get to me... suppose that's an improvement.

boo hoo!!!:rolleyes:

share the joy. pfff!!

share it with the many barcelona and arsenal fans who can't go:p
Morbyd said:
Ya, grego, but sometimes it's a bit hard to tell when you're making light banter... I'm still probably only about 50% there!

you think you're 50% there!!;) :p and anyways, it'd be no fun if you actually knew.
Morbyd said:
Screw 'em. I won :D

There... feeling better now.

(still sorry about Pep though, Sil. ;))

Is life just one long struggle to convince yourself you're right?!

Really? Can you not see anyone else's side of any argument, ever?

It's just not this normal to be that deliberately obtuse or ignorant. I can only assume it's all an act, or you just feel like it's a weakness to admit you're wrong? I'm not having a go, and don't get upset. I suppose you just genuinely fascinate me.

If I spot Morbyd amongst Barca fans in Paris i'll make sure they find out he's actually a Chelsea fan, specially if its amongs Los Boixos ;)
Ferd said:
If I spot Morbyd amongst Barca fans in Paris i'll make sure they find out he's actually a Chelsea fan, specially if its amongs Los Boixos ;)

Boixos are not allowed to go I think. But Dracs, Almogavers and Sang Culé will be there for sure :lol:
Dan x said:
Is life just one long struggle to convince yourself you're right?!

Really? Can you not see anyone else's side of any argument, ever?

It's just not this normal to be that deliberately obtuse or ignorant. I can only assume it's all an act, or you just feel like it's a weakness to admit you're wrong? I'm not having a go, and don't get upset. I suppose you just genuinely fascinate me.

Don't cry for me, Argentina. :lol:

No, no struggle. Never had to convince myself, Dan.

There's 2 (or more) sides to every argument and the fact that I don't agree with yours does not mean that:
a) I don't understand and recognize it (and any inherent validity that may or may not be there); and
b) I should abandon my position which, given our differences in culture and experiences, can often differ from yours.

In this case, you asked me to admit I was wrong about a point I never even stated a position on. :spank:
Ferd said:
If I spot Morbyd amongst Barca fans in Paris i'll make sure they find out he's actually a Chelsea fan, specially if its amongs Los Boixos ;)
Somehow I think that, being black, I'd already be in trouble if I were sitting amonst Los Boixos Nois :confused:
Morbyd said:
Somehow I think that, being black, I'd already be in trouble if I were sitting amonst Los Boixos Nois :confused:

Fair point, but being a chelsea fan certainly wouldnt help matters either!
Dont think they'd have tickets though.
Ferd said:
Fair point, but being a chelsea fan certainly wouldnt help matters either!
Dont think they'd have tickets though.

They are not going. But I'm sure there will be lots of Sang Culé, Dracs and Almogavers :lol: ;)
Anyway, during this game I am supporting Barcelona on behalf of all my British friends who are Spurs fans ;)
Morbyd said:
Anyway, during this game I am supporting Barcelona on behalf of all my British friends who are Spurs fans ;)

No, you don't support Barça, you just don't want Arsenal to win and that's very different
Morbyd said:
Anyway, during this game I am supporting Barcelona on behalf of all my British friends who are Spurs fans ;)

At White Hart Lane on Sunday there were loads of Spurs Fans with Barca shirts on, and after the match the crowd all started chanting 'Barca, Barca' :lol: :lol:
Morbyd said:
Don't cry for me, Argentina. :lol:

No, no struggle. Never had to convince myself, Dan.

There's 2 (or more) sides to every argument and the fact that I don't agree with yours does not mean that:
a) I don't understand and recognize it (and any inherent validity that may or may not be there); and
b) I should abandon my position which, given our differences in culture and experiences, can often differ from yours.

In this case, you asked me to admit I was wrong about a point I never even stated a position on. :spank:

Haha, You're contardicting yourself. Either you have an opinion on whether it's good for non-playing team supporters to go to games, or not.

And now you're scared to voice your "position". Haha. It's only a debate matey. Remember a bit of humility can do you good, and makes you much more approachable, reasonable, respectable, and in some ways, believeable.

Stick your neck out, son. Go on. Say it.

Together, we can do this....

Dan x said:
Haha, You're contardicting yourself. Either you have an opinion on whether it's good for non-playing team supporters to go to games, or not.

And now you're scared to voice your "position". Haha. It's only a debate matey. Remember a bit of humility can do you good, and makes you much more approachable, reasonable, respectable, and in some ways, believeable.
No, I didn't contradict myself. But you're right, I didn't yet express a position on whether it's good for non-playing team supporters to go to games. Don't see the point of it at this point in the conversation. Has nothing to do with humility or fear.